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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. I found this on a friends' journal page and found it very interesting.

    You put in your information and it tells you how long you've been not smoking and how much money you've saved by not smoking..





    I applaud all of those who are chosing to lengthen they're lives by chosing to quit.





  2. flock of blackbirds in the front yard means bad weathers' coming .

    hats on the bed are badluck.

    birds that fly into the house must go out the way they came or it will be back luck.

    cows laying down under trees means rain


    sneezing three times in a row means good luck.

    if you're ears are burning, someone's talking about you..

    if you have heartburn when you're pregnant, your baby will have tons of hair (THAT one worked. ouch.)

    more supersticions {sic} than old wives' tales, I guess.. but I still believe them. lol

  3. I saw the sign in question....it said Smoke Here - 18 and over


    Basically, if a business doesn't allow anyone under the age of 18, they can continue to allow smoking. The Vortex in Atlanta has become 18 and over for that very reason.


    Capalbo's has to do something to get more business, because their food certainly won't do it.


    The vortex was the bar I was talking about.. they went strictly 21 and over.


    :::: cries ::::

  4. Coming home from Sams Club I saw a sign on the corner where Southtrust Bank used to be on 278.


    It reads: Capalbos

                  Smoke here!!!!


    Um.....I'm a smoker but is this not breaking the law?


    I am soooo confused on all these new laws :blink:

    the way I understood the law, is that if people under the age of 18 are in attendance, they can't smoke... even if they serve alcohol. If they make it 18 and over, then yes, they can smoke.

    My favorite bar went one step further and made it over 21 so they could just keep the boozing and the smokers all at once.. ::sobs:: I miss my fried zucchini... but I enjoy the company of my baby girl more...

  5. i am so looking forward to this.  as a matter of fact i thought it was tonight!!! :(  whew glad i didnt give hubby a hard time about needing to be home so i could go.


    BTW, does anyone know how to make a puff quilt?  they can also be called a biscut quilt as well.


    LOL I would have felt horrible if it was tonight and I didn't show up.

    I'm so OCD I'm going to call and make sure that we still have the room lined up for the library!! It's next Tuesday though, unless I send another post out!!

    I can't wait either! I have to think of something I can work on, Ive got so many half done things around the house lol

  6. Wow, I must have missed the orginal idea here.... can I come too?

    What's the basic idea? Or.... could you lead me back to the orginal thread?






    The idea was to hang out at a local place and be able to finish projects we had been putting off for a while. (crochet, knit, sewing, quilt, etc) Without intteruption. I had asked if there was a group that did such things, just to get together, share ideas and just share time together, and there wasn't, so I just decided to make one :D It's open to all - no kids though, it's purely an adult(ish) thing!


    (bumping this cause I could use the feedback!)


    Who all is planning on coming?



  7. I was taking my daugther to the shelter once a week or so to see the dogs and cats.. scratch a few behind the ears and hang out with them when we can. She loves it.

    we dont think its depressing at all anymore. I think of it as donating a little luvin' if we can't donate a house to live in or any extra cash.

    We did adopt our cat from there.. we love her to bits.

  8. My dog *seems* very mean and growly... she barks even when she's not supposed to (see also other thread for doggie questions.)


    So this afternoon, she started to bark at me, and I had a jar of sunflower seeds available to shake at her to see if that would work in hushing her up.


    BOY DID IT!!

    She jumped backwards away from me, into the table and chairs, which also scared her and she jumped sideways into the couch and then ran to try and hide in her crate.



    I'm still giggling.

  9. Please join us for the 1st meeting of the Pcom Crafty Gals at the Paulding County Library on Memorial Drive in Dallas on August 30th at 5pm. Stragglers are welcome but remember, we have to be cleaned up and OUT by 7:45pm!


    Bottled drinks are ok but no bags of snacks allowed in the room.. There's a picnic table outside if you want to grab a bite outside, but unfortunately, we can't have snacks inside..


    Crafts that are ok:

    scrapbooking, knitting, crochet, crosstitch and any other compact yarn/sewing project you can muster. No paint/clay at this time.



    If you can, please give me a heads up of who's coming so I'll have a general idea!

    Remember, this is for us to have adult time with little interuption, so leave the little kiddles with someone at home! (we'll do fine distracting each other on our own!!!)


    Thanks, and I can't wait!




    OK OK I screwed up. It's TUESDAY the 30th! not the 31st! LOL


  10. anybody got any helpful ways of getting a doggie to stop whining and barking in general house situations? short of smacking her around, that is..

    she's a boxer and just whines and barks when she wants something she can't have.. (kind of like a 2 year old!! lol)

  11. OH.. and MAKE SURE if you're using the Extreme DSL that they aren't still charging you the 55 bucks or whatever it was.. I just checked out their website to see how much they were charging new customers, and came to find out they're charging 42 for new customers, and 55 for the old ones!! MAN I was PI$$ED!! I called and spent 15 minutes on hold to find out "oh gosh, we just decreased the rates and we haven't rolled you on that program yet." UH, can we say PRORATE?? EH?? ::sigh::

    just make sure if you're using those!! you could be saving a little chunk of money!


  12. ok here's my snot slinger..


    I'd have lunch with Jamy.. my fiance who died in a car wreck in 2001 (june 20th.)

    I'd want to get a pepperoni pizza from pizza hut, go to Gatlinburg and sit on the wall in front of the pizza hut and make fun of people cruising.

    either that or eat mcd's outside the casino-mart on the rez with all his buddies, listening to them tell stories about growing up like we always did....



  13. I grew up across the street from Roy Barnes in Mableton.. we used to play with his kids..


    for celebs.. I always end up meeting them and then realizing who they were AFTER the moments' over.. grrr!! These are pretty obscure people for most, but celebs in my little world.


    Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots /Velvet Revolver

    Lead singer from The Prodigy

    KMFDM and PIG (was on their guest list for a show once!)

    All the members of Bouncing Souls

    The kid who plays Dewey on Malcom in the Middle

    Michael Stipe (smelled him before I saw him coming! shewy!)

    Glen Danzig from the Misfits

    Dave Navarro from Janes' Addiction (married to Carmen Electra. .MAN he's short.)

    Diamond Dallas Page (charged him full price to get into the club, I didn't care who he was! :D)

    and I turned down credit for some Dallas Cowboy for a circuit city account.. he whined that he had a Super Bowl ring, and i told him to sell it and pay his bills!! lol

    The drummer for Primus


    I think that's it. I'll edit if I remember others. :D



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