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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. He wasn't conservative enough to qualify as a Republican though.

    Not that it should be that way - but we ALL know that in GA and Paulding that is what you'd expect from a conservative candidate.... Republican, not Democrat.


    He stated specifically "I am a Democrat". Showing no desire to join the local republican party. That, in my opinion, aligns him more closely with national democratic values. pardon.gif

  2. The part about elderly care is directly related to the tax increase on hospitals. This was a totally separate increase from the others discussed. Don't take the legislation out of context. Hospitals are being taxed more to handle this service which will be placed back on the rest of us, as the logic goes.


    I linked to the entire bill. Although I doubt anyone here will read it all. I myself read the majority of it July 1. I wasn't necessarily taking it out of context, simply pointing out a small portion. It's a very lengthy bill which I had no intention of quoting in it's entirety.



    And shouldn't the younger among us (myself included) assist the elderly? we do that with social security and other programs. We'll soon be doing it at some level with Obamacare (unless we get representation that will intervene) only some will support all. (Shouldn't those evil insurance companies shoulder most of the burden anyway?)


    As a society we've also decided to offer indigent defense as our constitution guarantees.

  3. It is Governor Purdue and the Republican Controlled Legislature that refused to fund the Home Owners Tax Relief Grant this year and last Year That cost most home owners in Paulding County over $ 500.00 in increased taxes, And you can thank Heath, Maxwell, Stout and Hemrick for that!!!!!!!!!


    A benefit the State could no longer afford to fund due to a national recession. A temporary reduction that was given during a "boom time".

  4. I did not blame bush for anything, just an example of a tax increase that was promised not to be.


    These are state increases, not county. The state will be the beneficiary of the increases, not the county whom the cost is put back on. I am not bringing anything up with the BOC. I am talking about promises to not increase taxes and then doing it over 70 times. We can argue about this all day, but frankly there is no logical way to argue that over 70 taxes were not increased. You pointed out one item on there that you think taxes should have been increased on. Please keep telling us where taxes should be increased.


    HERE's a link for HB1055. let folks decide on their own. However, I felt sure many would agree with this portion:



    to amend Chapter 8 of Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the care and protection of indigent and elderly patients, so as to provide for a payment to be imposed on hospitals to be used to obtain federal financial participation for medical assistance payments under Medicaid; to provide for a short title; to provide for definitions; to establish a segregated account within the Indigent Care Trust Fund for the deposit of provider payments; to provide for a method for calculating and collecting the provider payment;



    Please note also that the day the fees actually increased, I started a topic here on pcom regarding my shock at the amounts of some of the increases. No one seemed to care. pardon.gif Also, continuing with the sheriff example, I don't know what the sheriff's dept does with the funds they receive, but the checks for sheriff's service are made payable to each county's sheriff's office.


    I have enough common sense to know that the county has to maintain the funds to operate. And had it not been for the former administration giving us an unwanted courthouse and county complex, this administration would not have HAD to raise the millage rate. What is ironic is the fact that Jerry Shearin caused the problem and Jerry Shearin is likely the one that talked poor old Tom Millanese into making an ass of himself.


    I was barely impressed that Daniel Stout voted no. But I do agree that they sneaked all these fees in on what was billed as a senior tax relief.

    And so does the State of Georgia.


    I saved $2,500 in property tax. If not for the millage rate increase I could have had another $200 in my pocket (if my memory serves me correctly). If that is all it cost me to never have Jerry Shearin and the rest of the former BOC making decisions that effect my life, you better damn well believe that it is worth every penny and them some!

    Careful. Your agenda is showing again.

  5. The point is that many of the folks that voted to pass this were the ones who signed the no tax agreement. Lets not forget about not funding the home owners tax relief grant either. If we are going to say no taxes then that means we will not raise taxes. It is another empty campaign promise that earns votes. However, I think we learned from George Bush 1 that anytime you say "read my lips" it means that something is going to increase.


    I'll have to be sure I keep this straight. According to your most vocal (and obnoxious) supporters here:


    -- When it's a voted-upon increase from the BOC in a declining home values market, it's a decrease.

    -- When it's a failure to adjust millage rate due to increased home values, it's an increase.

    -- When it's an increase from the local BOC, it's the cost of doing business.

    -- When fees are raised for the first time in 20+ years, it's a tax increase we should all be wary of (and it's all Bush's fault).




    Now, let's continue with the example above: the cost for the sheriff to serve civil papers in this county is now $50 (I have no idea where you got the "another county" thing). An increase in the fee from $25 to $50. For that (now) $50 the sheriff's deputy must make up to 3 attempts to serve those papers. The cost to the county is still much greater than the fee charged, but at least the person using this service is now paying a more fair share. So, do you take issue with the reduction of strain on our county services in particular? For reducing the cost to the taxpayer who isn't using this service?

    • Like 2
  6. Catty.


    While I don't agree with a lot of this, you need to realize a few things. For example, the fee for sheriff service had not increased in approx 20+ years. Other fees mentioned had similar time spans.


    BTW, I am not sure what you mean by this: sheriff's office action from another county

    Ironically, the ones breaking their necks to pat our county commissioners on the back for their non-decrease, will agree with you. drinks.gif Y'all enjoy.

  7. WHITEY These Paulette supporters do not want to talk facts, They are only concerned with getting Paulette elected.


    I hope Paulette debates Mr. Avery.


    You've obviously missed the innuendo, name-calling, falsehoods and outright lies posted. I don't think any of the Braddock supporters are willing to engage a certain few on here any longer. I'm certainly not. The election is 7 weeks away, yet they have been screaming debate for a month. Avery went so far as to post a "press release" (which created it's own falsehood).

  8. BeachBum I by know means will call her a Lying B---H, But I can truthfully say The conversation I had with Paulette at the event held by the Chamber ,she certaintly was not being truthful to me.

    Both her campaign Staff and Paulette both stated that she had only voted for one tax increase while serving on the School Board, I think that even you would agree that this is not the truth?????


    In any event her record has been posted just recently here,And her supporters have quit agreeing with her on that point.


    A candidate should be honest about their voting records, They are easy to obtain?


    No, just quit arguing with you about it.

  9. I am going to take a wild guess here and say that no matter what she does or does not do it won't change your mind one way or the other. You just are not going to vote for this lady.unsure.gif


    I agree. it's all a big game for them. and all any of the Avery supporters are doing on this board is making him look bad. Those same folks wonder why I have said time and again a candidate shouldn't come here. And I just LOVE all of the assumptions being made.


    You are right. The comment you referred to was not called for and seemed personal. However, Paulette is being disrepectful of voters by dodging and being disingenuous about why she is dodging debating Will.


    As a reminder, Will is not condoning and is actually discouraging supporters from making personal attacks against Paulette.


    From real coverstions I've had with just (those who are angry and bitter Stout lost) folks though, it seems the ones who know her record most are the ones who most don't want her elected.


    Fixed it for ya

    • Like 2
  10. I have been around the legislature for 15 years dealing with bond sales. You are spot on. For anyone to think that a freshman DEMOCRAT will do anything in Atlanta are fooling themselves. It is the people that don't understand just how the House works that think that Will Avery can make a difference. He won't and he can't.


    I am so trying to stay out of these political threads but just had to post on this one.


    I've really missed you!

  11. I would hope that they would care more about the people of District 19 more than the party. Or that they might be decent and informed enough to want the candidate to win who would be a better representative. There are several good decent people who are Republicans and who usually support only republicans who are supporting Will because they know Paulette and they know Will. I'm not sure how open they can be because of how rabid and vengeful the response could become but there are several and again it is because they kow her and they know him.


    In short, they want what is best for District 19 and this county instead of what is best for an apparently not well regarded faction of the local Republican party.


    And if there were a Republican candidate that they thought was equal to Will Avery, of course these republicans would be supporting the party candidate.


    Or, ::gasp:: they believe Paulette is the better candidate.

  12. FYI: Mrs Surepip works at the Ag Department and has contact with various folks at the gold dome everyday. She has been there for many years and it is common knowledge she is from Paulding. Virginia Galloway and her Americans for Prosperity group are also well known. So it is not unusual for my wife to get asked about the various goings on within Paulding Politics. Shearin and Galloway have been busy recently lobbying for Paulette.


    I don't have contact with or peruse any of the political blogs or sites such as the one you put up, especially any tied directly to either political party.


    I sincerely hope Paulette can find the time in her schedule to participate in public forums with Will.


    Honestly, who do you expect Shearin and Galloway to "lobby for"? Each are members of the Paulding Republican party? Think they'd go downtown and hawk Will? Wouldn't we be having this same conversation if it were Golden or Stout? And, how much differences does it make downtown? Not a whole lot of Paulding votes coming from there?

    • Like 2
  13. No, not weird at all.


    Will is very much a Blue Dog Democrat. Running as one because he cannot bring himself to run as a Yellow Dog Republican. The parties in the south have reversed themselves these past 25 years. Where we had nothing but Dems for 100 years, now the local GOP has us with nothing but Repubilicans instead, and not even a Yellow Dog can run otherwise.


    Thank God Will decided to get into this race to give us a viable alternative come November.


    Instead of bashing, why don't you come out to the party tomorrow evening and meet Will Avery for yourself instead of following the local GOP mantra? A few minutes speaking with Will just might open your eyes to a viable alternative not associated with our fine upstanding Paulding GOP. Galloway and the Americans for Prosperity are not the answer to our problems. A voice for the tax paying voter in Paulding would be a great breath of fresh air to all of us.


    Some come on out NG, you might actually like the young man and what he has to say.


    Or you can follow the lock step local system and vote for the "R" no matter what the consequences.


    Great argument. He's what? 29? rofl.gif


    Vote for Will! Walk in the "He's not Virginia Galloway" lock-step. What a great campaign you are running. good.gif

    • Like 1
  14. Political campaigns send out press releases often. This one, to me, was more of an open debate challenge that Will wanted to ensure got to the press. If your only attack is deeming what is "worthy" of coverage, then that is pretty weak.


    I've made no claim of seeking to attack.

  15. Are you not the least bit concerned that Paulette isn't capable of articulating her platform in a public forum? It must be like voting for the Wizard of Oz.


    What is really going to suck is when you find that it is Jerry and the Galloways behind the curtain.


    I'm simply not playing your game anymore. There's nothing I can say to change your mind, and I won't try again. You and the others do nothing but hurl insults and I'm tired of playing that game.


    I expected more from you. I consider my view more of an "Atlas Shrugged" attitude. Or a Biblical "cast not your pearls".

  16. I think the whole bunch has decided the best thing they can do is to stay hidden until after the election and hope that enough "dumbed down" voters will show up and punch the "R". I have to agree that it is probably the best strategy. The less the voters know about Paulette, the better off she is.


    I'm simply not playing your game anymore. There's nothing I can say to change your mind, and I won't try again. You and the others do nothing but hurl insults and I'm tired of playing that game.



    The Alvin Greene strategy.


    I expected more from you. I consider my view more of an "Atlas Shrugged" attitude. Or a Biblical "cast not your pearls".

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