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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. since the only candy the people in my 'hood will pass out is probably empty boxes of sudafed, we'll take the halloween village route. That and the fact that we'll probably be doing a party or somesuch for Molly on her birthday. (which IS Halloween :D)

    anyone else thinking of the village dealie?

  2. I should have taken this mornings' spider escapade as a warning! lolol


    Thanks ya'll! I appreciate all the good thoughts, etc...

    For positive music, I was listening to the Wiggles on the way in, and as for being confident, I TRIPPED THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR.. ::sigh:: :blink: Leave it to ME to have that kind of first impression.


    other than that, I think I nailed the interview! :D We'll see by Monday!

  3. I think this must be the time of year that they are the busiest, getting ready for winter??  Anyway, the webs are everywhere, and I can sit on my deck and here comes a thin string across my face.  They're shooting them out everywhere.  But they are cool to watch.  I usually have one at the end of my porch that builds the largest and most beautiful web.  I can't stand spiders, they give me the willies too, but I like to watch them build a web if I can.  :p


    I guess so.. I have seen some spiders about around the house, but I usually either leave them alone or escort them out of the house. (I've always heard its bad luck to kill a spider indoors.) But outside, I don't see so many unless they're like this one, right across the stairway where I'm walking! I knew about this guy, since he's been there for a few days, I just forgot he was there when I took the dog out for a walk! gah!

  4. You walk through a spider web and it gets all over you, and you flail around like a nutjob trying to get it off your face, tangle yourself up in the dogs' leash enough to choke her and even your 22 month old is laughing at you?


    Gosh, I do.




  5. I'm looking for an evening job doing pretty much anything.

    I wouldn't be available but from say 7-12 on the weeknights, which I know hampers the situation more, but that's all I got. Or, ultimately, a stay at home job. But I know those are hard to come by, since so many people want to do that.

    I don't have money to get training for medical transcriptions, I don't have money to go back to school in general. I just need some extra cash flow, without having to put my daughter in daycare or babysit.

    Heck, I might be willing to babysit during the day for like 75 bucks a week or something.


    Anybody have any suggestions?




  6. Having filed a claim with Progressive in the last year, I can certainly attest to their efficiency in satisfying said claim --- the entire process (from initial contact to repair) took about a week.


    That said, I used to have a large number of folks come into the D/L office to clear insurance cancellation suspensions due to Progressive's hair-trigger response to late payments.  I'm talking about people whose payments were 24-48 HOURS late, not deadbeats.  If you decide to go with Progressive, make sure those payments get to them well in advance of the due date!



    I haven't been on the receiving end of that one (knock on wood) but I do the EFT dealie where I only have to pay a 2 dollar or 3 dollar service charge instead of a 5 dollar one each payment.. that helps. and I never forget a payment, they just take it lol

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