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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. They are closed to the public tomorrow. Maybe you could drop it off at the vet clinic Rev is using instead. Hiram Animal Hospital on Highway 92.




    also a great idea....lily actually has an account there...they have been great in helping lily and i know others have dropped off donations there...pbabe is asleep now but i will leave her a note to post lilys account # when she gets up...im sure hiram animal hospital can look it up also

  2. You have said a whole lot and I also feel a need to respond to you....so I will take it point by point:


    The only point I would like to make is that if everybody was 'people wary' all of the time-nobody would ever get help.


    Not true…maybe folks would work harder at getting their own needs met. Unfortunately our society has fostered a dependency with folks in crisis. We take their pride away and make it ours…after all we are the helpers…the rescuers…and we can only feel that at the expense of their pride and equality. Sure they will be grateful this time and next time.... or at least it seems that way to a rescuer. To me…we take something greater from them than a meal ... we steal their self –efficacy. There is a huge difference when it comes to people… in helping verses doing for…. and it is imperative to take the time to know the difference. It is our responsibility to be sure that we are helping where help is needed, rather than helping so we can feel good at the expense of others. We commit a grave injustice when we reinforce behavior that supports a person staying in a down and out position just to get from us what they could have gotten on their own without our interference. Yes some folks do need help…and if we can…and…if we want to…..We will help, but we owe it to them to be sure we are indeed helping them and not just massaging our own ego…In my opinion, it is not generous to help every person that expresses a need..... It is irresponsible. I am very clear that my resources are limited, therefore, I must be selective in order to make a difference.

    I deal with folks, daily in my work, who are on the scamming side, who are reinforced to continue their antisocial behavior by recuers.... Folks who do not allow them to accept responsibility for their choices and therefore make pro-social behavior impossible.

    So ..yes ..... some folks need help...... and some folks we hurt by helping in certain ways, we must be responsible and, to our greatest ability, attempt to help to benefit them and not just inflate our very hungry helping ego.


    In the situation of my neighbors-we did do the food pantry and found some help from organizations, but many many folks 'sap' those organizations and there isn't much left for those that really need it.


    You know why???? Because no one is taking the time to access the need…. We are back to it again…resources are limited…that means if we are not responsible and determine if a need is real…..we will be unable to meet the need when it is critical!


    It was because people DID give out of the generosity of their hearts that they got things to get them by. They trusted and it made a gigantic difference in these people's lives.


    These folk have children ..... correct???? Have we been so busy in promoting this cause that we didn’t go to DFACS for emergency assistance, food-stamps, and support with utilities or did this family not meet eligibility requirements?


    We are seeing hundreds of dollars spent right now on a dog (don't get me wrong-Rev is a saint for taking this pup on!) and yet people are standing by with no heat or no food or some even lost everything.

    I can see her frustration in one point-folks will gladly spend money on pets, beer, parties-etc but when it comes to giving even just a little to a family that had the horror of losing EVERYTHING to a fire-no takers-they're 'tapped out'. I think it's really all about priorities and about personal feelings toward mankind.


    I’m not going to even address the dog issue with you because I am very clear when you equate responsible pet ownership with partying and drinking beer…that we don’t even speak the same language. Instead of you pointing your fingers at others…lets look at you the way you look at us.

    Are you doing everything for these hungry freezing folks that you can do? Are you going to think about them when you are vacationing in a warm cozy cabin during Thanksgiving, are you going to forego filling your birdfeeders so that you can feed another hungry person, are you going to quit buying toys and learning resources for your kids…’cause you know starvation and suffering from cold is more serious than a vacation, watching birds or even entertaining your children. I can go to my office right now and give you a list of 100 folks (just to get you started.....you can let me know when you need more.) who say they need food, shelter, and money. So it really “IS” all about priorities and about personal feelings toward mankind.


    Realizing some folks got burned before-in one point I would hope that you could look past that to a legitimate need. If you'd like to see the burned down house-I'm sure that can be arranged if you need 'proof'. Or if you'd like to personally meet the folks that are hungry, cold, lost, poor-I am sure that could also be arranged. There are some folks that I sincerely hope are never in trouble. They've burned bridges with their attitudes or outright rudeness when asked to help others. I don't think anybody is asking for limbs or organs. We're asking for a little human compassion. Just putting yourself in somebody else's shoes for a moment. Thinking for a moment about what might happen if you should lose absolutely everything to a terrible fire. Insurance doesn't kick in immediately. Churches aren't open 24 hours a day. What if your debit/credit cards burned in the fire and it was a Saturday night? What would you do until Monday? What would happen if you had no heat with a 30 degree night looming ahead. Would you be able to look into the eyes of your hungry baby and say-I'm sorry-I know your belly aches in hunger-nobody would help us. I know I have failed you. Could you face the embarrassment of not being able to provide for you family and then the horrifying reality that everybody is 'tapped out'-nothing left-can't give because I gave to such and such last week??? I'm sorry, I just had to post this. I have faced the frustration of extreme poverty. I have watched hungry children beg for food helplessly. Remember-everytime you turn your back on somebody-there is a person in there-a soul-someone just like you and me. Many of us are one paycheck away from being on the streets. Just remember that. Please consider giving-it could be you next.


    I am so glad you are talking about legitimate need…cause just a moment ago that didn’t seem to matter. Legitimacy of need is what makes helping in the right way make a difference. There are never any burned bridges…cause there are plenty of rescuers out there looking for a cause or person in worse straights than they are in just to stroke their ego…. Way too much drama with all these “what ifs” Thankfully these folks are in housing, they have food ..... we aren’t trying to get them through the day of the fire…..we are trying to give them some comfort post fire…so let’s keep this in context. As far as your statement “Just putting yourself in somebody else's shoes for a moment’ you don’t even have a clue what shoes the folks you are chastising have walked in. I challenge you to take me to somewhere, here is Dallas, where parents “look into the eyes of a hungry baby and say-I'm sorry-I know your belly aches” or where “hungry children beg for food helplessly” I want to see it…more than that I need to see it.


    Now, as I have already posted…I am prepared to help these families, not with food and shelter…’cause right now they have that…but with items that will comfort them through this trauma. Blessed by 5 is checking with the insurance company to see what the real need is and there are many P.Comers, even animal lovers, who will rise to meet the need…the real need…..not a need we have to create just so we can call ourselves helping. We will help because we choose to make a difference, not because we are guilt-tripped or chastised by you!




    this is in my opinion a brilliant...and i mean brilliant post....READ THIS AND LEARN SOMETHING...

  3. Thank you holdenbcc,My thoughts as well,I offered to arrange a benefit singing and noone even responded to that..hope things are going well for you and family..And may God Bless all of you,keep you safe and PROVIDE your every NEED.Don't get me wrong,I have no problem helping get a animal back in good health either,But when it comes to helping a human being everyone starts attacking those wanting to help...including LL,Blessedbymany as well as others.



    respectfully your offer was posted at 10 pm...might not have been enough time for those in the know to have thought about it and decided if it is a good idea or not


    that said i do not see ANY reason why it would not be a GREAT idea...and i applaud you for offering


    so i guess i respond that i think it is a great idea johnny moss

  4. The only point I would like to make is that if everybody was 'people wary' all of the time-nobody would ever get help. In the situation of my neighbors-we did do the food pantry and found some help from organizations, but many many folks 'sap' those organizations and there isn't much left for those that really need it. It was because people DID give out of the generosity of their hearts that they got things to get them by. They trusted and it made a gigantic difference in these people's lives. We are seeing hundreds of dollars spent right now on a dog (don't get me wrong-Rev is a saint for taking this pup on!) and yet people are standing by with no heat or no food or some even lost everything. I can see her frustration in one point-folks will gladly spend money on pets, beer, parties-etc but when it comes to giving even just a little to a family that had the horror of losing EVERYTHING to a fire-no takers-they're 'tapped out'. I think it's really all about priorities and about personal feelings toward mankind. Realizing some folks got burned before-in one point I would hope that you could look past that to a legitimate need. If you'd like to see the burned down house-I'm sure that can be arranged if you need 'proof'. Or if you'd like to personally meet the folks that are hungry, cold, lost, poor-I am sure that could also be arranged. There are some folks that I sincerely hope are never in trouble. They've burned bridges with their attitudes or outright rudeness when asked to help others. I don't think anybody is asking for limbs or organs. We're asking for a little human compassion. Just putting yourself in somebody else's shoes for a moment. Thinking for a moment about what might happen if you should lose absolutely everything to a terrible fire. Insurance doesn't kick in immediately. Churches aren't open 24 hours a day. What if your debit/credit cards burned in the fire and it was a Saturday night? What would you do until Monday? What would happen if you had no heat with a 30 degree night looming ahead. Would you be able to look into the eyes of your hungry baby and say-I'm sorry-I know your belly aches in hunger-nobody would help us. I know I have failed you. Could you face the embarrassment of not being able to provide for you family and then the horrifying reality that everybody is 'tapped out'-nothing left-can't give because I gave to such and such last week??? I'm sorry, I just had to post this. I have faced the frustration of extreme poverty. I have watched hungry children beg for food helplessly. Remember-everytime you turn your back on somebody-there is a person in there-a soul-someone just like you and me. Many of us are one paycheck away from being on the streets. Just remember that. Please consider giving-it could be you next.




    i can assure ya there are plenty of "takers"....i KNOW some of the same folks willing to help lily are willing to help in this also...i dont usually ADMIT it but i am one of them...as one of them i can say that anoynonymity is important...some of the most generous on pcom would never admit to helping any cause..it is just kind of tacky to them...they know it is not about them...nor do they do it to feel better about themselves...they do it to help another living being...dog cat human whatever..suffering is not limited to humans..and pets ARE family to those worthy of a pets love...so dont give me the people are better crap...each feels pain..and needs..and hurts


    pauldingbabe and those associated with the humane society have taught me a lot...i have in my life been the type to turn a blind eye and ignore others hurt...but she/they wont let me...and you know what. my heart is changing...and if it took me helping animals to help people then thats ok with me

  5. i have no problem with folks asking for help for another..there are endless causes...some for real...some not...some start with the best of intentions and go awry...there is no harm in asking...what i find amusing in a non amusing way is the people that cannot help or will not help picking apart the ASKING


    just pass it by...let those willing help...your input is not necessary if it is negative


    we cannot help everyone and every cause...but there is no harm in asking...then each person will make a choice to help or not...period


    help or not...simple...not about you personally unless you make it so


    everyone has problems...everyone has asked at one time or another for help...everyone has been helped at one time...everyone has been refused at least once


    we are all in this human condition together and saying that i understand that people are not perfect...so i also see that the responses will vary greatly...


    i am neither religious nor non-religious...kind of in a limbo...but i do look at it as a do unto others kind of thing...help when you can..dont if it will harm you or your family...just hope that when the need becomes yours others will do the same...you get what you give



    edited to add that bbm is ok in my book

  6. whew...i was just thinking that as long as we dont find any wmd's here we dont have to worry about someone using them against us...heck cut the budget...cause they arent there at all if we cant find them and therefore NO REAL THREAT....but then again nothing kills you till it does

  7. COLUMBUS, Ind. - An inmate accused of forcibly tattooing a slain 10-year-old girl's name onto her killer's forehead in an Indiana prison was the victim's cousin, a family friend said.


    Jared Harris, 22, is a cousin of Katlyn "Katie" Collman, family friend and spokesman Terry Gray told The Republic newspaper. He said he did not believe they knew each other well.


    Harris, 22, who is serving time on a burglary conviction at Wabash Valley state prison in Carlisle, has been charged with battery and accused of tattooing "KATIE'S REVENGE" across Anthony Ray Stockelman's forehead.


    Harris told prison officials the attack was in revenge, according to an affidavit.


    Stockelman is serving a life sentence after pleading guilty to abducting, molesting and killing the fourth-grader, who lived about 70 miles south of Indianapolis. She was missing for five days before her body was found Jan. 30, 2005, in a creek about 15 miles from her home.


    The affidavit said that prison officials transferred Harris to the same prison wing as Stockelman on Sept. 19, three days before the attack, and that Harris subsequently threatened Stockelman's life several times.


    Harris slipped into the open cell Stockelman shared with another prisoner on Sept. 22 and, when Stockelman returned, Harris closed the locking cell door, according to the affidavit.


    Stockelman told investigators that Harris put his right hand around his throat and told him, "I'm either gonna stick you and leave you bleeding or I'm gonna tattoo you." After applying the tattoo, Harris discarded the tattoo gun in a prison trash can, he told investigators.


    It was unclear how he had gotten the tattoo gun.

  8. Okay I guess I won some soup and cornbread. Let me know when

    it is ready. I'll be at Regios Bank on Tuesday night with Doreen and

    Paulding Babe, if you want to deliver it there. And how are we paying?

    Green Meadow




    as it happens greenmeadow...i keep a bowl with me..especially on tuesday nights

  9. i watched audie murphy in to hell and back recently...it is amazing to see the most decorated ww2 veteran and know he was under 20 when he accomplished all he did....he looks young as heck...freshfaced even in 1955



    wouldnt want to have him on my badside


    also what do ya expect nowadays?


    justin timberlake join the marines?

    tommy cruise the army?

    ashton kusher the air force?

    michael jackson the navy?


    bunch of sissies is what we have now...dont wanna trade the bentley for a trip to protect those that gave them so much


    pat tillman is the only current example...salute


    we reap what we sow...selfish me me me

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