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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. I think that Madea has just fogotten how much controversy the flag thing was. It was several years ago.....


    What I'm wondering is what happened to the ability of people to be able to accurately assess character? I think that there's a real undescribed social dynamic at work here. It's one that seeks self-destruction.


    Nathan Deal? Really? This is the State of Georgia putting a loaded gun in its mouth and pulling the trigger. "Why didn't we see the signs?" people will moan.


    I see 'em!




    Well, I'm obviously not the only one with memory problems. Everything King Roy did has gone by the wayside in an attempt to get him back in that seat. Hell, I don't know why he wants to move, his new house appears to be much nicer than the governor's mansion. It's easy to sit here 8 years later and say it was all the flag and pretend like nothing else happened during his first run. As I recall, all the little signs said "Sonny lied". Not, "King Roy lied". (There's probably a few of those still around on some side streets.) If it were really the flag, and all the rednecks coming out from their trucks that took King Roy down, Sonny would have never served a second term.


    Would you re-marry an ex-wife?




    Damn Madea, I just accidentally gave you a plus one. lol There is nothing delusional about the fact that people voted against Barnes because of the flag that had never voted before or since.


    [in my best Sally Fields voice] You love me, you really love me! rofl.gif

  2. I am saying that a lot of the votes, maybe even the majority of the votes were in response to the flag change.


    I voted for Sonny the first time. I had reservations about Roy's style. But then there was Sonny. And now there is Deal.


    clapping.gif clapping.gif clapping.gif Whooo Hooo We have a winner! Everyone "had reservations" about "King Roy's" style.

  3. Yes the flag issue was a significant one, however, you may be fooling yourself if you think his betrayal of the teachers had "little to do" with his loss. Every teacher I talked to (well over 50 of them) voted for Sonny not for the flag issue, but for Barnes' betrayal.


    They prefer the delusional world where we are all redneck hillbillies who want "our" flag back.

    • Like 2
  4. By the way, she will not debate, she will not answer questions from her potential constituents, she thinks she is going to back into this position. I think that Will Avery is working circles around her.


    I want a good, honest, hardworking person with morals and ethics and Paulette can't meet even one of the criteria.


    Where were you during all prior appearances and debates? She answers all of my questions. Have you called her? She's knocked personally on the majority of the doors in our district (which I believe was criticized until someone posted Will was out doing that too). Again, you just clearly have an axe to grind and won't be pleased.

    • Like 2
  5. My God Madea! The lady has been arrested. Just because charges were dropped doesn't erase the fact that she was arrested. Willl you people vote for anything? More white trash that needs to be kicked to the curb.


    You didn't answer. What could she possibly say that would appease you? Truth be known, nothing. Absolutely, nothing. You will continue your tirade until November 3rd. So, I say, why should she risk hurting innocent people in an attempt to satisfy those who can't be satisfied?

  6. Climb out of your shell and talk to the home folks. You might learn something. ;)


    Johnny, I have a very well rounded group of friends from every single possible walk of life. In my job I meet people from every possible walk of life. The flag has never been an issue among any of those people.

  7. It's good to know what's important to Georgia voters.

    IF you believe the few comments here.



    Barnes is hated for changing the Ga flag.


    Sonny got his 2nd term from folks that vote Republican no matter what.


    Still not buying it. Doesn't matter who says it, I don't believe that's it.

  8. Good Lawd! How many times do we have to say it?


    You've said it, I've said it.


    People are still pissed at Roy and literally hate him for changing the flag.


    I don't believe that. If that were true, Sonny would never have gotten a second term. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I don't give a rip about the flag. I haven't talked with anyone that does care.

  9. The head writer of the blog identifies himself readily as "Dustin," which is also his first name. I believe his email is even on there.


    I think the issue at hand, however, is the fact that Paulette Braddock, in 2003 was arrested for domestic violence. At least IMO, that's not someone we need under the Gold Dome.


    She has no criminal record. She wasn't charged or convicted. It was a domestic disturbance. When the cops are called, someone is going to jail. He had a scratch, she went. Divorce can be an ugly thing at times. They work together today to parent their children.

  10. Oh man! That wasn't the horn on a cruise ship. That was the sound of sheeze hitting the fan. Just saw some interesting news on gapolitico.com


    Quoting the liberal blog again? From folks who won't even identify themselves? The report goes to the "mugshot".

  11. They were just showing on wsb news that the polls are showing Deal at 45% and Barnes at 37%. I just don't get why so many are supporting Deal. Is it simply because he's republican?

    You might want to re-read what folks have been saying for weeks. Roy isn't the choir boy they would like you to believe.

    • Like 2
  12. WHY on Gods green earth, would ANYBODY run for ANY office if there was some sort of HUGE skeleton in their closet? Politicians do it EVERYDAY, all the while thinking, 'Oh, I can keep this covered up'. Yea.........NO YOU CAN'T DUMBA$!!!!!!!!! You'd think that they would be smarter than this, but then again , I guess that is just asking too much!!!!!


    And I sit here wondering why Feelip and Whitey can fill this board with rumor and innuendo and folks just munch it up. pardon.gif


    The last round was total crap so they abandoned it. Now they start again.

  13. That idea makes too much sense!!! And I AM glad and impressed that you haven't fallen to Deals crap simply because he is a Republican like you. You can see on these very boards that it doesn't matter what he does as long as that little 'R' is by his name. Thats just sad!


    Like Babecake, I think I'll leave the vote for governor blank, since there is no one to vote FOR.


    Really? You know it doesn't have to be the "R". The fact that Roy is not a better choice and screwed up the first time is a good reason too.

    • Like 1
  14. You're kidding! The entire Board needs to resign. They spend $ millions on a new gym for the kids to play basketball in, yet students don't have books? I know certain funds can only be used for capital projects, but in the grand scheme of things, folks see money being spent here and money being spent there, yet Little Susie doesn't have school books....Do you see a problem with that?


    We've been burned by the BOE in the past and we're crazy if we give them more money to burn us again.


    VOTE NO to giving those vultures even one penny.


    For the record, my children have not experienced an issue in having books.

  15. Surely, you don't think this is just one cent on an entire purchase, right?


    In case you don't realize it, it is one cent on every dollar you spend. You buy $1 of stuff, you pay an additional $0.01 on top of the normal sales tax. You spend $100.00, you pay an extra $1.00 in addition to the regular sales tax. If you buy $100 of groceries every week for a year, your groceries cost an additional $52.00 than they would without the SPLOST.


    Just had a thought, and I have no idea of the answer. But, does this SPLOST come into play on the taxes we pay on utilities, etc.?

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