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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. He ignored me on the coffee, I figure he'll ignore me on this one too. pardon.gif

    The above is why I didn't point out that it's a win-win for you. ;)


    Tell these people that I am an okay guy. And how about telling them they are making a huge mistake by not voting for Will Avery too. biggrin.gif


    I'll let you know when it's time for them to pay up. I don't think they read the rules very well, but they owe me regardless. biggrin.gif I thought they were sharper than that.

  2. Now wait a minute. I never heard a specific day or time or place. And since this includes both of our spouses attending it makes it a little harder to schedule.


    Other than your choice of candidates in these two races, we usually see things about the same way. You and The Junky are two of my favorite sparring partners so don't get mad and go away. At the end of the day we are all going to have the same governor and the same house rep. I just hope it's the ones I like. biggrin.gif


    I would love to meet Mrs. Feelip. However, a weekday meeting would rarely, if ever, work for my husband. I'm not going away. It's my job to stay and be a thorn in a few sides. rofl.gif Some I make happier if I stay, some more miserable. That's why I stay. rofl.gif rofl.gif

  3. Hey Madea and News Junky, I'll make a deal with you. I am voting for Will Avery and Roy Barnes, y'all aren't going to change that. Y'all are voting for Paulette and Raw Deal, I'm not going to change that.


    I'll bet you both a steak dinner that if your candidates win we will all be regretting it by the end of their terms. And if mine win and we regret it you owe me a steak dinner.


    You guys in?


    Why not? I've known from the beginning I wasn't changing your (or others) opinions. I agreed to meet you for coffee last week. pardon.gif

  4. Anderson has always been non-partisan, although he definitely has filed a large number of complaints concerning the 19th district seat. Richardson was a favorite target.


    The issue at hand is Braddock's Campaign Disclosures leave out more information than Deal's tax returns.


    A Post Commissioner mailing to the registered voters of a postcard is more than $4000. Logic would show a mailing for the district 19 seat would be twice as many [we have 4 posts and 2 legislative seats] so a ballpark of $8000.


    3 [or was it 4 ?] mailings would be $24,000+, yet there is nothing reported. And now Paulette is telling Pubby she thought she was allowed to give herself all the free stuff she wanted to ?!?! I seem to remember getting the one personnally addressed to us, a copy of a handwritten note with a regular stamp on it, along with 3 color slick larger bulk stamp mailings


    Isn't she responsible to be 100% abreast of the campaign disclosure laws and expected to follow them ?


    Isn't she responsible to know how much she can provide from her company as "in-kind" donations and cash, and when it has to be shown as a loan ? And aren't the voters allowed to make their decision based on the information the law clearly states she has to provide ? Not to mention her last disclosure was due on august 6th, before the run-off, [and Stout files his on time] yet hers was not filed until the 17th.


    And she is using her 20+ years of business management background on her platform as a qualification to occupy this seat?


    Then there is the 4th of July Campaign Party/Fundraiser BBQ, which she does show expenses of almost $600 for. Yet, she did not collect a single donation of over $101 from July 1st through August 17th ? I just am a bit incredulous about that. So her supporters came to the BBQ, had a fine meal, and NO ONE made a donation of more than $101 ? Her disclosure clearly states no donations were received.


    This just does not add up.


    But then again, she is running as a Tea Party Conservative.

    Yet in her 8 years on the BOE she voted for 8 consecutive tax increases and 2 Bond referendums. I guess that all makes perfect sense.clapping.gif


    You really should get your facts straight before you type this utter bullcheeze! I don't even have time to sift through all the lies you've listed.

    • Like 1
  5. The interest of AFP executive director Virginia Galloway in this race may explain a lot including the phone banks that were also promoting Ms. Braddock in the closing days of the runoff (did that appear on her disclosure or was it an independent act by an independent group that was not under the direction of the candidate and campaign and therefore driving through the loophole ripped in campaign laws by the SCOTUS earlier this year.)

    I happen to know that volunteers were making a lot of calls for Mrs. Braddock. I'm unaware of Mrs. Galloway's involvement, or why you (and others) continually feel the need to draw her in.




    Bottom line, it is as Anderson, in my story, noted. Whether this was a violation of the ethics law is up to the ethics commission... and given the history of political influence on that ethics board, even that decision may be flawed.

    So, the outcome doesn't really matter, does it?

    • Like 2
  6. Hell, the Republican party is fractured within it's own party. You've got The Old Guard Republicans who can't stand the Tea Party Republicans who are sick and tired of all of the lying and crooked politicans, both Democrats and Republicans.


    Just wanted to point out that the Tea Party movement is NOT strictly Republican. It is a grassroots, conservative movement of citizens who got fed up with steps our federal government was taking. It is closed to no one. There are many factions, even within a state.

  7. I doubt that your opinion on Paulette is something you could be fighting a lawsuit over. I don't see the crooked developers as being worth me risking everything I have worked for. I think the old Karma train has taken care of most of them anyway. And as you know, KARMA IS A BITCH!


    You must have missed my post where I stated I don't believe in "karma".

  8. So what is it that makes her the best candidate in this race (in your opinion)?


    I have asked this question at least 10 times and I am yet to hear anyone have an answer.


    I've put it out there a few times during the primary time I believe. Be happy to discuss over coffee. drinks.gif But, I've made my choice and you've made yours. I seriously doubt we'll change each others minds.


    I am pretty sure that would lead to a law suit. And if you are saying that there were no corrupt developers and builders in Paulding.......just never mind. blink.gif


    Anytime you would like to meet my wife and me somewhere for a cup of coffee and a few minutes of your time, I will gladly give you a list of developers and builders and what they did to qualify as being corrupt. Oh, and if you like, I can throw in a few politicians to sweeten the pot. Off the record of course.


    Actually, my point was more that he should not use such generalities if he's not willing and/or able to back them up.

  9. I am pretty sure that would lead to a law suit. And if you are saying that there were no corrupt developers and builders in Paulding.......just never mind. blink.gif


    Anytime you would like to meet my wife and me somewhere for a cup of coffee and a few minutes of your time, I will gladly give you a list of developers and builders and what they did to qualify as being corrupt. Oh, and if you like, I can throw in a few politicians to sweeten the pot. Off the record of course.


    Gladly. not available next week since the kids are out of school. Let me know your schedule the following week. drinks.gif

  10. Question 1

    I will not provide names of developers in the county. They are not on trial here and neither am I. The fact remains that impact fees were circumnavigated in Paulding County and the burden was placed back on homeowners for funding area improvements. Names are not consequential


    You didn't deny using the term "corrupt builders", so I'll assume for now that you did indeed. So you'll throw out "corrupt builders", but not name names? Gotcha.


    As far as impact fees (which, BTW tells me exactly who you've talked with) there are several threads on pcom (from several years back) where impact fees are discussed at length. Along with several reasons why they may not work as well as thought. Cherokee County is often used as an example. Personally, I find it a cess pool.

  11. Will chose to place himself here. I've stated since the primaries (and many times before) that none of the candidates should be here. But, that's just me.


    Funny, the 4 or 5 who are screaming so loudly for a debate are the same ones who are still very happy with Austin despite the fact that he never debated. pardon.gif

  12. Hey I have an idea! Why don't one of you P'ette supporters call your candidate and find out. I know I have Will's cell number. I'm sure you guys have your candidates. Get back to us on that, will ya?


    Call Paulette yourself. That's what I'd do if I had a question. Her cell number is on her website.

  13. What does that have to do with anything?


    And I agree, family SHOULD come first. So why is it that P'ette isn't offering some alternate dates for a debate?



    Psst! We all know why P'ette doesn't want to have to debate Will. Who is going to say it first is really the only question. wink.gif


    She didn't back away from Daniel Stout in any of the several forums in which they appeared together. I've no reason to believe she fears Avery.

  14. Fourth......I will not engage in Paulette bashing. Pointing out the true foibles of a political opponent is not bashing. Exaggerating or lying about them is. Those of you supporting Paulette have not said much about her cruise. I will say that I find unconscionable for a candidate for public office to be so apparently smug as to actually go on vacation instead of engaging in an open debate of the issues with her opponent. She has to have known for months that she would be running for this office, and I hope she is aware of election day and that the voters would like to hear her stance on some of the issues Will has openly discussed here and on every front porch he can get his foot on. I would really like her to reconsider for the good of the 19th district.


    I personally have not addressed it because I have no direct knowledge of it. Will supporters apparently have more firsthand knowledge of this than I do. Paulette too has been on most front porches. Some more than once.

  15. As far as helping bring in new revenue:

    I have spoken at length about many of these issues. Per the Georgia Budget Policy Institute, an estimated 380 million could be collected through simply raising cigarette and other tobacco product taxes. It might not be popular, but it is a voluntary tax that residents choose to pay.

    So (according to the thread you started) you oppose "fees" for services that folks use, but you support what is basically a "sin tax". How much sin tax do you support placing on alcohol?


    As I remember, a Sheriff from another county must contact the local Sheriff to get a warrant or any official papers from the other county served on a local person.


    Getting a warrant has nothing to do with what is being discussed. And no, if you are serving papers from another county you don't need the originating county sheriff's approval and it's not true in reverse.

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