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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. A dictator can't dictate if you don't volunteer to allow him/her to do so, in this country. If you don't volunteer, or fall for his/her bribery of some kind of minimum wage, there will be no dictation.
  2. Believe it, w1972, it's true! The people who matter don't mind my post, and the ones who mind don't matter. The truth deserves to be heard. Thanks for your reply! My girlfriend will take care of the situation, PSD!
  3. The boy is not even interesting enough to make me look, PSD!
  4. I watch American Pickers. They get into situations sometimes where hoarders are protective of their stuff! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEjWJQ_mDk8
  5. Maybe this is what's wrong with America. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McdD9Ng4VnY
  6. Does that mean Stand Out & Speak? rays? Well I'm doing that. Or were you calling on the GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress Safety System)?
  7. Being motivated by ethics and morals is a really good thing. The World would be a much better place for everyone, if more ethics and morals were the motivators for human to human dealings. Even the World, itself, would be a better place with ethics and morals as the human motivator for taking care of the planet. It's not easy to be a person of ethics and morals. Perfection, certainly, eludes all of us. But, if we are going to take on the responsibility of ethics and morals, we need a strong concept of what credibility really is. Some people hate it when somebody else brings up ethics
  8. People who read, or just do all the listening, are indeed very likable individuals. No misunderstanding there. The boat don't get rocked. The status-quo is easier to maintain. It's less trouble, because there are no trouble makers. People can get away with the loot easier, because there is no resistance. Being an electrician, I learned about resistance. If the resistance if too high the current want flow enough to be as useful as it is when the resistance is just right. Voltage likes it better when it can force a lot of current through the line, but resistance is applied to keep volt
  9. To appreciate how new facts can replace old facts, we need to U-N-D-E-R-S-T-A-N-D the difference between sensation and actual perception. When light waves are received in our eyes, and sound waves are received in our ears, those are sensations. They are received by our sense organs. But, perception is our organizing and interpreting of those sensations. Our perception is what assigns meaning to all the sensations that we receive from the world around us. Because we are unique individuals, our perceptions are unique. Some people like to control our sensations, as well as our perceptio
  10. Putting a whole message in one post, may require breaking it down. Some messages require a lot of space. People may want to read excerpts of a post, and not want to read a whole lot of writing in one long draw out meticulous message.
  11. :rofl: I didn't bump it, M. O, I just added a reply. I'll let you know when my intention is to bump it.
  12. Getting real requires us to deal with reality. There's no doubt about that fact. But, some people use an obsolete perception regarding any reality. It doesn't matter if everyone else has accepted change, where new facts should replace the old way of seeing things,some people just can't accept those kind of facts. These new facts, which may require people to reexamine old norms, and to give and take a little in their thinking, may be very important to their well being. It could have an affect on whether they are happy, satisfied, and at peace with the way things presently are. In may r
  13. If I remember correctly. low, all I had to dial was one number to talk to my grandmother, who lived five miles away.
  14. It, also, used to be long distance to call from one side of Mulberry Rock road to the other side of the road.
  15. If you ever want to know ANYTHING, Subby, just ask me; I know EVERYTHING.
  16. Slavery is one thing, but repression comes in many forms. A repressed people will finally start giving their lives to know that their off spring may have a better chance against repression than they had.
  17. I ate at Jacks, just last week, LR, in Tallapoosa, GA.. I had some business at the Bank of North Georgia, who's name changed from the CB&T a few months back.
  18. The Egyptian people are tired of dictatorship. Dictatorship is still trying to gain back control, but I don't think it's going to happen. These people are standing up, speaking out, and talking back. Sure it's hard to go against the power of a Dictator. Some people may die, or get their head busted, along with a malakoff cocktail to have to deal with. But, freedom needs to reign for any people.
  19. We had what was called a party line. Our ring was two short rings. If we answered the phone when there was one long ring it was our Grandparents the people wanted to talk to, and they lived 5 miles away.
  20. Ridge road to Mulberry Roch road was the way I went to get to Rome. Ridge road still changes to Mulberry Rock, as you cross over 61. I remember stopping at the little store, to buy a soda pop, and a bag of chips. The big red brick Baptist Church was across Mulberry Rock from the little store. Then I remember passing the rusty old back fence for the school ball field. The back fence is still where it was 60 or more years ago. I think the school is too, but I didn't notice it as much. The old school building was still behind the new school building, the last time I noticed. There are s
  21. Oh, So, intimidation is not caused by the aggressor, it's the victim of the aggression who caused it.
  22. Nah! You don't really think someone would feel inferior to an aggressor; do you, M-J? I feel sorry for people who are aggressive. They have so much insecurity that it makes them feel bigger to belittle others.
  23. The pictures may be showing injuries from somewhere else, gog! I think they may be lying. They may have been in a vehicle accident.
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