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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. We all know that all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy, but it also makes him a depressed fella too. It's more complicated than just the hours but a new study shows that long hours can lead to depression. My Link
  2. It came along at the right time with the right stuff. Now, the Glock has become the US weapon of choice. My Link
  3. Landmark study. This is the first study on humans that has shown stem cells work with more than just lab animals. Research is working and maybe cures will one day come from this research. My Link
  4. I'm just saying. Shrooms have the chemical properties to fight depression. Who would've figured that the drug dealer is part of a larger cultural understanding of mental illness? My Link
  5. America is the number one market for McDs but France is the second largest market. And McDs did that by NOT putting the American experience into the Parisian marketplace. Instead, McDs learned how to market and cater to the French experience and the French love it. Also, the food you get in France is not the same food served at a McDs here. My Link
  6. Good luck to you! And congrats!!!!
  7. He is a citizen. There is nothing left to discuss. You're playing politics with this.
  8. There is not reasoning with you because you are so bent on conspiracy theories. It doesn't even matter who brought it up because it was about politics. And the people that are keeping it alive are about politics. Exhibit A that it is all about politics. See above.
  9. You can't discuss this with 'em. They hold conspiracy theory ideas that range from he was born elsewhere to his birth certificate is a forgery. Might as well be talking about alien abductions.. It was a stroke of political genius to do what the legal team did, knowing it keeps the conspiracy people talking and makes the opposition look totally ignorant and silly.
  10. Why Obama would even lower himself to answer such silly nonsense is beyond me. Anyone who even thinks he should ever have to even answer such a charge is quite ignorant. Wasting taxpayer money on this is not just bad form, it is totally asinine. His mother was an American. He was born in HA. He released the birth certificate. Let's stop with the childish things and move on to addressing real problems.
  11. Both of the boys came home Monday with sore throats and were out of school yesterday and today. Hubby started complaining tonight. Is this going around or am I the only lucky one fixing soup for a whole house of males?
  12. Back in the 1920s, the same thing was said about the way Flappers dressed.
  13. Newt cheated, but it's OK since he is not John Edwards. Newt had ethics violations against him, but it is OK since he is not Charlie Rangle. Newt lied, but it's OK since he is not Weiner. Let's deal with conspiracy theory instead of hypocrisy.
  14. The original forged document was uploaded from some secret facility in Montana controlled by the Illumanti, where they keep alive the captured aliens, Bigfoot and the brain of Elvis.
  15. Hasn't this nonsense gone on long enough? Enough with the conspiracy theories and wasting the court's time and the tax payers' money. Obama was elected. He is a citizen. Let's move on to some real issues.
  16. A new study says women report more pain from the same ailments as do men. Bull. My husband can have a hangnail and he needs Tylenol with Codeine. There is seriously something wrong with this study because everyday common sense tells me men complain more than we do. My Link
  17. I hope this didn't pass! Funding private schools with public tax money is not a good idea.
  18. The state did wrong to these people and owes their families for this wrong.
  19. If you want The Dining Experience of Your Life, try Victoria and Albert's at the Floridian. It is reservation only but the meal is that once in a lifetime thing. My Link
  20. Who can give the casual answer to this?
  21. The medical condition costs hundreds of millions in terms of disease and life quality, but the insurance industry is fighting back at the costs to treat the illness. My Link
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