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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. My God NJ. I have enough common sense and education to know that Will Avery isn't going to give Obama any more power anywhere. That has to be the most asinine thing I have heard.


    Like I have said before, the only thing you people can find wrong with Will Avery is that he is a Democrat.


    It is funny that you guys want to start talking about WHAT a candidate is going to do and stop mud slinging when you guys run out of mud. :lol:


    You know, Kim Curl beat Paulette in the BOE election. What makes Paulette suddenly qualified to be our representative in the House? It's the same Paulette. If she not smart enough to be on the BOE (and I have known some of those members, it's just not that mentally demanding), she sure as heck isn't smart enough to be in the House of Representatives. Sorry to be blunt but I am really getting tired of this discussion.


    BTW, I am a republican through and through. Doesn't mean I'll support a lesser candidate just because they are republican. I guess I'm just not a stupid republican. ;)




    Lemme get this straight. You get angry and name call because some of us aren't on board with your chosen candidate. We are simply falling in "lock step". However, I have issues that are important to me that your candidate won't even address. I know where the republican stands on the issues. So, when those issues come up in the next 2 years, I think he would just fall into lock step with the Democrats. And that's not a risk I'm willing to take. And that makes me stupid?



  2. So that is why you have gotten your bowls in a up roar,so your on the dark side. Does Jerry tell you when to jump or roll over?


    My bowls are fine, thank you very much. Although I could stand to get rid of a few of those old Tupperware ones.


    JSYK, Jerry wouldn't know me if I were standing before him.

  3. I'll be sure and not spend that $100 "savings" all in one place. Wow, that's awesome. Property value decreases 50%, property tax decreases 6.5%. I'm really feeling that "change".


    This year's taxes are 15% more than they were in 2006 when my home reached the height of it's value.


    angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif

  4. That was a cheap shot based on pure ignorance.



    What's your point? I know the local GOP, I am one of them. I know they are struggling to maintain a little piece of the pie and they are willing to sacrifice David Austin, Tommie Graham and Todd Pownall to get their one last hope (Paulette) elected.


    Anyone that compares Will Avery to Obama does so out of pure ignorance. This is someone that has no idea about where Will stands. They are just making assumptions by pulling opinions out of their rear end.


    Really? You, Animal, Surepip, Whitey and some others are having a good time painting a lot of folks with the same brush.


    Will's own words were "I am a Democrat". I've seen nothing from his platform that indicates that he's any different.

  5. Does anyone know what happened between the local GOP and Animal to turn him so much against that group ? I mean in past elections, Animal was Mr Republican, and literally Mr Paulding Republican to the Nth degree.


    He was "The Sign Man" for any and all Republican Candidates do or die, right or wrong.


    Dayuum did he do a 180 degree turn!


    Don't get me wrong, I have watched that Clique that runs the local GOP pull every string possible to help out "Their" slate of "R" candidates and turn their backs on other GOP candidates.


    And I agree with Animal that they have totally screwed up in the district 19 race.


    Richardson leaves office in disgrace. Turns out Romeo was lying about his AGL Lobbyist and got his tail [or something else] caught in the crack.


    So we follow up with Mr Stout, who in his transparency forgot about a rather large skeleton rattling about in his closet.


    And now we end up with Paulette "Cynthia McKinney" Braddock as our "R" choice ?!?!?



    I welcome Willl Avery with open arms.


    My guess is that you already know the answer and this is a big ole game to you. Enjoy. But if you still don't know, check with his in-laws.

  6. They speak for themselves. Why wouldn't someone vote for the better candidate from either party? I do it every election. I vote for republicans and democrats, sometimes independents, libertarians, etc in other words whoever I've looked into that makes the most sense to me. I do this even though I support mostly (especially in local elections) republicans. I campaign for republicans every election. Will is simply a better prospect. It is that simple. I would vote for him if he ran as a republican.


    Why would anyone vote straight ticket no matter how bad a candidate might be? Maybe because they don't like their kids? This country?


    That may very well be the decision that you have reached. However, there are those of us who disagree with his positions and the positions of the party that he represents. I'm sure he's a likeable and well-educated fella.

    • Like 1
  7. Thank you, we try and Whitey thinks were rich. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Oh how I wish. :o


    Why don't you just tell these good people the truth. You are an evil, rich business owner who is sucking the very life's blood from this county while you laugh all the way to the bank. We are just your minions paying your way on the backs of homeowners. pardon.gif


    Oh wait. You are a county homeowner too. wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif


    rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif

  8. Wow I never have heard of those details about Perry Grogan.


    I have also heard of the rumors that you mention in this case against Mr. Cochran.


    I have stayed out of this thread and probably never should of made the post that I did, But I knew that the Investigation was made aware of before the RUNOFF not as naturegirl had stated.

    I cannot imagine what these families are going through, And it has to be devasting to all the family members involved.

    My prayers go out to all involved in this matter,And pray that justice prevail in this matter.


    Only because your prior comments were moved.

  9. You know it REALLY REALLY worries me that someone like you is pushing Will Avery...makes me VERY worried about even thinking about voting for him. You know they say crazy is as crazy does and you are known for the people you have around you. I see if he does not do something about this it could cause him to loose many votes and maybe the race as well. I guess he needs to decide just how much "help" you are and IF you are worth it...that will tell me alot about what kind of man he really is. If he can not keep his "so-called" supporter in line or if he does not publicly put a distance between you and him then we will all know what he is really made of. Of course it may be that you are really out to hurt him and you are really working for the other side and this is just your underhanded way of going about it. If so it is working. It is not Will Avery names being talked about as much as it is YOURS and Mr. Avery is only getting a secondary mention and a question about just how connected he is to you.


    That and the fact that his comments have no correlation to this thread. blink.gif

    • Like 1
  10. From what I am hearing the Paulding County Republican Party is going to have another embarassing moment with their candidate in the District 19 race blink.gif


    How did this go from an arrest discussion to a PCRP bashing? Have you no shame? Start your own topic. This one is disturbing enough.

  11. Madea, NewsJunky where are you when the facts begin to come out on your candidate?????????


    Crickets Crickets, Chirp chirp ?????????????????


    This may come as a great surprise to you, but I have another life away from here and two wonderful, small children.


    And, yes, I still disagree with your conclusions, regardless of how you paint them. You are deliberately spinning the details to suit your cause. Yes, taxes increased during that time, but property values soared. There were many who benefited during that time.

    • Like 1
  12. My stand was "NO NEW TAXES ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" Paulette and the School Board lost the first round in 2006, And then reorganized and presented the school bond again in 2007, Along with thousands of dollars of special interest $$$$ And got it passed by a landslide.

    Paulette has always been a fan of Shearin, And Supported him openly in 2008, That was the year she got beat by a landslide on the school board,And one of the main issues in that election was her votes to raise school taxes. Pretty clear to me who dumped on you, I believe It was the same crowd that is supporting Paulette now.

    Will Avery is much more conservative than Paulette


    One, she voted for one tax increase. The one that the voters eventually agreed on as well. In fact, I voted yes for the children. That's the second time I've admitted that on this board. If you think otherwise, you need to put up proof.

  13. Folks ... First off, it is too early to schedule a debate.


    When a debate or discussion happens, it will happen at the behest of Pcom, the Chamber or possibly the PBA ... or all three. These are the groups that have arranged for these types of events.


    Mrs. Braddock has been very gracious in appearing on PCOM and I fully expect her to be on pcom talking, if not with Will directly, possibly with folks like Nathan Deal, Sam Olens or even Casey Cagle or David Ralston (or other state officers).


    That said, what Animal says about a 'debate' ... whether he wants one or not ... whom he thinks will win or not ... is what Animal says. You can think and say pretty much whatever you want about Animal says but to deny him the right or opportunity to say what he thinks is really not kosher. You know, like trying to invoke some kind of censorship on his thoughts and beliefs.



    In other words, Paulette went toe-to-toe with Daniel Stout and came out just fine and Daniel, IMO, was good at debate and public speaking. He knocked them dead in the first debate to win the office and did a good job head to head with Paulette just a few weeks ago. Bottom line, I don't think Paulette is scared or seeking in any way to dodge a debate with Will.


    Further, rather than reacting negatively to Animal, if I were a Paulette supporter I'd be out there saying just that ... that she has not only has the conservative family values that you endorse but that she is an articulate and effective voice for those ideas and ideals.


    You do believe that, don't you Solo? News Junky? Georgia Dawg? Madea?





    I made no attempt to deny his right to make ignorant remarks. I leave the censoring on this site to you. I have no authority to deny him that right. I have the same rights to react however I deem appropriate to his remarks.


    And you brought up "conservative family values", not me. I'll be happy, when I feel ready to do so, to start my own thread about how I think my ideas and ideals will be represented.



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