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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. I had a huge laughter moment a few years back when the H2's first hit the market.

    I lived down the street from the 404 on the corner of LaVista and Cheshire Bridge Road. *many* status symbols pass through this area, if you're not familiar.

    One day traveling home from work, I saw to my right, a man standing, in hysterical tears, on the cell phone.. I wondered what had happened until I looked to my left and saw an H2 up on its front end, where the WHEEL had completely fallen off and the rest of the car had tipped up into the air. His female companion was sitting arms akimbo glaring at the crying man on the phone as if to say "I told you so." I said a small "aww" for them and then LAUGHED for a block and a half. (and still tell the story.)


    Now, I know about wheels falling off, but Man, I want to drive something I can fix on my own, not have a flatbed tractor trailer type truck to come haul my status symbol away.

  2. After finally recovering from a migraine since the middle of the month (that sent me to the ER), my daughter came down with a stomach virus this past weekend.  I'm so sorry for the non-turnout and the nastiness from the workers there.  I wish I had been able to be there and be snarky right back. 


    I read your posts, and we are so much alike in humor, I have *got* to meet you IRL at some point.



    I understand. Migraines that last any length of time are a personal hell.

    I was able to hold down the fort until the exact minute my time was up and the old biddy's didn't win over me. In that time, I made a baby hat, finished my blanket and rolled a ball of yarn that my cat attacked at some point...

    I called the Branch manager today and expressed my sincere concern over my treatment by such people and had a problem with the idea of reserving the room again, no matter that it was free, no matter how many people came, and then be so rudely interrupted by passers by. She apologized and said she'd talk to them as well. I hope she gives them a what-for... I honestly was afeard they would beat me into submission in the parking lot with canes and walkers. feh.


    Maybe when I stop pouting about being a stood up prom date, I'll plan another one, but not for a while. The current craziness has everyone in a weird mental place, and I don't want to plan in bad timing again.


    I'd love to meet up for some java or whatnot one day when I have expendable cash :D

  3. ok so no traveling for me not even to the store.  One trip out onlyyyyyyy...  Sorry kiddies no carnival..  Ohhh they have wagon rides or shuttles into the fair in acworth will they need to charge this year?


    sounds like me.

    I'll be leaving the baby with the hubby and walking to Publix with the stroller so I can bring groceries back on Friday if this gets any worse (which I assume it will.)


    :goes back to daydreaming about a hybrid car:

  4. fyi for those who use AOL.

    They just gave me 3 months free, and if you're with bellsouth dsl, they'll offer you a 7 bucks or 9 bucks price plan for unlimimted, if you ahve a good standing account and have high speed with them.

    I just called to cancel my service with them, and they were very nice about it and did what they could to keep my business, and help me out... (yes they want my service, but I love aol, and have been with them since 1995.)

  5. looks like me and my two children will be eating at home a lot more and getting rid of the satellite


    I'm about to call and see if I'm still under contract for my satelite and (Lord help me) DSL service..


    also cutting the other internet service to cut a few bucks off too..

  6. I hope those who are "in charge" can do something about this soon, before it gets so out of hand the desperate masses turn to desperate measures to get gasoline.

    This scares me to death. I am quickly falling for the 'the sky is falling' media mentality myself, and I fear that I'll be housebound or selling items in order to stay afloat at all just to get my husband to work and back home. He's already been looking into carpooling, but unfortunately not a lot of people go this way in the mornings or afternoons.

    I don't know what we're going to do.


  7. I think it's a personal decision.


    But we believe that it's very important to empower our children with knowledge.


    What PsychoMom is talking about is EXACTLY why when our child started asking, and wouldn't take simple childish answers as the real answers to "where do babies come from" -- we told him.  There was a great book we used, and I think he was about 5 I think. I'll go look up the exact title. It's great for young children.


    hey I had that book!! :D

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