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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. We've all heard of parents who never let a child fail in school but now colleges? Even worse, employers are reporting that parents are trying to negotiate compensation packages for their adult children and even showing up to sit in on the job interview between the kid and the company. My Link
  2. I've been scouring the links for the last hour and a half, only to find out her life has been one disaster event after another. Looks like everyone knew this was coming. It is still so sad.
  3. Yahoo is saying there is "breaking news" that Whitney Houston has died.
  4. That's the system we have now. The only difference is the government issues the certificate and there any number of people who can do the promises that makes the legal contract binding. The person can be any number of government people, certain religious people, some administrative positions like ship captains, some military people and even others just given the power by the state to do the ceremony (think Elvis in Vegas). Religion can have any kind of ceremony they want but the people are married/civil union/joined/whatever only if they have the state contract. Many people get married and the
  5. Just let him talk to himself. No one is listening to him and the majority of the US now thinks that mindset is bigoted. Only a matter of time before history includes that thinking with the segregationists and those that believed the world was flat. Ignoring him is the best option.
  6. He's not too bright and certainly not worth it. Just forget it.
  7. Bravo. Don't let the boigots get you down. Just because you're in the majority doesn't make it right, as hard as that may be be for you to understand and accept. In 20 years, I will remind you of this post. Bookmarked.
  8. I'm afraid your lack of science knowledge is glaring. In mammals, when the population reaches capacity, homosexuality increases. Homosexuality is also normal in many animal species. Trying to backtrack on your bigotry statements shows even less character. My Link
  9. The majority doesn't decide whether the minority has rights. They have rights as citizens. Go to Iran where gays are put in the closet and equal rights are only whispered about. Delta is ready when you are. Bigot.
  10. The majority doesn't decide on minority rights. The Constitution gives all citizens the same rights, majority or not. Why should a church perform the ceremony? At you saying only Christians have legal marriages? You're more bigoted than I thought. Yeah, you're a bigot no matter how you try to hide it. There are no words to describe how sad and angry I am over such bigotry and hate he has displayed.
  11. Why does the church get a monopoly on the "marriage" term when even non-religious unions are still recognized as marriages? Gays are Americans too. They are not asking for more rights but the same rights. You bigotry is glaring.
  12. Why? Why make a big deal over the term "marriage" especially since many people are MARRIED but never had any sort of religious ceremony. And many people are married and had a non-Christian ceremony. The idea that "marriage" is a Christian institution doesn't fir in the world of reality.
  13. More states are beginning to recognize that Civil Rights must be extended to all Americans and that discrimination is wrong.
  14. My husband LOVES House. Guess he'll go back to Sports Center.
  15. Skip the spoon and let them make the mess. A new study says it is better for babies to feed themselves. My Link
  16. We all realize a showdown in the Supreme Court is coming, but at least gays are treated as full American citizens in CA and a few other states for now. GA has a long way to go on this because it was put in the Constitution that it is illegal for gays to marry. One day the Supreme Court will rule such a ban violates the Constitution. Until then, the fight for equal rights is not finished. My Link
  17. Terrible idea. Corporal Punishment serves no educational value. There are no studies that show any benefit over other discipline methods. The liability is too high and a teacher may hit out of anger. What does the consequence of pain teach over the other forms except that physical force by the bigger and the powerful is OK? Think about all the teachers that everyone knows are crazy. Would you want that teacher administering corporal punishment to your kid?
  18. Beckham is Adonis in a human body, He can leave his cleats under my bed anytime. (Yes, my husband knows I think Beckham is HOTT!)
  19. Bradford automotive. They always tell the truth even when it means they can't do the work. Never had a problem and they always back up their work. Always cheaper than the dealership by a long shot. 678-363-4888
  20. My husband and I will probably go to the Blue Brick, a French restaurant in Villa Rica, or to the Four Seasons for dinner. One year he took me to Morton's but I prefer the Blue Brick, honestly. My FAVORITE was when he took me to Victoria and Albert's in Orlando. It was for our anniversary but it was the best meal I've ever had in my life. I wish we could make that one again!
  21. The system is designed to give every Pond Scum every chance to not be executed. It is also set up to do the same thing for innocent people. Have to take the it all. Can't pick and chose. Don't like it but this is the only way the system gets innocent people of death row t00 (sometimes).
  22. Obama removed the restriction in March 2009 after Bush vetoed legislation twice.
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