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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. What a bowl of fubar soup we got served for dinner tonight. Yummy. Fuel is still a no-show. No ETA on my resupply schedule tonight.


    Was waiting on the street freaking out the Federal Cops guarding the Bogs building until the actually came over to talk and found out who we are and what we're doing.


    Then Homeland Sec comes driving by and yells water and hums a 20 ouncer at our feet without slowing down. I know I'm not looking too hot right now, but come on. I'm standing out there with my flashlight on in the middle of the road, obviously waiting on a convoy.


    Bunch of stressed out, trigger-ready police and military types driving by suspicious as all hell. It's not safe just standing out on the street even if you look like you belong there.


    Anyway, I'm gonna sit tight up here until something definite appears on the street.



    If you really want the news of what's going on in New Orleans and not what you think is left or right, please read his blog. Don't bother to comment or instant message him, he gets a IM ever 2-8 seconds and averages 300 comments to a single post.

    He even has people stationed in IRAQ sending messages to him telling him to keep safe.. You know that speaks volumes to me.


    as for my own opinons regarding this.. I'm tired. I know everyone is tired. We're all a little scared and upset.

    I'm tired of nothing but bickery comments. I'm trying not to even read them. Even the titles scream "come on fight me.. I'm p!ssy and need attention or validation for my confused feelings."

    I'm tired of the "left did it the right did it the libs did it the leprechauns did it the oragutan did it no it was that devil music singing Tom Jones's fault."


    Guys, its time to clean up the cheeze and spank the dog later.


    don't bother flaming me for this. I'm too tired to care.

    I'll be at the Les Klutter Du Klassy tomorrow morning if you want to kick me in the shin for it.




  2. School bus comandeered by renegade refugees first to arrive at Astrodome



    Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle



    The first busload of New Orleans refugees to reach the Reliant Astrodome overnight was a group of people who commandeered a school bus in the city ravaged by Hurricane Katrina and drove to Houston looking for shelter.


    Jabbar Gibson, 20, said police in New Orleans told him and others to take the school bus and try to get out of the flooded city.


    Gibson drove the bus from the flooded Crescent City, picking up stranded people, some of them infants, along the way. Some of those on board had been in the Superdome, among those who were supposed to be evacuated to Houston on more than 400 buses Wednesday and today. They couldn't wait.


    The group of mostly teenagers and young adults pooled what little money they had to buy diapers for the babies and fuel for the bus.


    After arriving at the Astrodome at about 10:30 p.m., however, they initially were refused entry by Reliant officials who said the aging landmark was reserved for the 23,000 people being evacuated from the Louisiana Superdome.


    "Now, we don't have nowhere to go," Gibson said. "We heard the Astrodome was open for people from New Orleans. We ain't ate right, we ain't slept right. They don't want to give us no help. They don't want to let us in."


    Milling about the Reliant entrance, Sheila Nathan, 38, told her teary-eyed toddler that she was too tired to hold him.


    "I'm trying to make it a fairy tale so they won't panic," said Nathan, who had four grandchildren in tow. "I have to be strong for them."


    After about 20 minutes of confusion and consternation, Red Cross officials announced that the group of about 50 to 70 evacuees would be allowed into the Astrodome.



    All were grateful to be out of the devastation and misery that had overtaken their hometown.


    "I feel good to get out of New Orleans," said Demetrius Henderson, who got off the bus with his wife and three children. Many of those around him alternated between excited, cranky and nervous, clutching suitcases or plastic garbage bags of clothes.


    They looked as bedraggled as their grueling ride would suggest: 13 hours on the commandeered bus driven by a 20-year-old man. Watching bodies float by as they tried to escape the drowning city. Picking up people along the way. Three stops for fuel. Chugging into Reliant Park, only to be told initially that they could not spend the night.


    Every bit worth it.


    "We took the bus and got out of the city. We were trying to get out of the city," James Hickerson said.


    Several passengers on the bus said they took the matter into their own hands earlier Wednesday because they felt rescuers and New Orleans authorities were too slow in offering help.


    "They are not worried about us," said Makivia Horton, 22, who is five months pregnant.



  3. your exactly right....thank you guys for the "insight" that I just seem to be missing right now...lack of sleep, stress maybe having something to with that..I just dont get some people...and I guess I never will.....sad..very sad


    I prescribe a turned off computer, a hot bath, (glass of wine or favorite hot toddie) and cushy bed. take two and call me in the AM.

  4. cake, don't let that person get to you.

    they're obviously just trying to troll around and pick fights with whatever thread they seem worthy. They've been doing it for at least a month...I'd just put them on ignore.


    I'm glad you got your family out of there and got home safely.


    ... time to breathe and push for a new birth, so to speak



  5. from cnn headline news.. a woman was talkinga bout her situation to the camera..


    "I lost my house, I lost my car, I lost my boat, I lost everything... I'm FREE! I can go fishin!"


    that's the spirit....

  6. He said it looks like they're about to let people back into the building. 


    He doesn't think there were any injuries related to the fire either.  He said one lady was taken away in an ambulance, but she went to the stretcher on her own...he thinks maybe it was anxiety-related, so I pray she's OK.


    Whew!  I sure do feel better now...Crittyl...I really can't thank you enough for that offer...so very kind!  :D

    whew. glad no serious injuries.

  7. Kroger has a premium line of ice creams....this one is called Peanut Butter Passion.


    Try it!  It's to die for.




    I've found that Kroger has some of the best ice cream out there.. its not pricey and its not "too much" in flavor. ... My hubby is an ice cream snob, but I like it!


  8. As for the migraine, when the dr. at the ER asked me if I have a history of migraines, I tried to tell him that even though I say I've had them since middle school, if what I was currently experiencing was a migraine, then I've never had one before.  I will be fine if it NEVER happens again.  It took about 2 weeks to completely recover, and I was unable to be on a computer for most of that time because the lights and scrolling made the nausea worse.


    And as for expendable cash, I completely understand.  We are on Emergency Budget until dh's normal paychecks resume on 9/30.  I swear if I didn't have my knitting to keep my hands busy, they would be around his neck...

    I've had a few migraines in my past (mostly directly related to stress) but never that long, I feel for you... I hope everything gets back on track soon.

    I'll go ahead and start putting pennies away for a date :D



  9. I would like to offer an apology and explanation on behalf of "the old people", as I was part of that group (but didn't arrive until 7:45.)


    Our meeting was supposed to have been last Tuesday at 7:30, but was cancelled due to the library closing early because the power was out at the time. At the spur of the moment, the decision was made to postpone the meeting until the next Tuesday, which was yesterday.


    A day or so later when someone spoke with the library to confirm the availability of the room at that time, they were told that another group would be in the room until 7:45. So an email was sent out that stated "A group will be there till 7:45 and then we will have the conference room after that time.  So if you get there early please wait outside till that time."

    Unfortunately, I don't think everyone got the memo (the older guys don't have computers and I don't think all the others are on the email list,) so I'm guessing that they arrived early thinking the meeting would start at 7:30 and were concerned when they found someone using the room. I never arrive early, but I don't think there is ever anybody in the room before us. So I imagine they were so inquisitive to determine what time the room would be available so they could get set up for our meeting.


    I apologize that you were heckled by these guys, and I will also talk to some of the people about this. And for the "snide" comment, I walked up just before you walked out and said "It's all yours." As you were passing I asked if you were able to finish your crafts. I apologize if my attempt at a friendly way to meet a fellow P.com'er was mistaken for a snide remark. But I can understand, considering your disappointment from the lack of attendance.




    Thank you very much for explaining the situation to me. I appreciate it, and I didn't fully hear the comment that was said, but like you said, I was disapointed at the turnout, and had been interupted continously for 45 minutes by people passing through, asking me questions, and trying to "muscle" me out of there. I apologize for my lack of attention to your comment and hope that you don't take that personally.

    I did call the branch manager and explain to her (in a civil manner,) the experience, and hope that we can use the space again in the future without such confusion. She also apologized for the confusion and hoped that next time there wouldn't be such a mess.


    Thanks again,


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