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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. Hey.

    I attempted this before, and was stood up like a prom date... But it was a really odd time and I thought maybe I should give it one more chance, if I had positive and constructive feed back about what you would be able to do.


    Depending on the answers, I"ll put up another poll about which nights would be more appropriate, and then where.


    I would really like for something like this to work.


    Maybe I should do it less than a month away, so that people won't forget or not get to check the list or whathaveyou..


    feed back appreciated.



    I obviously have no clue what I'm doing.

    someone please help me stop looking like a fool. LOL

  2. Hey.

    I attempted this before, and was stood up like a prom date... But it was a really odd time and I thought maybe I should give it one more chance, if I had positive and constructive feed back about what you would be able to do.


    Depending on the answers, I"ll put up another poll about which nights would be more appropriate, and then where.


    I would really like for something like this to work.


    Maybe I should do it less than a month away, so that people won't forget or not get to check the list or whathaveyou..


    feed back appreciated.

  3. Thanks Beth, my quotes for my daughter include a good student discount and a drver's training discount. She has been driving for only 2 years though, she got her DL late, after she had been 16 for about 6 months.



    yeah, having a teen w/out 3 years worth of experience on your policy will eat it alive. The only other thing that I can suggest is to put her off on her own policy, and/or make her get her own job to pay for it herself. (that worked for my parents! lol)

  4. I dont have a teenager but I was a licensed property and casualty insurance agent for a number of years. (just didn't renew it last year cause I'm at home with my baby girl now.)

    I would highly recommend Progressive for insurance. They are comprable for rates, and their claims service is impeccable.


    I would also check into who ever has your Home owners insurance, if applicable. Most insurance companies will give you a package deal or a discount on one or the other if you have more than one line of business with them.


    Also, have her take a Defensive Driving Course, if she has been a clean driver for at least 3 years. If so, companies will give you a discount for having taken the DD course. You usually will just have to present them with the certificate for this.

    Hope this helps :) I would also check with your existing insurance carrier if they give discounts on adult driver training as well. Some do, some only 25 years and under.


    Another word of advice, don't skimp on your own coverage if you can help it, and carry the higher deductibles if you can afford it. This will not only give you a discount on your insurance rates, but you won't be out of luck if a disaster does happen.


    hope this helps.



  5. Jalepeno roll ups.



    two bars cream cheese of choice, at room temp.

    one small can of diced jalepenos, undrained.

    1 bag flour tortillas, burrito sized.

    one box kleenex for inevitable draining of sinuses.

    one box tums or rolaids for inevitable heartburn.



    Stir cream cheese and jalepenos in a bowl.

    lay one tortilla out and smear mixture thinly onto tortilla.

    roll tortilla up into a "log."

    cut into bit size wheels.

    lather, rinse, repeat.


    eat until your esophagus begs for mercy.

    great for parties :D

  6. We have to be careful to not let emotional people decide things. Some of these people are mad and upset (rightly so) about the disaster in the first place. It is a basic emotion to lash out at someone so that we feel better placing the blame. We should carry on the the rescue effort and rebuilding then decide what went wrong and fix it at that time.



    thank you.

    that's what I said in a previous post.

    "clean up the sh*t and spank the dog later"

    I guess it's just easier to sit back and lay blame and spin the wheels instead of pick up a mop and put some elbow grease into it.

  7. I knew it wouldn't be long till the "tree huggers" came out, saying how thay can't do that, cause it will ruin the lake.


    Take your pick.


    A. Do we risk ruining the lake?


    B. Forget New Orleans, and let it rot.


    if B, then we will have to pay for a wall to be erected and fencing, to keep people out. Or, turn it into a Prison, like in "Escape from New York".  :rolleyes:



    why does one automatically have to be lumped into the "tree hugger" catagory while being concerned about what will happen? Why start off with a possible inflammatory remark? Just curious there...


    Lesley has a good question. What have they decided to do with this - if anything? It seems like one of the many things that should be considered.

    I like the sponge idea. Then they can dump bleach all over them and we can make NO the bounciest state of the nation.


    boing boing boing.


    And I'm not a tree hugger.


    I prefer shrubbery. :p :p :p



  8. I am at work :(, and no time for breakfast and my stomach is knawing on my backbone, BUT I LOVE fall!  Plus Cade's B-day is coming up and that is going to be a HUGE hoorah!


    That's right!! What are you guys going to do for his Bday?? I haven't decided what to do for Molly's yet. I was thinking a small party..This year I might even be able to invite kids her age! lol.. or not. I have no clue.. this time last year, I had already planned the whole thing out.. gah..

  9. Not really anything important to say:

    I had a great LDay weekend. Was very productive and very lazy all at the same time. It was fabulous! I recommend it to everyone!

    This weather is truly amazing this morning.

    While taking my doggie out for her morning constitutional, I realized all the haze had been lifted. The humidity was low.. the air was CRYSTAL CLEAR.

    *I love fall!* It's better than spring! It is the true rebirth for us Southerners, I believe. After suffering through swealtering heat and smog for what seems an eternity, the weight has been lifted.

    We're allowed to move freely about the cabin.



    everybody have a good tuesday!

    edited to add:

    I'm having CHEESECAKE For breakfast!! :D


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