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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. A North Carolina man, Gregory Taylor, who spent nearly two decades in prison on a first-degree murder conviction, walked away from a courtroom a free man, last year, after a three-judge panel decided he was convicted of a crime he didn't commit. I just saw this on CNN, yesterday. How could this have happened to Mr. Tailor. What if one of us, in Georgia, was wrongfully convicted of a crime we didn't commit? What if it was you? The North Carolina Innocence Commission proved that that blood evidence on the car belonging to Mr. Taylor was not even blood. The FBI was said to have with held
  2. That's another reason I avoid service that gets too personal, and expects me to pay them for being nice, e_m! Thank you for that input, even though this is your thread.
  3. If I am providing a service, I don't expect people to pay me for my service, and then pay the employees I hire to work at my establishment. It seems to me that a restaurant should be the same way. Don't make me pay for services in one payment, and then expect me to have it delivered. E-bay doesn't even do that, some things are with free delivery, but others have delivery charges added onto the price at checkout. That makes it fare and square. If you want to pay shipping cost, don't ask for free shipping. Thanks for listening, LPPT!
  4. What Psychobabble BS is, is somebody else's bottom line, and it has little, if anything, to do with empowerment to your bottom line. It's like a diet that doesn't work. If you have tried any of these diets you know what I'm talking about. But, diets are not the only Psychobabble BS we are sold, every day. There are many kinds of supposed success things we are sold, on a daily basis. Five simple steps, it's easy. You can't help but succeed, because you deserve it, and you're so wonderful. The results will be so fast you want believe it. Nevertheless, instead of stripping away our exc
  5. Thanks, MR S T Y! Like I said, above. I don't like service that is over and above the cost of cooked food and something placed out to put it on. If a restaurant establishment can't afford to pay their help, I am not going to pay them. Some restaurants allow you to wait on yourself, which is what I do, but then they have someone I am supposed to pay bring me a drink. If they just provide a glass, where I got my plate, I can get my own drink like I got my own meat and potatoes.
  6. All I want, at a restaurant, is access to the food and drink. I don't like to be bothered with service other than having a plate, silverware or plastic utensils, a glass, a table, and food. That cost enough. If I have to pay for more service, I don't eat there anymore.
  7. I didn't say that, rays! I think insurance companies would have been much better off if they had arranged for groups of people, to be able to obtain healthcare insurance (at a reasonable price) outside the work place. People who have you to sign away your personal rights, in order to work for them, don't need to have anything to do with your healthcare. Government allows it's people certain inalienable rights, that a person signs away in a work application. If you go to work in a Corporation and start claiming freedom of speech you will likely be dealt with by the authority. There's a
  8. I'm proud of the Egyptian people, at this point. But, you are right, I may change my view. Mubarak is probably responsible for thousands of murder's, and rapist type people, getting out of prisons and onto the streets. Peaceful protests is more likely to turn violent with these criminals out on the streets with good protesters. Mubarak would then have a reason to crack down with a lot of police force. I believe the Egyptian people can handle an election, if we back them, here in this country, for Democracy (social equality). They are tired of Dictatorship.
  9. I belong to myself, NC! In every Church I've been to, the people with real problems hid their problems rather than seeking support, and those who didn't hide their problems wished that they had, after the doses of guilt, judgment, or alienation they received from the members of the church. No, I don't belong to one of those organizations, but I have been asked, on numerous occasions, to join up.
  10. You're right, ButterflyLion! The abuse comes at the application stage, in some business. I have read applications that caused me to get up and walk out of the place, while thinking "those people are not right in their minds." I saw bad conflicts of interest they were asking me to sign my name to. PSD is right, about some companies. I can usually tell by looking at their job applications. But, I prefer to use a mutual contract; maybe one that I draw up myself. I will except a contract written up by someone else, but only after reading it very closely. People who will fill out applicati
  11. I know what you mean, GGGM! It's not just government, however! In this country it's more the people who you have signed away their bill of rights, and left them at the corporate door. Corporate lawyer fix up application for people to sign, in order to work there. A person with his own lawyer would not be welcome inside. So that makes it a dictatorship. I don't mind working for someone else, though! In fact I like to work for other people, as well as myself. Other people mutually agree with me, and even if they are the ones who drew up the contract, I examine it closely. I took a course i
  12. When some kind of monopoly power has fixed things where healthcare insurance is only available to a person through his employer, because of a preexisting condition, or simply because it is cheaper through an employer it's messed up. With that said, I can understand insurance being cheaper in a group setting, but an employer messing with my healthcare insurance, in any way, is a conflict of interest. I don't mind working for someone else if the application does not dictate to me. That is a conflict of my interest. I work for many people, but we first come to a mutual agreement. If they want
  13. I think the Egyptian people are tired of the dictatorship they have been under, for the last 30 years. It could be bad for Israel, I don't know. But, it seems to me that relying on a dictator for things, to be more comfortable, is a conflict of anyone's interest besides the dictator himself. I could be wrong, GGGM, but if I was under dictatorship of any magnitude, I would be protesting like heck, until I got out from under it.
  14. That's fine, and good, e_s! Dictatorship can be good for people until they realize, "hay this BS has gone to far." I now have a dictator telling me that my healthcare insurance is in his/her provisions, because that is the only way I can get healthcare insurance at a reasonable price, and if I have a preexisting condition it's the only way I can get it, at all. And, it's not just that. There's an a-hole telling me what to do, for more of my waking hours than I have for myself. I make my choices on self based interests, and don't follow orders for fear disapproval. My self-decisions ar
  15. About 300 people gathered at CNN Center to stand in solidarity, with the Egyptian people, in support of the Egyptian people. Here's what Sherif Abdelmohsen, a PhD student at Georgia Tech, told Atlanta Progressive News."The rally at CNN was extremely positive support, whether from the non-Egyptians who participated or the people supporting our cause in the streets, dozens of cars honking in support, some even slowing down to show support, hold flags and take photos." He also said, "This really raised our spirits and made us feel how important it is that the American people know more and more
  16. Living your life, on a basis of what is genuinely important to you, does not come from following orders for fear of disapproval from some authority that is not your own. Of course, being accountable to some authority, outside your own, may be what you want out of your life! You can be confident around other people while you are living up to your own expectations. Other people will have you thinking you need to avoid punishment for not living up to their expectations, and your self fulfillment is a conflict of interest as for as they are concerned. Cooperating with others is one thing, but
  17. Ronald Reagan always said, "there I go again." I only say that once in a blue moon.
  18. I know a lot about what may be going on in your life, and I have at least two reasons. One, I lived it in my own life, and two, because I deal directly with people just like you, and me, every year. I don't know everything, of course! I see things in your lives, your faces, and your eyes! I see how busy people are, and how caught up in roles that satisfy somebody, besides themselves, they are. If you want to live your life being buried, in favor of a "go along to get along" mentality, there is nothing I can do about it. The only thing I can do is to direct your attention to another w
  19. Berating corporations is not the objective. I don't have the power to do anything against moneyed corporations. They have billions of dollars worth of say-so. I just don't get involved it the dictatorship that goes on in a corporation. I live in a free country, and I want to be free. If I wanted to live under dictatorship, where the norm is Chinese workers are becoming more employed than American workers, I would not be free to say that I love my fellow citizens. Heck, if I wanted to live in dictatorship I would have moved to Egypt, but I would probably be protesting.
  20. You'll never get rich by digging a ditch, was not invented by me. I heard that song many years ago. I was not behind a plow, but I was in school, the first time I heard it. Some people think rich is a lot of money, but there are other things one can be rich in. FictionWriter thinks I am rich in being unable to make any sense when I write. But, that is fiction, I write real things that people, around here, often doesn't want to hear. The truth hurts, sometimes, but fiction can always be arranged to make a lot of personal, and satisfying, sense.
  21. I didn't say that. That is not even the question ButterfLion asked me to answer. I was asked if I had worked in a Corporation. I am not an average person, around here, so my personal experiences are often what comes into question. Nevertheless, I don't tell people what they want to hear, which would be a lot easier for me to do. I have lived in North West Georgia, all my life, right in with the main stream belief system. I know the culture, and I know the opposite, but what I believe is in between it all. Attempting to rationalize or justify ignoring myself and what I truly want out o
  22. I have worked for a corporation, and I have studied many things involved in the corporate world. I have also ran my own business. Either way to make a living is not easy. But, when I was running my own business I was more myself, and that is whether I made a sell or not. Like Ralf Waldo Emerson said: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." When I worked for a corporation I was programmed to believe that I was "supposed" to be and do what ever was required by the corporation. I didn't realize that what defined me was not my job, which
  23. Good has certainly been snatched from bad, LPPT, in your situation. Some of our best understanding, of life, comes from our worst adversities. It's how you take it that counts, NOW! I admire you, very much, LPPT! Edited to say that I, very much, admired ButterflyLion, also!
  24. Motivation that comes from a need to please authority, or simply to win approval from others, takes away from any motivation you have from the internal truth about what you want out of life. Fear of disapproval from others can squelch your choices based on self-interest. If your self-esteem is based on what others think; it is defined by external approval, and what you want out of life is defined the same way. If your personal behavior is based on the consequences you expect, from the reaction of others, you don't understand the difference between personal behavior and consequences.
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