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Everything posted by rockytopsmom

  1. A senior in high school, but still my little girl
  2. If you have time - you should go to the Country Music Hall of Fame! Printer's Alley is a neat place to go too!
  3. Mariotti Auto Repair - thanks for the oil change and pep talk on Wednesday - makes a heart feel good
  4. No wonder it took my daughter an hour to get a table!! Good for them!!!!
  5. Ours went from $200 to $330 and we were gone for 8 days!! I got the same lame "solution" that they could send someone out, but if my meter was running correctly, they would charge me $25!!! It just doesn't make any sense....
  6. Sweet!!! That will work!! Where are you located???
  7. My daughter needs to borrow some cowboy boots - ladies size 7. Anyone/??
  8. The next testing date is October 10th, I believe.
  9. My daughter's 5th Grade teacher, Ms. Southey, is one of the competitors!!!
  10. Watching my daughter and her 2 friends have their casual senior pics made - all 1,500 of them!!!!
  11. I want Jeff to get the special power!!
  12. What do you suggest? She's been having horrible headaches and dizzy spells. Thanks - I will look through them!!!!
  13. Gotta love insurance companies, huh?
  14. WOW - so I guess $175 is a good deal!
  15. That's exactly it - but they won't sell to individuals - only eye doctors.
  16. I wish!!! No they do not and I have very decent vision insurance
  17. My daughter's eye doctor says she needs vision therapy. The muscles in her eyes are weakening and there is a computer program that helps to exercise her muscles. The problem is - it is $175.00. Does anyone have experience with this - does it work? Does anyone know where I can get a less expensive alternatve?
  18. My daughter wants to go to this concert on July 27th - has anyone won tickets they are not going to use?
  19. I worked for a chiropractor for years and have seen amazing things not only in children but adults as well. My niece was going to have tubes put in her son's ears - I told her to take him to the chiropractor and it took a little time, but he doesn't have tubes in his ears!!! Love chiropractic - a healthy way to live!!
  20. We just came back from Siesta Key and we stayed at Midnight Cove - nice place - cheaper across the street from the beach. You must eat at Captn's Curts, The Broken Egg and The Salty Dog! There's not much to do in the way of tourist attractions. You could drive to Tampa and go to Busch Gardens if you want. Go to VRBO.com and search for condos - I found lots to choose from there! Best beach in the world!!!
  21. My daughter and I went to see it Friday night - we've both read the book and were SHOCKED at how they changed the end. Great movie if you haven't read the book.!!~!
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