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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. Three men were sitting in a bar talking about how whipped they had their wives.


    The first two kept bragging about how they could get their wives to do anything.


    They looked at the third man and he said, "I have my wife so whipped that the other day I had her crawling towards me on her hands and knees."


    Both of the other men were very impressed and asked him how he had managed that.


    The man replied, "Well, I was lying under the bed and she crawled over and said, "Come out and fight like a man!".


    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:




    thanks, I needed that.


  2. well you can consider me a victim of terrorism...since I gave birth to my girl, I have quickly become all to aware of my mortality and those who threaten me or my

    'baby cub".

    hence said xanax in my life to keep me n check...(or off of clock towers!!)

    That 100 acres in Montana doesnt sound so bad anymore.....


    I pray every night for safety and for the peace we enjoyed and took for granted before 2001.

  3. 3 year old house trained Boston Bull terrier needs a good home. His current mom has cancer and cant keep him and the dog needs to find a new home. Ive seen this dog and he is a really good and sweet dog but my pup wont have any new family members move in so I need to help them find this good dog a home. Anyone interested just send me a note.Thanks!!

    ~Ms. Couple


    BTW: he is free too!



    this is a little black and white boston terrier?


    edited to add:

    I pm'd you.


  4. Are you looking for a place to play, swim laps, join a team?

    West cobb aquatic center on Macland has open swim but I do not know what time and lap swim if an adult is in the lane with them.  They also have swim lessons that go by age - and if you are out of county you pay more.


    Boundary Waters in Douglasville - has open swim and lap swim not sure of the times (770-489-2175) they also have a swim team and swim lessons and again if you are out of county you pay more.


    You can PM me if you have any other questions.

    I was just looking for some place to take my 22 month old swimming.. not laps or anything. just a clean cold pool to splash around in. late in the season I know, but I think sara babb is closed up for the season already..

  5. Thanks.  She's had this terrible cold since last week.  This is the first time she has complained that she felt bad though.  Poor baby - second week of school and already having to call mommy to come get her.


    oh no.. that terrible colds' going around pretty quick. I had it last week too.

    I hope she feels better!!

    (and that no one else catches it!)

  6. sure!


    wendesday at 10am @ Hiram Library (Maude P. Ragsdale) or New Georgia.

    tuesday and friday at 10am @ Dallas Library.


    Hiram library also has a babytime which is @ 10:30 on Thursday.  For ages birth to either 18mo. or 2 yrs I'm not sure.


    Here is a website with more info for you.....


    Paulding County Libraries


    Paulding Libraries are great!


    Me  :)


    Thank goodness it wasn't you yesterday!!!!  :D

    Thanks for the info! :D


    and I wouldn't have minded a little drama, so it definately wasn't me. lol



  7. I just came on here to post that I got a call from my daughter's school right about the time I intended to leave for the park, and had to go pick her up, so we were no shows. 


    Glad you all had a nice time.  We'll try again next time.


    oh no! I hope your daughters' ok!

  8. Glad I went to the park today. Molly went bonkers and ran around most of the time.. I was sweating as much as she was trying to keep up.

    There were tons of little ones there today, and that was great. Got to meet DoubleRose (it was so nice to meet you!)


    maybe we can make this a weekly thing?


    Molly had a blast. she came home and fell right into one of her pillows and sighed contently... it was a good day!


    thanks again for suggesting it!


  9. I haven't even gotten any rejection letters. I applied for 3 different jobs online, called to make sure they received them, and was told "If we DON'T receive them, we'll call you, so you can reapply." that was two weeks ago...I have received nothing at all since then.


    I think its a crock.

    Why even bother to post the jobs publicly if they're just going to hire internally anyway? I dont think its a law they have to post it online... jeez. <_<

  10. I don't know the first thing about this and that my story and I'm sticking to it.


    Hiramcouple ... I honestly didn't see it much less set it invisible.


    Give this is one of the story elements of one of the best selling books ... The DiVinchi code if I'm not mistaken ... you are more than allowed to discuss it.




    ::hijacks thread and runs away::




  11. Does anyone know how one goes about getting a job with Paulding County?

    I've applied for numerous jobs and never get the first interview.

    I'm thinking they must hire from within. I have a degree and feel I am qualified for the positions I apply for. Perhaps over qualified???? I don't know. Maybe it's all in who you know. It's just a real bummer not to even get the chance for an interview.


    Not sure myself. I've applied for a few too and nothing came of it..

  12. I saw on the news last night that the first offense is a warning.. then a citation (with fines) then jail time and more fines or community service?

    how... please tell me... are they supposed to pay fines if they're out panhandling for money anyway? and why do they care if they're going to get three squares in jail for 30 days?

    .....really, just curious. Any thoughts?


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