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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Standard and Poors is under investigation for how it rated those mortgage backed things that were packaged and sold. I'll be the first to admit I don't understand exactly what those things are but evidently those were part of the things that almost collapsed the world's economy in 2008. The investigation started before they downgraded America to less than triple A. Was their move political? Worthy of a question. My Link
  2. Barnsley Gardens is just up the road in Adairsville. My Link Brookstone Lodge in Ashville is nice. My Link Grandover Resort in Greensboro, NC is one of my favorite places. My Link If your husband likes golf, the Renaissance Ross Bridge Report in Birmingham is fantabulous.My Link The Sea Palms Resort in St Simons is very reasonable. My Link
  3. Please do. And you can do the search feature. I never said anything about the checkbook. I said the portfolio stuff with DH's 401k. He handles that. Here is the exact post. My Link Now. Don't you look silly.
  4. You are wrong about the check book. Try again.
  5. No. I said my husband handles that stuff and I just look at it occassionally when we go over it. Other than that, I don't worry about it. Not sure what your question has to do with what I said, though.
  6. All the tax breaks and incentives we've given the companies but they are taking the money and hiring outside the US. They are wanting the economy to improve but unless there is spending, there is no improvement. So we cut their taxes so they can build a bigger war chest. Then we cut government spending that gives people and the economy less money, causing companies to hold on to cash even more. Vicious cycle. My Link
  7. The articles I'm reading say that inflation will come with the improving economy just like we always have.
  8. And what is happening to those people? We cut their unemployment so they have even less money and put an even more strain on the economy. Does that make any sense at all?
  9. DH came home from work today with a sore throat, chills and fever. Looks like a summer cold. Anyone know if it is "going around" or did he just get super lucky in catching the only one in the area?
  10. That's not what the news reports said. The rational is that a foreclosure takes a year to work through. The whole bank debacle, where they were just leading people on before the foreclosure, is finally stopping. The news is saying that it means the people who can't stay in the house are finally getting out and that means better buys for people who can afford to get the house. Bad news for some but good for others since the foreclosures are being bought up slowly. The news also said we've got more to go because the unemployment is running out and these people have nowhere to go and no
  11. I was reading the news reports this morning and they all said the dip in housing starts was entirely expected since there is even more units on the foreclosure list and that means people can buy foreclosures cheaper than building a new one. So why wouldn't new home starts be down? That's all I can figure since all the news articles I read made that notation.
  12. Gas prices are expected to keep falling through Labor Day. My Link
  13. Interesting article. For the first time, the majority of Americans think gay couples should be allowed to legally marry. My Link
  14. More bad news today. More bad news coming. Confidence is what we need right now. Unfortunately, if we keep CUTTING spending in a time when the economy NEEDS spending, all we are doing is setting up a guaranteed another recession. I think that is what a certain political group WANTS to happen. When people feel good, they spend. Companies will hire when the people spend and they will pay the taxes because they are making more. Confidence. But let's just keep CUTTING SPENDING when the economy needs the spending to make people feel worse and spend less. And dont' forget to cut off
  15. Meat loaf. With cole slaw, green beans, fried potatoes and a tall glass of whole milk. Hmmmm.
  16. So you can't offer anything that refutes the article that says a weak dollar is good for exports? That is what the article was about. I even said IN THE FIRST POST that there were some problems with the weak dollar, too. Here. Let me repost that for you since you seem to have a deficit in remembering things. There are problems with the weak dollar but there are also some good things that come from the dollar being weak. Manufacturing and the exports of those goods we make is one of those beneficiaries of the weak dollar. I said there were both PROBLEMS and ADVANTAGES. The article was
  17. You are welcome to refute the article that says a weak dollar is good for American manufacturing. I anxiously await your evidence.
  18. Looks like the experts agree the economy is getting better. It is not good but is better than 2008. I think I will trust the experts in this area.
  19. People's perceptions are not the same as the numbers. The numbers say we are getting better. Remember that the overwhelming majority of Americans didn't support the Civil Rights legislation either.
  20. I didn't use JUST the DOW. That was ONE thing. We are OUT of the recession since June 2009. That means we now GROWING whereas we WERE NOT growing in 2008. The article said you're wrong in your statement. You dismissed the fact that unemployment is a BACKWARDS LOOKING number.
  21. I'm sure that both sides can use the numbers to spin it however they want it. The point is that we are no longer in Free Fall like we were in the last quarter of 2008. It was awful then and it has gotten better because it was sooooo bad then. It is still bad now but nowhere near as bad as in 2008. That's all I'm saying. There are some bright spots. Things are slowly improving. It will take a long time to clean up the mess and get out of it completely. There will be plenty of set backs along the way. We are getting there. Slowly. Getting there slowly.
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