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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. Why do you not go back to putting out signs and leave the rest up to people who know what they are doing. You are doing more harm than good to the people who you CLAIM to support. I bet you are really working for the other side.


    The sad truth is that I really believe he fully supports Mr. Avery.

  2. // In my very best whiney voice //

    Oh NewsJunky, you should just vote for Will. He's not a real democrat, he's a conservative democrat. Don't worry about that money he took from that liberal group, he just needed funds for the race. But, I'm not going to vote for Paulette because I think she might be connected to that evil old guard Paulding GOP. And I can't see the conflict in my statements. I can only see that I think you are wrong for towing that GOP line.




    blah blah blah


    P.S. to Will Avery: This is not directed at you, only those supporting you in this thread. By all accounts, you are a nice man. You are simply not my chosen candidate this time. And I'm at a lower tolerance level tonight.

    • Like 1
  3. The reverse is also true. You should not withhold your vote because of who someone may be or you may perceive someone to be friends with, now should you?


    Heck yes you should!


    If I knew that a candidate was in bed with a known crook there is no way I would vote for them even if Jesus Christ was endorsing them.


    However, all you have done in the District 19 race is provide rumor, innuendo and downright untruths. Using your condition above then Paulette should have your vote since she is not in the bed with a known crook.


    Or, also using your logic, I should withhold any vote for Will since he associates with you, Animal and Whitey.


    You still don't see what you put out there do you? We should all avoid Paulette Braddock because you think there is a connection to the Old GOP. But we should not withhold a vote for Will Avery just because of the "D". Well, there sure is a lot of crap connected to that "D" too.

  4. I hear there are a number of Republicans backing Will Avery. Not sure where Maxwell or Heath stand on this.


    This might get to be a little hard for the Party People to understand. This race is no longer a Democrat versus Republican. It is a representative of the people of District 19 versus a representative of a few people running the Paulding GOP.


    While I understand some of the points raised, is it not more important to elect a representative that will make the right decisions rather than a representative who is friends with certain people? Will may not fit into that role for some on P-com, and heck, that's okay. But I just have a political philosophical problem with people choosing a candidate based off of things like "well, they would be in the majority party."


    The reverse is also true. You should not withhold your vote because of who someone may be or you may perceive someone to be friends with, now should you?

  5. Can I come, too?? You and Solo rock!! :D


    I want to go too!!! Great company and good women. Animal can stay in his cave with his sour grapes and mud!drinks.gif

    I miss Solo. She is not around as much as she once was. She is a smart lady with a great sense of humor.


    Wow! This has become a great event! I can't wait! I would gladly share time with each of you. Here Animal drinks.gif It's early. It's coffee.

  6. Madea are you a little sensitive? Gee just take your ball and play with someone else. When ever you don't get your way you always say I will vote for someone else. You really make sense on this one,take solo with you poor sportclapping.gif


    Solo is a great lady. I'll be happy to take her with me. Have a nice day!

  7. Yes, she will be a member of the party of choice, with Virginia Galloway on one shoulder and Jerry Shearin on the other.


    This is deeper than just electing a new legislative rep, this is a race to show the old Clique the door, and hoping it hits them hard on their butts on their way out. Time to throw out the last of the old regime and give the new one a chance without tying their hand with Paulette.


    This isn't about a "clique" for me one way or another. Quite frankly, your comments only make me more determined to vote for Paulette. Kinda like I felt with the whole Donovan/Pubby thing.

    • Like 2
  8. personal favorite are the rabbit eye. you could do two re and one shb...What size do yo want?


    Got ya down...thanks!


    Ok...I have gotten all of your orders written down if you have posted here or pm'd me...I would like to have all the orders in during the next couple of weeks, so if you know what you want let me know so I make sure I have yours down.


    Need to know what kind you want


    Still want 3 ...Rabbit Eye?(3 gallon correct?)



    How many would you like?



    let me know sizes and type


    Rabbit Eye?


    2 rabbit eye, 1 of the other, 3 gal size THANKS!

  9. I would love to address any issue that you have. I don't recall not answering any questions.


    To my knowledge, the questions I have haven't been directly asked. I guess a more correct wording would have been the silence on the issues that I'm referring to. For example, within the next 2 years I'm sure the GA legislature will address immigration. However, I did not find your stance on that issue on your website, it hasn't been discussed here, and you haven't mentioned it when I've heard you speak. If I've missed it, I do apologize in advance.


    How do you feel about the stance Purdue took on Obamacare?

    Do you support the "Tea Party" ideology of more limited government?

    I don't believe our education system needs more money. Education's share (percentage) of our state budget remained virtually the same this year. Our state spends virtually the same per child as the national average (from my last recollection). There has to be another, more creative way, to move our children forward and I don't believe it's simply finding more dollars or adding "sin taxes".


    Had you been on the Paulding school board during those "boom years" would you have voted to bring more dollars into the school system? Would you have had other solutions?


    And, what's your vested interest in Paulding County?


    That's a lot, isn't it? pardon.gif

  10. Madea Your example is a mathematical impossibility, there is no way possible that your home value can drop 50% as you contend and still be paying 15% more property taxes than you were in 2006


    If we were buddies, I'd just show you the bills to prove my point. On the other hand, if we were buddies you wouldn't assume I was being dishonest and I would have nothing to prove. Either way, I'll let you assume whatever you want, stand by my statement, and let yours sit. Have a good day. drinks.gif


    I am confused, too. Mine did go down - but a very small percentage. However, my home value has decreased drastically. How is it figured?


    Careful. Whitey will tell you that is a mathematical impossibility. rolleyes.gif For the record, I believe you. wub.gif I'm in the same boat. sleep.gif

  11. All I'm asking is that we call a spade a spade. Yes overall, for the majority, taxes went down. But there's no need for "atta boys" to the BOC because they had nothing to do with the decrease. It decreased because the economy over the country went bust. It had the potential to decrease even more, but the BOC choose to vote in a small millage rate increase. Were they securing our future and looking out for our best interests in doing so? Let's just take the high road for now and assume they were. So far, I don't have a history that would tell me otherwise.


    Otherwise, don't wiz on my head and say it's raining. rofl.gif

    • Like 1
  12. Best tax increase I ever had. Saved me $2,500.00.


    The only way you lose money on the value of your house is if you sell it for what it is said to be worth. The value of my house had almost tripled from when it was built but that was all on paper too.


    The Austin BOC has no choice but to pay the bills for the debt that Shearin and company ran up.


    Let me ask you this, did you really expect those over-inflated home values to continue to climb forever. How many times have you walked through new homes and thought "there is no way in heck this house is worth this much money?"


    My husband is paid on commission. Revenue is down. What if he just informed his boss that he had voted himself a higher percentage to help make up the difference? Oh, and we don't need those extra dollars for living expenses, we just want to sock some of it into savings for next year. Think there would be some anger and resentment?


    yes, I understand the need to maintain good ratings and a certain amount in reserve. But don't blow sunshine up my butt about it. This BOC did not give us a tax decrease. The economy tanked. It's still there.

  13. Yea, but if you look, most of that increase is in 2007, the School Bond, Wildlife bond, and I think the fire tax hit that year too (Jerry's free 2 mil General fund increase)


    You need to compare to 2007 after the new taxes were added.


    Also you are paying $300 more a year last year and this year due to the state canceling the property tax credit, don't forget to add that to calculation.


    Still have to see what millage rate for the bonds for the new government center Jerry built is.


    The current BOC can't do anything about any of those costs.


    There are too many pieces of the tax equations to be able to compare year to year without the details. Guess we'll have to wait on the written bill to that.




    Assessments came out in June and had to appealed then I think.


    Yes, from 2006 to 2007 my property tax increased 20% and stayed level for 2007, 2008 and 2009, even allowing for the lost tax credit. My point was that I'm still 15% higher than 2006 when my house was worth twice as much. I'm not going to jump for joy over saving $100 on my property tax when my house value is down 50%.

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