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Canyon Ridge Gal

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Everything posted by Canyon Ridge Gal

  1. Tadpoles in Kennesaw, across street from mall, buys things, usually give you a good price. They have a website.
  2. SIL and his father in law were in a boating accident on a charter fishing boat. Boat capsized and he was taken by Coastguard helicopter to hosptial. He is in surgery right now for back injuries. Please say prayers for his full recovery.
  3. Just had to have my Mother's Kawanski Mule rebuilt, mechanic said the ethanol was the culprit. It is bad that you can't really buy anything but the stuff. Thank you government regs.
  4. Do you have comprehensive? Usually you do if you only have liability. Most of the time it will pay for damage like that,
  5. My prayers are with you Annette, if there is anything we can do let me know.
  6. There are several lots listed on Lake Weiss (Centre, Cedar Bluff and Leesburg, AL) The local paper called The post has a website www.postpaper.com.
  7. Top River is good, there is a Cracker Barrel in Bremen, just off I20 that is pretty good. Can't say I know of anything in Piedmont
  8. There are two places here in Alabama. One between Centre and Cedar Bluff off Highway 9 and another called Norris, close to Hokes Bluff. Both always have good berries, either you pick or already picked.
  9. Enjoy great BBQ Plate and help girls go to Nationals. They did great in competition last weekend.
  10. Come on over to Lake Weiss, we have plenty of Paulding Co. people over here. Lived in Paulding all my life until we retired, very peaceful over here.
  11. Glad Bill Heath could respond to somebody, never could get anything from him when I was in his district, unlike Tom Murphy and Nathan Dean.
  12. I retired from the State, worked 30 years with below average pay compared to private industry, we had good benefits, good insurance, now insurance premiums have sky rocketed and no COLAS that were promised to retirees. If I was a young person looking for a job these days, it would not be with the State government and its not the GOP fault, DEMS failed to fund promised things a few years back.
  13. Melissa Dilllmon at Harbin Clinic, Rome. I love that office.
  14. I have Verizon, have been all over country, love it.
  15. Over the docks in someplaces, seems to be receeding, maybe all the water in Rome has already come thru, rivers there were high yesterday.
  16. It happens very rarely, pluses out weigh the negatives.
  17. Lake is at 564.21 and Alabama Power is advising property owners that it may rise 1 or 2 more feet by tomorrow.
  18. There are some being advertised on here that are very reasonable priced.
  19. Carolines in Dallas always does great job.
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