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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. We get it Pubster. 7 pages (not counting other threads) of "DD isn't as bad as you say" and 7 pages of you replying "oh yes he is". 7 pages of DL is a nice, bumbling, buffoon met with but he's still not as bad as DD.




    You are welcome to your opinion Madea.


    I know of several attorneys who have reported that Donovan will not even shake their hand because they didn't support him in this bid for DA.




    Yes, I am. And it is 180 degrees from yours. Please list those attorneys. Or are they in the same category as the mysterious judge who is mucking up the system?

    • Like 2
  2. Because I feel the public, i.e. voters, have the right to know where the candidates stand on various issues brought up in a public forum where there will be records if it down the road [remember "Read my lips....no new taxes"?].


    And one of the questions Beverly was asked at the public event 5-6 weeks ago about SPLOST, she refused to answer stating commissioners cannot give public comments or support for SPLOST. And she is not a commissioner best I know.


    David Barnett and Todd Pownall have been out front and have replied to everything asked of them.


    I guess for me it boils down to who is running and for what reasons. Coming to your house and telling you in private what you want to hear may be a good vote getter, but to me is cowardly if their feet can't be held to the fire later when they renege on those promises.


    I didn't hear you complaining about the events that David Barnett missed.

    • Like 1
  3. CeeJay:


    You suggested that being vindictive ... the type of person most are afraid to cross even innocently is a good thing. I searched and searched my mind for examples of vindictive people and that was the list I came up with. People try to forget the names of the more petty, regular vindictive people they run across.


    You know, unlike beauty (Marilyn Monroe), goodness (Mother Teresa)and truth (Honest Abe Lincoln) there are only a few names of vindictive people in the collective memory. They all made their name with their total lack of restraint in pursuit of the revenge.


    We all know being vindictive is a character flaw that a lot of people have. Most people try to avoid this backstabbing type. Why you or anyone would want to elect one to public office is beyond me.




    And I would suggest that characterizing Donovan as vindictive is ONLY YOUR OPINION. Not mine and not a lot of other folks. Lane was appointed by Purdue. I don't know of too many folks with good things to say about Purdue right now. Just one more blunder on Purdue's part I'd say.


    BTW, there's a typo on Drew's website. BIG no-no.

    • Like 1
  4. In the previous DA contest 4 yrs ago, I became acquainted with and supported a candidate named Clark(?) who was in the contest against Lane and Donovan. He had more credentials than DD and DL combined in terms of prosecutorial experience.


    I put his sign up in my yard. Donovan was doing a door-to-door on my street one evening during that primary. Even though he knew which candidate I was supporting, he still approached me and was cordial and personable.


    My opinion about this current race? ANYBODY BUT THE INCUMBENT!!!

    I supported Clark too. He was the most qualified.

  5. Who has the most experience in prosecuting cases, the numbers are irrelevant. I do not want a rookie prosecuting Child molesters, Murders, Rape cases etc. Do you?


    Before you say that, call Drew Lane and ask him how many child molesters are in jail as a result of his efforts.

  6. You are right. It is time to say a prayer to the Patron Saint of Lost Causes.


    (I'm sure Pubby and I both know we aren't really trying to convince each other. We are both endorsing/campaigning. Mine just isn't a paid endorsement. ohmy.gif Yeah, I went there. lol)


    I'm not sure about this. How old is Jerry now?


    I have no idea. I'll find this and get back to you. His age may prevent him from being a viable consideration.

  7. Bellaprincess:


    I think different things. It is okay to disagree. It is called argument or discussion.


    It is not age discrimination, by the way. And as far as the scenario of ADA's leaving ... that is what happened when Drew was appointed by the Governor (when Osborne was appointed Superior Court Judge.)


    That kind of upheaval is just the way it is in politics. Politicians change and the key jobs change and that goes for District Attorneys as much as it does for Labor commissioners and Attorney's General.


    You can accept the reality or deny it or paint a portrait of another reality.


    If DD wins, we can revisit this in January 2011 to see.




    Well, if we should never change because it upsets the apple cart, maybe we should try and reach Jerry and see if he's available. :rolleyes:

  8. In the example from "WideLoad", the DAs office has two years to seek an indictment after someone is arrested. Two years! Arraignments aren't nearly as hard to get in front of judge as your friend Drew would have you believe.



    Madea: Arraingments are automatic and must occur within a day or so - maybe 72 hours - of the arrest.


    It is the first appearance after an arrest.


    I'm sure the person was arraigned since he is out of jail and seeking to have the arrest record expunged.


    Indeed, it would appear the person is fortunate as the DA does not appear to be pursuing prosecution. I wonder if they've allowed him out on his own recognizance or whether he/she still has a bond posted.


    What I think you're suggesting is that the DA didn't have the person indicted by the grand jury. That is usually the first act that the District Attorney does if they plan to prosecute a case.


    For the record, a person can be arrested on the suspicion of committing a crime. This is done usually on the oath of the arresting officer who may or may not have all the evidence in hand necessary to win a case. They will have a first appearance - an arraignment - where typically bond is set and assuming the person makes bond, gets him out of jail until trial. Law enforcement (The SO) continues to collect evidence and the DA begins putting the case together for the grand jury where they will ask for an indictment.


    Typically the DA will present evidence to a grand jury (including the officers testimony). The grand jury will review the evidence collected and then enter a true bill of indictment. They may ask that bond be increased or revoked at this stage but often it is not.


    At the GOP meeting the Saturday before the election the foreman of the last grand jury asked to speak on behalf of Drew Lane.


    I didn't include video from that event at the time because the SD card I had with me was not large enough to hold the presentations of all the DA candidates in their entirety. I chose, given the short time frame and potential that I would be considered to be showing favoritism, not to show any of them. (I missed most of Mr. Plumley's presentation.)


    Anyway, would you like to hear the presentation of the grand jury foreman? I'll do it in the morning assuming I still have that video on hand.




    Yes, in the second sentence, I misused the word "arraignment". Yes, I'll review your video if you still have it.

  9. In the example from "WideLoad", the DAs office has two years to seek an indictment after someone is arrested. Two years! Arraignments aren't nearly as hard to get in front of judge as your friend Drew would have you believe.

  10. I changed my name and I am still the same person. It is a non-issue.


    I have one personal concern regarding how the DA's office is lagging. I have a friend that was arrested for something and then wasn't charged (it was several years ago). He applied to have his arrest record expunged over a year ago. He is still waiting. Why does this matter? He can't find a job because they run his record and see that arrest. It isn't in the public's interest to be so far behind.


    And it's happening more than Drew Lane would want you to know.

  11. pubby


    Oh and Madea ... if there is a person or persons who have a specific case that they feel the DA's office has flubbed, you might want to discuss it with me as I feel I am pretty much an expert on how to get screw ups on the public record.


    Thanks, but I'll pass. I have a 20 year reputation to protect.

  12. I just wanted to take a moment to interject here....when we were producing the news for Friday, Pubby did a lot of MAJOR thinking as to whether or not to produce the piece. We all discussed it and even viewed the video repeatedly to see if maybe we misconstrued what we were seeing...that maybe Dick was just 'joking' around (even though it was insulting).


    After watching the clip repeatedly, the answer was...NO, Dick Donovan was not joking (if you watch the video you will see there is absolutely no presence of a smile or anything to even remotely suggest this was said in a 'joking' or 'kidding manner', in fact, it definitely looked the opposite) and yes the people, the Paulding County residents/voters needed to see it.


    It was RUDE and definitely uncalled for. Dick Donovan will NOT get my vote...nor my husband's...and Pubby, I commend you on the decision to put the clip out there.


    I watched it. I detected a "tone" that I would consider "said in jest". Was it the right thing to say? No. But I do not believe it was said with malice. I do also believe that Pubby is already so biased against him, that it really wouldn't matter what he said.


    Like I said before, this is not a lesser of two evils...........it's more like "the Devil you know". ;)


    Yeah, well, the "devil I know", I refuse to cast a vote for. ;)

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