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Everything posted by mhparker92

  1. Our boys are out and about with their flyers. If you are asked by one of them to buy pinestraw - please consider it. It's for a great cause.
  2. We actually have a provider that brings it to us already baled. But, I truly thank you for the offer. !
  3. My Boy Scout Troop's annual pine straw sale is starting this week!! We've been blessed to be able to keep the price the same - $4 a bale - delivered to your door. We will deliver it on March 14 or 15. We leave your pinestraw and a receipt in what seems to be an obvious but not in the way location (sometimes we don't guess right, but we do our best). This pine straw sale helps our boys get to summer camp, buy new uniforms, go backpacking, head out to New Mexico for backpacking and leadership classes, take a leadership class in Covington. It's amazing what our boys do with the money they
  4. Homemade chicken and dumplings and green beans. I've got to learn how to season with salt. I wasn't raised eating salt and I really struggle. I make dinner for my family and a coach. But, at least everyone loved it - nothing was left when I went to get dinner. (!
  5. You strike me - strickly from our interactions on here and knowing a few of our mutal friends on FB and in life - as someone that values and seeks a "family" environment that isn't a traditional family. One of free choice. One that you collect together. That leads me more towards job #1. You also have some different home challenges now. You have two special needs children at home that could easily need you to drop and run at a moment's notice. You have a man that could also need you to drop and run. That leads me to job #1. You aren't getting any younger - and someday, job #2 str
  6. I would like to propose an alternate way to look at FB, et al. Now, remember, I'm a Boy Scout leader. I PREACH from on high about scouts leaving their electronics at home. No need or place for them at scout meetings or on outings. BUT, And, like mine, this is a BIG BUT- There is a place for this in your and your child's life. They are a fact of life. And, while someone might make the argument that this is similiar to sex ed, I think it's more important for you and your child to learn to navigate and to learn the social rules of online social media than to ban it. It is perv
  7. I thought about this later - get a cellular hot spot - about $30 a month - that will give you the freedom to work where every you want. My new ipad (that is used) has cell capability and I keep debating on getting hot spot service for it. Haven't done it yet. But, I just might.
  8. For me - the one at Hiram Sudie and 61 means I DON"T have to turn off 61 onto Dallas Nebo - that can be life threatening. And, I don't have to drive all the way to Publix - about 12-15 minutes. So, yeah - for a quick bit - or more than likely a quick stop on the way home from soccer or cheer practice - yep - this is a good option.
  9. I guess the answer is - it depends. In general - it's been years - probably since they were 5-6 years old. But, I have incredibly independent children. Neither wanted to be fed baby food - they wanted real food and to feed themselves. But, obviously - injuries play into that. When my oldest's thumb is bothering him - he can't put pressure on the knife to cut. Or, when I'm putting together to go plates to eat on the run - I cut everything up so that it's easier to eat in the car. I don't cut stuff up in advance if it's to be microwaved (like hubby's lunch); it doesn't dry out a
  10. I've worked from home for almost 18 years. I completely understand what you're saying!! Starbucks, Barnes and Noble, the library, McDonalds - really any place with wifi. Or, the other option - find something different to do in the evening - youth organization, church, working out - just something to break up the routine.
  11. My FIL was 6'4" and 160 until he hit 45. My hubby is 6'0" and 150. My oldest is 6'0" and 142. My youngest is 5'10" and 125. My kids won't wear them - but Tractor Supply had cowboy jeans that were thinner and longer. But, my oldest has a gymnast butt and says those jeans are just all wrong on him. Youngest is just a snot.
  12. I'll be interested in this info as well. My 14 yo is in 30x34's right now. But, he's grown about three inches since September. The docs project he'll be 6'6" when he's done growing. And, if he's built like his daddy and grandfather - he'll be about 150-160 lbs. Covering his ankles and midsection is getting more difficult. I did see some Large Tall at Kohls every now and then. Because they are so rare - I'm betting you can order them online. I haven't hit that point yet - so I haven't looked.
  13. I'm looking for a provider that can engrave a Hulsey cup (think old school brown army cups). We had a source in Alabama that would do the work for us. But, they went out of business in October. Just done and business got too expensive to keep running. Now I need to find a new source that can take the cups and engrave them (I have all the digital graphics) or someone that can get the mugs and engrave them. Sigh. They were a great small family business.
  14. Water expands will turned to a solid because the molecules all align into a crystalline structure that is larger in volume than the molecules just crammed together randomly. !
  15. Pork tenderloins are in the oven - spinach will go on to steam in a few minutes - left over mac and cheese. Not sure what other starch I'll make - probably just white rice. They like rice and it's quick.
  16. And, that's part of being a parent. I've had to do this before - I've put my foot down and said no. And, one time I got smart and we went and looked at the price to BUY the prize. They never questioned me again about it. !
  17. All of the Paulding County schools work on Relay for Life. I "think" or justify it as a community building exercise. We have pink out football games, etc., etc. This doesn't surprise me at all.
  18. I grew up that way - that's a big reason why I can't eat meat with bones in it. I can smell the smell of mom cleaning chickens in the kitchen sink. Blah. We didn't name any animals that were going on our dinner plate. That was a valuable lesson Dad taught us.
  19. At the projected temps - frost bite can occur that quickly. It truly can. And, really - it's not about the walk from the car to the building - it's about the wreck that happens on the way there - or running out of gas and being stuck on the side of the road. It's all the what ifs that they need to be prepared for. And, while my family may not have coats the way they should - we do have all the emergency gear in the car.
  20. My MIL used to say that. She's still alive, but dementia has taken her away from us.
  21. Meatloaf, homemade mac and cheese in the crock pot, steamed broccoli. Not much left for lunches.
  22. Can you imagine the bitching and complaining if the BOE proposed putting in HVAC systems to make the buildings good to below 0 temps? Talk about wasting money, etc., etc. We'd have all kinds of weather data pulled out talking about what a waste of money it is to put into those kinds of HVAC systems? And, please note that the average high and low for Boston is NOTHING compared to what tomorrow is going to be. It was 24 when I got to the gym tonight. It was 14 when I came out two hours later. It was 12 by the time I drove the 10 minutes home.
  23. Okay - I'll admit it. Standing up and saying it - I HAVE A CHILD THAT DOESN'T OWN A WINTER COAT!!! Why - he didn't tell me that he had outgrown it!! The weather hasn't been so bad that he's needed to wear it. He's been wearing hoodies and an extra layer underneath. If it was windy - he put his goretex raincoat over the hoodie and the extra layer. That's not enough right now. Now - we are able to layer up enough that he will be fine. And, luckily he doesn't have soccer practice right now. But, still I'm one of THOSE parents who doesn't have a coat for her kid. And, quite
  24. I have clothes for this kind of weather. My only beef right now is that my jacket had to go back to North Face for a repair (the hood material delaminated) and it's not back yet. I'm going through this cold weather KNOWING what to do - OWNING the proper clothes - and STILL being cold. Damn. But, really folks, layer up - even tights under pants will help. Cotton kills - avoid the jeans and cotton clothes right now. Lots of seemingly thin layers will do you a world more good than one or two really thick layers. I've got on four layers right now - and am quite comfortable outside wit
  25. I quickly looked around on various BSA sites and I'm not seeing any CPR training coming up. Plus - alot of the CPR training isn't the CPR for health care workers (which is what you need for work). Our leader that teaches it in December will do that as well (we have a couple of healthcare workers in the troop that need it), but you've missed that date. You may be stuck paying the $100 - it's what's available.
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