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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. AGAIN, if you took the time to learn the whole story and the real truth you would be so ashamed of your judgmentalism.....



    First of all, I lack enough voyeuristic qualities to need to know the whole story and the "real truth".


    There was nothing judgmental in my statement that you quoted therefore nothing to be ashamed of. The only judgements I make on Mr. Stout are events that occurred in 2010.


    In addition, if YOU had taken the time to know what part of the quote I was referring to YOU would realize that the rest of the state's perception is their reality and the "whole story" doesn't really matter. Bottom line is Mr. Stout made Paulding County a laughing stock.

  2. What are you saying, animal? That if Mrs. Cochran quietly steps down the mysterious allegations against a family member may just go away?


    The allusion so far has been that Cochran herself has done nothing wrong. Why should she step down?


    Paulding County won't recover soon from the Stout fiasco unless he is defeated tomorrow, how could Cochran bring shame on the Paulding Republican Party?


    I'm still waiting on an answer to this post from page 1.

  3. Thanks for the list Pubby! BTW: I didn't see "Roger Hines" on your list for School Superintendent. Is this an oversight, or am I unclear about what should be on your list? Just wondering, because Roger Hines is a really great guy, and I hope he wins!


    I really like Hines as well and was disappointed in his withdrawal. However, if you like Hines, I found Barge to be a good alternative.

  4. Mr. Stout my issue with you is in the first election you were all about transparency but you never divulged your relationship with your Mother in Law.

    I was on a trip this summer and when I introduced myself to a lady she looked at me and asked what was wrong with Paulding County that we had a representative that had a sordid past and then we turned around and voted for you with your bazaar past. I am sorry but I am ready for people to say positive things about our county.


    And people thought I was making that stuff up. It's been happening and it continues to happen.

  5. What are you saying, animal? That if Mrs. Cochran quietly steps down the mysterious allegations against a family member may just go away?


    The allusion so far has been that Cochran herself has done nothing wrong. Why should she step down?


    Paulding County won't recover soon from the Stout fiasco unless he is defeated tomorrow, how could Cochran bring shame on the Paulding Republican Party?

  6. Way to go. I won't respond to the flier, I'll just let my campaign staff do it for me. dry.gif Daniel, the flier was sent by Steve's campaign too. Please show us the article where Golden promised he would not discuss the FACTS. He wants to talk about sticking to his promises to the people. However, with his 40+ missed votes did he have permission from the people he represents to be absent? angry.gif

  7. Will you please provide the documents that shows that I am telling a lie?

    Prove your comments are true. You started it.


    What has ICE got to do with this?

    I agree if the citizens elect Stout the voters accept his improper behavior.And they want that type individual to represent them under the gold dome.

    I disagree. Most still don't know about it.

  8. Bellaprincess, you ask such good questions!! yahoo.gif yahoo.gif I appreciate what pigpen has added as well. (whew!!) I think what he is saying that as a magistrate judge he cannot represent people on criminal cases. He has worked on criminal cases before, just not recently. Is that correct??


    Not entirely accurate. He must represent in Superior Court. As to the remainder, I'm not sure. I had heard that he began his career as an assistant DA.


    BTW, If we are using the "court performance" as a yardstick (as you've indicated with Donovan), have you observed the other 2 candidates in court?

  9. I knew who I wouldn't vote for a long time ago, you're right!! laugh.gif I respect your opinions as well, funny how we can actually talk about this and still remain friends. I think this is how it's supposed to be. wub.gif



    It is how it's supposed to be. :wub: I don't necessarily agree with all that you've said, but I've never witnessed Donovan (actually any of the candidates) in the courtroom.


    I do know that cases involving children can be extremely complicated. While I'm not coming out in favor of Mr. Donovan making a reply on a specific case, I also don't believe he's "leaked secrets". And I really don't believe this one case defines his entire career.


    I like WFAL. But I don't know all the facts surrounding her issue. She and I have never discussed it at all.

  10. I agree, we are kind of at the lesser of three evils here.


    Here we go.........


    positive - Drew Lane, nice guy, really tries.


    postive - Donald R. (Dick) Donovan, nothing yet.


    positive - Chad Plumley, community oriented, is a great guy and serves where needed both professionally and as a volunteer.


    I'm sure I'll have more later but in a rush right now.


    I agree, Drew Lane appears to be a very nice guy.


    Dick Donovan is a nice man with an impressive background in criminal law and in his work prior to entering the legal profession.


    Chad Plumley also appears to be a very nice guy. I'm sure his ties to Foster will assist him in this election.


    I've not fully made my decision in this race, but I know I won't be casting my vote for Drew Lane.

  11. Can't believe no one has started a thread about this one. Last election this seemed to be a hot topic. I am familiar with all three candidates and have a question specifically for deadeye aka Dick Donovan. Could you please tell us why you left Paulding County and moved your practice to Douglas County??


    You have been very vocal in another thread about a specific case, now can you give us some specifics about yourself??



    I do not know the specifics, but Mr. Donovan has had his office in Douglas for a very long time. You may not know this, but managing a law practice with more than one office is very difficult. if he found that the majority of his clients were coming from Douglas County, it would make way more sense to simply have an office there. He's still free to practice law in any county in Georgia that he may choose.

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