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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. district 19 disclosures



    The rules are pretty straighforward. On the PDF the first page or so shows what the filing is for, and has a place to check off for the 6 day before the primary filing. Braddock has not filed. What she filed on August 12 was an amended June 30 with an explanation on the last page of how she could not figure out how to calculate the page totals and had to get an accountant involved. No money movements in the report since the end of june.


    I did a search under the late-filers tab and this is what I got:




    Search Returned No Filers with Outstanding Fees/Reports.



    Paulette has some disclosing to do as well. Let's try to keep this factual. We have no need to sling mud. We are clean as a whistle and are trying our best to get some sincere representation for the 19th. My advice would be to not give the Avery campaign an opportunity to start pointing out life mistakes. Give me a couple of more opportunities and I'll start asking the tough questions.


    I've slung no mud and have no intention of doing so. I'm not sure about the status of the campaign disclosure, and I don't know the "rules".

  3. Asking where her overdue disclosure reports are and why they were not filed on time is not "Trashing" a candidate.


    Is there something we are all unaware of which exempts Ms Braddock from filing her reports like everyone else ? Something special ?


    I think it is wrong to not provide the little bit of information the State requires about a candidates finances before the election as specified by law.


    I, for one, thank you, Surepip. Paulette has been very open about providing all of her contact numbers. I'll give her a call and ask her about the financial disclosure. In the meantime, I appreciate your bringing this up. I would have probably not thought to look at Avery's and see where his dollars are coming from. Very interesting donor for such a "conservative" democrat.

  4. I know Will well but can't claim to speak for him. But logically, he wanted to run and was not strongly hooked to either party. What would his chances have been joining the crowded field in the Republican primary? It was just a logical decision to have better prospects.


    I vote for and support Republicans in many instances but vote for who is the better candidate no matter which party they are from from. I do not worship the R or the D. I'll also admit to a little confusion as to what is conservative these days. Have you noticed that since Obama will likely not be able to reduce the Gross Debt, he will be the first Democrat president since WW2 that won't (assuming he doesn't)?


    Has it escaped you that since WW2 that 100% of the increase in the Gross Debt (before Obama) occurred under presidents (Reagan, Bush1 and Bush2) that for some strange unfathomable reasons are considered fiscal conservatives?


    It is not at all strange to think that a smart conscientious practical person who happens to be democrat is the best hope we have for this job. I'm just glad he is available for us. If he had run as a republican party candidate, I would be for him just as much.


    You do realize that Obama has increased our debt more than all of the presidents that you listed combined.


    And, as I mentioned above, the "I'm a democrat because it gives me a better shot" doesn't sit well with me at all. It reeks of dishonesty. Just like listing yourself as a "student" to run for office, and then backpeddling because no one wanted a career student to represent them. He had to have weighed the values of each party and more closely aligned as a democrat to have made that choice. No one has yet to answer which values he most closely aligns with. EVERYONE who claims to support him has simply repeated the same tired argument.

    • Like 1
  5. I have to assume you are not hands on familiar with the Paulding County GOP, Galloway, Kiehl, Shearin, et al ? That is enough to send anyone of a rational mind to seek alternatives.


    Running as an Independent in Georgia is virtually impossible.


    What options does that leave ?


    Many are, and will be happy to have a choice in November. Shearin and his group are ALMOST history. Don't let them get even a toe hold on the future.


    And if you don't think they are behind Braddock then you are not doing you homework. Check out her backers and you will find it is our same old group, and they along with the State GOP will throw some big bucks on this race.


    You still haven't given me a good "why" he's running as a democrat. And honestly, after the last 2 years I have little trust in anything with a (D) next to it. Is Avery saying he's really an Independent, but couldn't win that way, so he needs a different approach?


    So we count her out because a few are running scared. I have this perceived fear that I can't prove so I'll vote against her. I didn't see Shearin's name on his financial disclosure. Did you? In fact, I didn't see any of those names you mentioned. What I did see was a grassroots campaign that was far out financed by the Stout machine take the runoff. The enormous amount of money that Stout raised wasn't enough.

    • Like 1
  6. I think Will Avery deserves the open mindedness of Paulding County.


    So does Paulette Braddock. how many of you are basing your decisions on what you truly know, what you've heard, etc.? Or, the misconceptions of your own mind.


    Should Will Avery be heard? Absolutely. However, so far, I've listened to him and I've heard nothing that tells me WHY he chose to run as a democrat. What about their values does he align with? he hasn't shown me values that I align with. And all I've heard from anyone on here is that he's a "conservative democrat". I find that argument ridiculous quite frankly. What about that represents the people of Paulding County? What about life as an educator and a student has taught him to create jobs? Will he fight and vote to stop Obamacare in our State? And so much more.

  7. Who pounced?? I think it was you!!! I just said that I wouldnt have called the police. They will do nothing, so what is the point in adding more aggravation to myself? I could return to whatever I was doing with my child, or I could sit on the phone with the PD for who knows how long, and bitch about something that nobody can/will do anything about. What the kids did was not illegal. My experience is that you call the LEO when a law has been broken. Geesh, I think you got up too early today.


    Uh, yes it is. In Georgia, it's illegal to curse in front of a child under 14.


    Me too honey. I guess we won't be getting any "Mom of the Year" awards this year. *sigh*


    Dang! There's always next year. drinks.gif

  8. I'm gonna need better examples about why this isn't a parenting problem. Maybe the parents are unaware and need to be alerted so they can address it. Do teens do things their parents don't approve of? Absolutely! But to say the parents have no responsibility in this is, well, irresponsible.


    now what would you be teaching your child if you did that? rolleyes.gif


    Based on the conversations that went down at my house this AM, I've taught my children to be a first class smartbutt. pardon.gif

    • Like 1
  9. I crossed off where you should have left it if you truly are congratulating Dick and would really like for him to make an appearance back here. good.gif just sayin'



    Steve has done a fabulous job with giving us much needed facts and information and I do hope he continues to read and post on your site!


    I agree 100%!!!

  10. you can say that again, she sends out mailers with loads of lies and ends of winning - i know a lot of us who will be voting democratic in november - we will not vote for her


    You are certainly welcome to vote however you wish. But your statement is wrong. I have (probably) all of the fliers and I'd be happy to sit with you and compare inconsistencies and misrepresentations.

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