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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. This is exactly why I won't vote for him. He didn't give a crap about teachers or the education system before. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice - shame on me. I cannot believe the teachers are even considering voting for this guy. GAE sure seems to have a short memory. :wacko:

    But, but, he said he was sorry. :pardon:

    • Like 1
  2. I am not running for office Paulette is, And for her to ignore this media and the debates is really unthinkable for a candidate who wants to represent Paulding County

    Pau;ette should come out of hiding and answer some questions.

    Staying away from p.com doesn't equal "in hiding". Well, in your world it does. Guess I'll go hide for a while.

    • Like 1
  3. So what, I am just curious as to why all the questions And no one has said what Paulette would do if elected?

    No you are not. You have no intention of voting for her. However, she's actually very accessible. Her phone number is on her website. If you really want info, just call her. :drinks:

  4. :lol:


    It felt like it was enough.



    Something strange is going on in this thread, A lot of question for Will Avery,And a few negative comments, Yet no one is saying what Paulette will do if elected?


    Are ya'll all okay with her platform as outlined on her web site? Are ya'll okay with her refusal to debate the issues? Are ya'll okay With her tax and spend habits while serving on the school board for eight years? After all she was partly responsible for eight tax increases in eight years, Every property owner can attest to this record,Just take a peek at your tax bills.


    Ethics............. Is this the caliber of person you want representing Paulding County???????????????????????

    Whitey! It's Will's thread. :huh:

  5. Delta received that credit at a time in which they needed it because of 9/11. I do not fault that. The problem is that their lobbyists have been able to keep it in place even when Delta is now posting a huge profit. Paulding County needs to attract industry. Why would I not want to give credits to companies coming to Paulding over others. As a representative of Paulding County, my first job is to help the people of this county. Do you disagree that it is the job of the rep from the 19th to look out for his/her own voters first? Sounds logical to me.


    Yes, industry should be attracted. I wonder how many Paulding folks travel to work at Delta every day. What I don't understand is telling the State of Georgia "do as I say, not as I do".

  6. Deal is a CROOK!


    And Barnes commercial was A COMMERCIAL! Is that REALLY that hard to understand?



    The main thing to consider here is that DEAL IS A CROOK! blink.gif

    Forgetting that DEAL is the opposing party just for a moment. pardon.gif How much liberty are you willing to give politicians? Don't you expect and/or demand a certain level of honesty? Do the ends justify the means?


    Or, if you REALLY dislike the other side do you give them a pass? Truth in advertising has applied to products for quite some time and the discussion is that if politicians continue at the rate they are going that those policies will begin applying to political ads as well. (And yes, I do realize that those who offer products take some liberties.)


    I did like the cow commercial (although I have no reason to believe those are really Roy's cows).

  7. Probably one of just a few more to come into the county now that Wellstar claims that one day they will build is building a new hospital and Tanner is getting their foot firmly in the county.

    Would like to hear more about Tanner. That's the only docs my parents will use.

  8. The facts were not deceitful. The only thing Jeff Hullinger is bitching about is the commercial blended what had taken place on three different occasions into a commercial that appeared to make them take place at the same time.


    There are no lies, it is splitting hairs. The one fact remains unchanged. DEAL IS A CROOK!


    Really? Do you really believe that? And it didn't "blend", it was fabricated. Yet shown to make it look as though it actually happened. When it didn't. How can you defend this? Why can't you just say, yes, that commercial is wrong.

  9. I'm looking at your FB pages along with those of the administrators of your FB page.

    Apparently Mr. Avery doesn't read those either. ;)


    Pigpen I am no lawyer but I can read ... From the Cobb County DA web site.



    District Attorney's Office


    Cobb Judicial Circuit


    And again you post the CURRENT information that may or may not be relevant to her case or a debate. rolleyes.gif

  10. Characterizing him as a "college student" is not accurate. There are bona fide college students running in other districts, however Will is hardly one of them.


    Well, except for the fact that Will himself listed his profession as "student" when he initially entered this race.

    • Like 1
  11. Marvinthemartian:


    She is not a convicted criminal.


    She committed a criminal act - she doctored some receipts and sought insurance payment on the basis of those doctored documents. She was indicted and arrested for felony insurance fraud. Because she did not have a prior criminal record, she was allowed to enter a pre-trial diversion program that, provided she admitted her guilt publicly, would allow her to plea nolo (no contest) and avoid a guilty verdict. Still, paid a fine and was required to provide 100 hours of public service.


    There is a pcom story here. If you scroll to the bottom of the article you'll see a link to a pdf that contains copies of the court papers in this case.


    To help you understand the legalism of the nolo, remember that if you've got a good attorney and get caught driving drunk - say a .15 BAC - and it is your first offense and you didn't have a wreck and you take the drunk driving course and agree to attend AA and put on an orange uniform and pick up garbage on the side of the road you can plea nolo on your first offense.


    It goes on your record as a nolo and about the way it helps you is you don't have to say you've been convicted of being a drunk driver. That is the good news. The bad news is that even with a nolo, you're a drunk driver and everyone knows that you admitted to driving drunk. You had to in order for a judge to accept your nolo plea.


    Oh, and in the case of a nolo for a crime like felony insurance fraud you don't lose your civil rights (the right to vote and the ability to hold public office.)




    Martian, PLEASE read it for yourself. There's way too much misinformation in this post to be credible. Pubby, a good reporter would get their legal terms, and what they mean, straight.

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