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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. For good ones, yes. But they are highly educated and have other talents that make them specialized and highly prized by their employers. My link
  2. Do you ever proofread what you type or do you just go off blasting away and then have to apologize later? The article DID NOT support your assertion. Maybe in your head it does but "expanding on it" implies the article supports your view. It does not support what you said. Grade F on comprehension. I never said the USA was Europe but that the US is going to have to learn the lesson Europe learned a long time ago. Please try to keep up. We don't have a transit system like Europe because Europe figured it out 60 years ago and we haven't yet. That is not that hard to understand. A
  3. A new study found that people who regularly eat chocolate are leaner than people who don't. Chocolate raises the metabolism? Interesting. My link
  4. Maybe that is politics interpreting things and not reality. Things are getting better. Is it for everyone? Of course not. But for most people, it is. That's what the reports say. Maybe it's just the wealthy 1% are getting better and the rest of us aren't. That's a possibility too. Or maybe the Pcom Consumers are letting their disdain for Obama ignore the information and just make a proclamation that the MSM is lying. Or maybe the numbers are real and it is just politics that is choosing to admit it is getting better. The economy is improving. My link
  5. What a terribly WRONG assumption. Just because the reports are the economy is getting better in no way implies an endorsement of Obama. It is simply noting that things are improving. The president has little control of the economy at all (if any at all). Paint with a broad brush much?
  6. Did you bother to read your own link? The article said that $4 gas was NOT a problem and refuted everything you just said above. In fact, most of the references say $4 will not hurt the economy like you've said. A few are written by Doomsday Debbies but most say it is not a big deal. My link
  7. But it wasn't you. It was a kid who had the right to walk down the street, something that is not illegal. Why does a black kid have to stay off the streets in any neighborhood after dark? Racism is alive and well and a lot of situations do happen because a black kid is pre-supposed to be up to no-good because he is black.
  8. Great. Got it bookmarked. I'll be asking you about this in a few years. Hard to blame Obama when the de-regulation problems are so evident. When did the deregulation happen? And isn't this from private banks, not US politics-government that is causing the problem? Wouldn't that mean we need more regulation of private banks and not less to make sure these sort of problems don't happen again? Who was pushing for more regulation over these sort of things and who opposed it? Isn't it the wealthy corporations/banks/bankers that almost brought us all down last time and doing it all over again? Just
  9. Then those people that cannot construct a scenario where Zimmerman is The Cause of all this are simply not reasonable people. Plain and simple. I can easily construct a scenario where Zimmerman was completely the aggressor. I can completely construct a scenario where the kid was completely at fault in the whole thing. I can just as easily construct a scenario where the whole thing was a complete misunderstanding on the part of both of them. A reasonable person can do those things and be honest in assessing those scenarios because we don't know. The only people that know the facts are Z
  10. "We" as in reasonable people."We" as in everyone since "We" can all envision.
  11. Thanks! Now can you explain how derivatives work and how they will bring down the economy? In layman's terms, please, so I can understand it.
  12. Excuse me but you r generalizing here. A few outliers who do something stupid doesn't mean the question should be ignored. I'm not discounting what you're saying at all. Please don't pain ME with that broad brush of yours. I'm only saying the question is a valid one because we can all envision how Zimmerman was the cause in all this. We can also see very easily that racism MAY have played a part in not investigating it further.
  13. zoocrew


    The health insurance company will have the list of places he needs to use.
  14. There's where I disagree with you. Racism does exist and unless someone raises a stink and asks those sort of questions, the racism angle doesn't get explored. What they are doing is valid because we know it does happen.
  15. Can you give me a time you predict this will occur?
  16. And carrying a gun while instigating a confrontation means bad things can happen.
  17. And that means the work they do is suspect? Are you saying once a crime has been committed, that person can never do any good again? How about Newt? Did you support him even after being fined for ethics violations? Let's talk about your consistency. This is a news group. They take money from many sources and there are no strings attached to the money. Conspiracy theory much? Let's discuss the finding. Like Guard Dad said, attacking to the source like that just shows you frequent propaganda sites. If it were the ACLU site or something like that, I can see the skepticism but that wouldn'
  18. That's not what I'm reading. My link None of the articles say it has anything to do with anticipation of a change in political power. Can you provide some information to support your claim?
  19. Rare time but I agree with you. We don't know. But if it were a loved on of mine who was killed, I would certainly want the investigation to proceed. I would also say that if my loved one were attacked, he should have the right to defend himself too, especially if he was just walking down the street. It cuts both ways. Where in the world do you get that? I'm basing my skepticims on the fact that we all know racism does exist; that the kid was not doing anything illegal; that Zimmerman was certainly overzealous; and that had Zimmerman not acted like Charles Bronson and let
  20. So it wasn't a black kid that got shot? The kid was armed? The shooter was black and killed the kid with an Evil Eye Spell?
  21. So you're attacking a source as well? Way to miss the point. My link
  22. And we all know racism doesn't exist so excuse me if I hold a skeptical eye towards anytime an unarmed black kid is shot by an armed, overzealous white guy.
  23. +100 The problem is the "Stand Your Ground" law and the problems it brings. One person is dead and another life is destroyed . This law emboldens people to do more Dumb Zimmerman things. Expect it to be happening more as more states adopt the Cowboy Rules.
  24. But your situation is not the norm for anywhere near most Americans. You were the one that said Obama's policies were hurting the economy. So will you give him any credit for the improving economy? My link The economy is getting better all the time. It doesn't go straight up or straight down. It will continue to improve and have snags along the way. All the information I'm reading says so. $4 gas will not destroy the economy but it could slow it down. Then, after a bit, we'll resoundingly recover and then you'll say $5 gas will destroy us. OK. The economy is improving. My link
  25. Let me repeat the question. Can you please show me in the police report where it states, from someone other than Zimmerman, that Martin attacked Zimmerman? From other than Zimmerman, where is the information that the black kid attacked Zimmerman? Is it not just as possible that Zimmerman instigated the fight and the black kid was defending himself?
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