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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. Cabe

    cute for easter

    Those are cute. I want some too!
  2. Thanks for showing your professionalism by being honest.
  3. Can you fix a paint sprayer? We are going to have to paint the outside of our house this spring/summer and it's "broked".
  4. Prayers for the Turley family. Rest in Peace to a very sweet man. While unable to be with you in person today, I am there with you in thoughts and prayer.
  5. My husband would love this, but I'm not a seafood eater. What else do you have?
  6. I did not forget about you the other day, it was just too crappy of a day to deal with it. I also don't remember which of the numbers I put into my phone is yours. Please PM me your number again and let me know if you are available to come by toward the end of the week.
  7. Congratulations on a life well lived. Rest in peace.
  8. Well, I completely ran out of time today, and there was not a book fair this week, so I got two cards and stuck some cash in each so that they would have it to purchase some extras for the class. They both seemed a bit surprised (maybe it was the cash) but appreciative. Thank you teachers!
  9. Love the one of them walking together. I have one similar of my kids and I just love it! Great job!
  10. Tot Tuesday is an awesome deal! I'll be on the look out for the bunny pics!
  11. Just messin with ya. Now, go find Nicholas a bunny! (4 legs and furry)
  12. Dry it up ya baby. That's what you get for not putting me in your top list.
  13. That is going to get you in SO much trouble! But . . .
  14. I hope your kids' parents see this and bring something for your class.
  15. I know. I hope you find bunnies NC. We love the bunny pictures!
  16. Could you pick me up some dog food? Not taking my kiddos in there either.
  17. Didn't think about there, or realize they did them. That's a good idea.
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