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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. awwww b, im so sorry!


    this just sucks


    after you left, the old people started hounding me on when I was leaving and how many people I had coming.. they kept sticking their heads in for the next 45 minutes until one of the janitors came to shoo me out. :(

    Then they said something snide to me on the way out.

    Talk about respecting your elders, why not respect the youngers :(


    thanks again for coming by.

  2. k...I dont know about you guys.. but I'm 30ish, and when I was in highschool, it was there too.. this isn't a new thing. The kids are just getting around to talking to someone about it. I remember "hand checks" on band buses, shortened time between classes because of it, no sweat pants because it was easier to get the boys' pants down, etc etc. the list went on...

    I don't know where someone thought it was a new phenom, but it wasn't at South Cobb High School back in the 80's-90's.. nor was it at Oakwood High School in Marietta..

    there's just double the amount of kids in the schools so the pickin's ain't so slim anymore.

    just my 2 cents.

  3. I think maybe I want to do this...YAY.  I've been thinking about this very thing for a little while now.  I'm going to talk to a friend of mine who makes jewlery and see if she wants to come too.


    Is it too late to throw my hat in????




    absolutely not!

    as long as its a 'clean craft' I dont mind! (ie: no clay,paint,woodworking,firestuffs) I'm all for it!

    as far as I know of, there's still room!

  4. Tonight!

    paulding library


    Bring your crafty selves and join us for an evening of gettin' busy (with your crafts, you gutter minded people!)

    Bring some water or a bottled drink for refreshing (and keep your munchies in your purses if you need them! lol)


    Looking forward to seeing you!! :D


    If anything changes, I'll let you know!

    (like the weather! EEEK!)

  5. Don’t dial Under the Influence!


    Incoherent calls to exes, bosses and partners could be a thing of the past as Virgin Mobile urges you to get tighter with the right posse.


    Dial 333 plus a phone number you don’t want to call when drunk e.g. 333 0431 123456.


    Virgin Mobile then stops all calls to that number (e.g. 0431 123456) by blacklisting it until 6am the following morning from your phone.




  6. 1. my family - my husband and daughter are my life!


    2. dancing and music - obscure industrial/ebm/techno-goth/synthpop (think depeche mode in german or swedish!)


    3. playing on the computer - surfing and researching information


    4. I've got a cat and a dog.. (tortie and a boxer) the cat hates the dog and the dog just wants to play


    5. looking at new houses and daydreaming - My husband and I try to do this on a regular basis.. not that I'm that unhappy about my house, it's just something we've always done as a couple. I love to travel to new places in the county and Haralson and sight - see, get new ideas for my own house, and daydream of what kind of life we would lead if we were in another house..

  7. I'm going to try my best to come!!!


    I don't know if I can yet, or if I will maybe have my son in tow... We'll see.


    Will try though!



    though i'd love to see you, we were trying to keep it sans-children so we could have a little mini-mom-break.. not to be a partypooper.. ;)


    edit to add: duh, i guess he could hang out in the library! LOL

  8. Beth,


    What a wonderful plan you have! Sounds like fun girlie time...


    I'll try to make it to the second meeting;

    this Tues we may be going to buy another car




    sounds good to me!

    (buy me one while yo'ure out! lol i'll take a little red convertible bug!!)


  9. Please join us for the 1st meeting of the Pcom Crafty Gals at the Paulding County Library on Memorial Drive in Dallas on August 30th at 5pm. Stragglers are welcome but remember, we have to be cleaned up and OUT by 7:45pm!


    Bottled drinks are ok but no bags of snacks allowed in the room.. There's a picnic table outside if you want to grab a bite outside, but unfortunately, we can't have snacks inside..


    Crafts that are ok:

    scrapbooking, knitting, crochet, crosstitch and any other compact yarn/sewing project you can muster. No paint/clay at this time.

    If you can, please give me a heads up of who's coming so I'll have a general idea!

    Remember, this is for us to have adult time with little interuption, so leave the little kiddles with someone at home! (we'll do fine distracting each other on our own!!!)


    Thanks, and I can't wait!




    OK OK I screwed up. It's TUESDAY the 30th! not the 31st! LOL



    it's this week!!


    be there!



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