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Everything posted by MJF

  1. I started a new topic because I think we (Paulding folks) are being caught by surprise by the thieves. They are here now in numbers. We need to lock our cars and houses at night. Park in driveways not on the street. We need to have downtown attitudes out here now. My son worked his butt off for 5 months to put a system in his truck only to have some low life loser steal it right in front of our house. The creeps were caught and one of them is going to jail. The cops have so many trivial calls out here they can not properly investigate these crimes. So, as I stated in the other tread ab
  2. The cops don't have time to investigate REAL crimes because of this BS. I was told recently that they get so many of these ridiculous calls from moron's who can not handle the small things in life. When something really scary happens and the cops are somewhere wasting their time on trivial calls, you WILL be sorry... and probably pissed, when it is your "I'm the most imporant thing going on" attitude. as far as kids playing, good grief folks... i find it funny that when YOUR kids grow up to the teenage years you will learn that kids playing music, or basketball no matter how loud... it
  3. The snopes.com article says it was at a literacy march and was missspelled on purpose. ok... sure...that's even funnier
  4. You crack me up, girl....
  5. we still owe $200 to the Gas folks. so trying to keep A/C off a few days. it is hard since we have no spring here anymore. windows open, birds singing, heard an owl last night which I thought was very cool.. No yelling neighbors, I have quiet neighbors thank GOD. Its a wink from him. also very cool.
  6. Im so jealous! two of sons are there and I wish I was too. Don't know about half of Paulding but most everyone Im friends with is there or somewhere at the beach. I won't miss next year that is FOR SURE>>>
  7. omg... they are all great. hardest choice yet.
  8. I call them Ducks. The ones that blindly listen to the media on both sides and then repeat what these publicity seeking entertainers rant about. To ME, the politicians are ALL the same. They make money selling what they have... their vote. The goal unfortuately is to be the one/side that bullies their veiw into law because they are being paid big perks/money from special interest. NOT because they want to do whats best for Americans. That only comes into play right before elections. We need ALL new folks. Problem is no one who is not already wealthy can get elected because they are out
  9. I do ... I do... If I am not with him I would love that please. The OTHER woman in his life, who by the way I absolutly love, will probably come with him. we will see. thanks again so much for your help Tom...
  10. will do... AND he has a gorgeous date who bought a fabulous dress. I can't wait to see them. I will proudly share when I am done crying.... tears of joy for sure! (by the way, 2 down 1 to go)
  11. If my big boy 6'1 250lb. (all muscle mind you, well mostly muscle anyway) looks as good as Im feeling like y'all will have him lookin.. I will sing a song of praise on the town square. He is no easy person to fit. Thanks again Tom...
  12. I remember having a sit down dinner most nights when the kids were little. Then we started youth football and have never had a sit down dinner at home together since... that was 11 years ago. just never got back to that. bad habit, not eating together. wish we had done that. this crazy life, running here then there with 3 kids activities. I always wanted to be a sit down to dinner family. oh well, on to the next event. we have staggered eating times. dinner is ready around 6:30-7, people eat until 10P whenever they get home.
  13. So Sad... Thing could get much worse for all of us when the un-employment benefits run out. 6 million American's are outta work and more. They keep extending them but when it runs out, lots of folks will be in bigger trouble. sorry to be so depression this early in the day. WOW, Hopefully he is in a better place... but who knows?
  14. I gotta say my son was very please with the service he recieved at King tux. and Mom was please with the cost. thank you Tom
  15. I bet his wife cares. I saw him on some show years ago and he had just gotten married and had twins. Im no judge of anybody... but it is sad they have to pretend to be straight to be excepted in the main stream. His wife maybe knew and went along with it. Maybe they were friends and she was in on it from the begining. I am facinated with all the hollywood glamer but really it is none of our bees wax. I can't help myself but to look at those mags in the grocery line but I would never spend our hard earned money on them. Its gotta be a relief not to be scared to death someone will out you
  16. My husband is sad. Him and my middle boy love this show. Probably is time though. Outta new plots. All the same. terrorist attach New York or the white house... done that. Pretty cool show.
  17. Good morning... finally a beautiful week for baseball... yeah!
  18. I just dont' know how you can beat $100 for a tux/everything included shoes. it is 105 with tax. very nice too.
  19. sympathy and prays to Guard Dad and his family. Praise God, she is young again.
  20. I just spoke to Tom at King's and my son is headed that way. I be back with u'all if it works out. smart guy advertising on HERE!!!
  21. Sympathy and prays to the Wheeling family. Praise God, she is young again.
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