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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. People get mad at their own kids, LPPT, but beating them while they are unconscious, is a thing that happened to me at about 15 years old, for laying out of school, is not a good thing.
  2. Here is a lane changer video, posted lase year. This man was face down, and probably already unconscious. A police officer was hit, much like the 15 year old boy was, which didn't hurt him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtQ4aSbYJ-k
  3. How would you like to head out the door every day to face the challenges of your world, after someone had first took half of your assets? A $1,000,000 cut in half is still $500,000. But, A 110 IQ cut in half is only 55. With a 110 IQ a person can double a $1,000,000 pretty quick. On the other hand, a person with a 55 IQ can cut it in half pretty quick. I have trouble in a different situation. I sometimes cut my IQ way down, because of my internal dialog (self talk). I can start a subject of interest, when communicating with others, and my IQ goes down because I start defending mysel
  4. You had better run from these cops, even if you are innocent.
  5. Sense the video was aired last night, about 7:00PM 150,000 viewers probably had the same understanding that you have, BBG47!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w01rrGzeXEU
  7. She was not treated like Bonny Sue,in the story you read, LPPT! She was always special to me. I went to her school functions, all the way, and didn't think it was silly girl stuff.
  8. It's a he, LPPT, and he is two years old. He just loves me to death. He makes my wife jealous. I know what you mean about the empty lap. I like big dogs, but the little ones are my favorite. That's why little people are my favorites, but I like everybody.
  9. Here is who I'm most proud of. My granddaughter graduated from college last year, and she is now an RN in the emergency room, at Kennestone Hospital, in Marietta. She also works at North Side Hospital, in Canton GA. She is the one looking at me, and smiling,in the picture.
  10. That is absolutely right, LPPT! We used to have Chihuahua's, but we have Yorkshire Terriers, as our pets of choice, now. My wife is holding my favorite.
  11. That makes a lot of sense, LPPT, and I think you are very right in that analogy. I told two people, just yesterday, that "the world is a better place because you are in it with us." I want to say that to you, also. So today I am telling you that "the world is a better place because you are in it with us."
  12. I like the concept of self-esteem. Where is a child, like Bonnie Sue to learn self-esteem, though? It seems to me that if she did not get professional help, the world would treat her like she felt about herself. If a person acts like a door mat, the world has no shortage of people who will accommodate her. They will wipe their feet on her, and not give it a second thought. I actually think about people like Bonnie Sue, LPPT, I am more likely to reach down and hug her than to wipe my feet on her.
  13. Some people can make Archie Bunker look like a liberal. I was just reading a story about a man I will call Billy Bob, and his daughter, I will refer to as Bonnie Sue. Billy Bob was a man's man so to speak. He spent most all of his time hunting, fishing, and either playing or watching sports. He had wanted a boy, when his daughter was born, and he was very disappointed because the idea of having a running buddy turned bad. When Bonnie Sue arrived he did little to hide his disappointment. He treated his wife like hired help and as Bonnie Sue grew up, she was just tolerated, and not treat
  14. Oh, I'm sorry, e_s! I was under the impression that random thoughts about the situation in Egypt would be permitted in this thread! You wouldn't be repressing the right to be random in a thread that is about random thought; would you?
  15. The Egyptian situation makes me wonder if our own rights may be under siege, in the United States! Some people, in this country, thinks trespass is only a real estate issue. They have no idea that trespass, to the person, is the first form of trespass in the three specifications of it. 1.Trespass to the person, historically involved six separate trespasses: threats, assault, battery, wounding, mayhem, and maiming. Some of us go around making threats at leisure, and at work, without realizing it's a violation of law. Assault is causing a person to believe that a threat will be carri
  16. The size shirt I ware is XXL, according to the label on the shirt. But, the personal labels that a person either put on him/her self, or somebody else does, is the kind of label I'm referring to in this thread. Some people accept labels as a definition of who they are. Once they accept a label as a valid identity for themselves they replace their definition of who they are with who the label tells them they are. If you ask them who they are they will say "I'm a loan officer." "I'm a plumber." "I'm a telemarketer." I'm a mom." "I'm a professor." "I'm a real estate agent." "I'm a bus driver.
  17. If the first and last letters, in the words, are in the right place I have hardly any trouble reading what my fellow p.com friends have typed. I just don't see the necessity of inquiring about their spelling when they are talking about something else other than grammar. It deosn’t mkae mcuh diffrence waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are in, to be albe to undrestnad msot of the iprmoetnt tihngs. If the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rgiht pclae I can idnetify the wrod while the rset can be a total mses. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as
  18. I'm glad you understand something, rays, even if it's not the right perception of the situation!
  19. That is great, flossy! Even if that's all you get out of this you know how important it is that others know what you know. Taking it for granted that someone knows you love them is no way to make sure they know, by saying so. I tell people that I love them, and don't want them to suffer one bit by the hand that signed away some of their rights.
  20. Living to a label can only become a part of your personal truth, and concept of self, if at some level it is working for you. Living to a label, giving your rights and your power away, provides some kind of income. That income may be financial, social, spiritual, economic, or otherwise. Sometimes even the most painful and inappropriate labels are highly adaptive, and stubbornly resistant to change. Somehow, somewhere, accepting the definition of that label provides you some currency or you wouldn't do it. Maybe it's because you are afraid of disapproval from authority. Maybe it's simply a
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLS4V52aY28
  22. Yes, FW! Now you are getting smart. Job applications concerns your rights, more than your money, however! If you want to get honest payment sign a mutual contract, which may or may not have been drawn up by your own lawyer.
  23. Some corporations have a big turnover system it their way of employment. That is something to consider when you seek a job there. Are they running people off; because of WHAT? Are people trash, to them, and they just want room for new trash? These are not bad questions to ask yourself. But, if you know some of the people who work there, or who used to work there; ask them what the environment is/was like. After all it is not your lawyer who drew up the document you may be signing.
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