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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. where did you hear the allegation of a vast backlog of cases?


    It wasn't from the clerk of the superior court. It wasn't in documentation filed with the administrative offices of the Georgia Courts; it wasn't even in a release from the District Attorney or his association.


    So where did it come from? Where were you in the last election?


    It is an undocumented allegation of a 64 year-old person who had to come up with something to base his campaign upon. Well, how will we do that? Post a list of the DUIs that have been dead-docketed in the last 4 years? The only folks with that info will never give it up. BTW, it was the basis for Plumley's campaign too.


    There is ample evidence that the figures mentioned were 'invented,' as is the allegation that courtrooms are dark.


    Fact is you are basing your assertion and belief on a campaign ad that is based, most likely, on the results of a survey of what would get the man elected.


    I mean, if there is an issue in Paulding is that, according to the formula for rural judicial districts, the caseload for civil cases alone would fill every courtroom from dawn to dusk. the plain fact is that based on case load, the Paulding Judicial district should have something on the order of eight superior court judges; not three. You can't really believe the stuff you type sometimes.


    If there is the bottle neck in the local courts, it is in the number of judges available to hear cases; not a lack of pursuit of justice by the sitting District Attorney. Maybe the sitting judges should know that Drew is blaming them for the problems in his office.


    Oh, and the issues that confront the court today will continue to confront the court after the election. Your theory.


    What few seem to recognize is that the disruption that would be caused by the election of Dick Donovan to the DA's office will likely make things worse - a lot worse. And, because he is 64, by about the time things recover, he'll be looking to retire permanently, creating a whole new wave of disruption. If that's the way you think, do you have Jerry Shearin's number in Florida? Maybe Sonny should just stay on too.


    As a taxpayer interested in the efficient administration of justice, we'd all be better off letting Drew remain in office and consider hiring a younger man four years hence.


    Dick, for a variety of reasons - disrespect for the first amendment, disrespect for people in general and a temperament more fitting a crotchety 84 year old - means he is just not the man for the job. We'd much prefer the guy who suggests that everyone is not entitled to a fair trial. rolleyes.gif



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  2. AFP does very good work on the national level informing people of how their government spends their money and how we could all benefit from a tax code that relates to the rightful expenses of constitutional government instead of the politics of the party in charge. But one has to ask why they are involved in this small county board meeting the day of a critical election. The answer is that they aren't, Virginia Galloway is. It is obvious to even a casual observer that Ms. Galloway is misusing the good name of a national organization for highly partisan and purely personal political purposes.


    Animal, it is indeed a big fat duck.


    The timing of a board meeting to raise our taxes is more suspect that Mrs. Galloway. Mrs. Galloway is the State Director. I don't see it as partisan to oppose an unnecessary tax increase. Aren't we "taxed enough already"?

  3. I'm curious feelip, did they use David Austin's name and also Jerry Shearin's name or did you include those of your own volition?


    Finally, this is the state-wide lobbying group set up and run by Darryl and Virginia Galloway.




    Surely your research skills are better than that. unsure.gif



    <H2>Who We Are

    Americans for Prosperity™ and Americans for Prosperity Foundation are two separate entities with their own governing boards. Each is a national organization based in the Washington, D.C. area, with staff on the ground in state chapters across the nation.


    The heart and soul of AFP and AFP Foundation are our citizen activists. They organize events, write letters to the editor, and petition their lawmakers to uphold freedom and prosperity. Americans for Prosperity and Americans for Prosperity Foundation have more than 1,000,000 activists, in all 50 states, and 30 state chapters and affiliates. More than 65,000 Americans in all 50 states have made a financial contribution to AFP or AFP Foundation.




    Read more: http://www.americansforprosperity.org/about#ixzz0w8xqloC9


  4. I think that you misquoted him, Madea. It was ON the streets, not OFF.


    Unless you're saying that Donovan did such a crappy job defending his clients that he got 'em all sent to jail ("off the streets").



    I think you meant "on", but you can clear that up. My impression was that Donovan was a defense attorney and would not want his clients "off the streets" aka "in jail".


    You are correct. I stand corrected.

  5. You know where I stand on the issue of the DA's race. I am going to say that they can both do their jobs and they will both win some and lose some. We have already heard from some P.commers about both of these candidates winning and losing. I do not believe for one second that Drew is disregarding anyone's right to a fair trial.


    I do know. ;) However, I just read that portion of the ad for the first time today and it struck a chord with me. I just didn't like the implication at all.

  6. That my friend is the understatement of the year.


    RR just needs his bud PT/Ithey back to echo his sentiments. I used to like Reagan, but with RR's avatar, I am beginning to loath all that group stood and stands for. Might as well put Virginia Galloway's photo there instead.


    To my knowledge, Virginia isn't on here making ugly comments about you. Why must you continue?

  7. In his Paulding.com ad Drew Lane states that Donovan spent "31 years keeping criminals off the streets".


    The right to a fair trial belongs to each and every American. That's the role of a defense attorney, assuring the defendant gets a fair trial. Is Drew disregarding that right? If it's true that Donovan has kept criminals off the streets for 31 years then that means someone on the prosecution side didn't properly to their job.

    • Like 2
  8. I have looked at this you tube several times, And read the ad several times and have yet to find what she is so appaled about?


    Seems to me that if Beverly could take the time to do a you tube and have it posted then certaintly she should be willing to set down with Pubby Austin, Todd and explain why she is so appalled by the ad. We have many more important issues facing our county that need to be talked and campaigned about than an endorsemant in a local news paper. Lets talk about jobs, the reservoir, Transportation etc. Sit down and talk it out for all to see and hear



    You do realize it's less than a 2 minute video. rolleyes.gif



  9. By all accounts, Barnett, Cochran, Crowe and Pownall are all worthy candidates. I haven't seen anyone that represents the Paulding Republican party say otherwise. Instead of beating these folks into the ground, we should be grateful they put themselves out there to run for office.

  10. Talk about being an asshole....WOW anyone else you care to insult? OH and want them to PAY you for the privilege of doing it? Very smart businessman... By what you have said about DD you and him must be two of a kind,


    Please note. Not currently a paying member. drinks.gif



    If it were, would it be kinda like saying "thank you sir, may I have another?" rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif

  11. That is silly.


    Cartels are business associations that violate anti-trust.


    What is going on here is the drama created by internal divisions within the Republican party, which is practically the only party in the county.


    On one side you have the adults and on the other you have the zealots, bomb-throwers and reactionaries whose concept of government is so jaded, they think that since they seek to install their own 'cartel,' those who oppose them must be a 'cartel.'


    Bottom line, they wouldn't know good government if it smacked them in the face.




    Your repeated attempts today to be insulting to me are simply futile. Call it whatever you wish, my name isn't anywhere on any political party rolls in this county. I've never thrown a bomb. And those that truly know me have never called me either a zealot or a reactionary.

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