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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. My Mom is in the hospital having a "procedure" (read = surgery) done, and I won't know anything until after 4pm today.

    Little Miss M is sick with Viral Roseola. (spots and a fever, thats pretty much it) so I have had to miss two days of my new job.

    I've managed to catch a head cold making me feel craptastic.


    if anyone has any good vibes to send my way, I could use them.



  2. When I was a child I always wanted to be a nurse and have at least 6 children and live in a big house with the white picket fence around it.

    I never made it through the nursing classes due to the fact that  I couldn't deal with the site of blood, wounds or people in pain in the out of class training period.


    Now I'm a Account Manager in advertising and printing.  Long way off from my dream.


    Anyone else care to share?



    Actually, I am!

    the only thing I consitantly wanted to be when I grew up was someone's mom... And I mean, in that 1952 cook a casserole meet the hubby at the door with a kiss kinda way!

    I'm lucky enough that I have a wonderful hubby and a wonderful daughter to share my time with, and yes, most of the time its not a casserole and hamburger helper, but I'm doing it :D

    Even the part time job I got, I can take Molly with me and I dont have to be away from her!

    Living the dream here :)

  3. I am not sure what meeting everyone is talking about, but I love to cross stitch.  I can give you some pointers.....the smaller the count the larger the "x"'s.  For example, a 14 count material is a good starter, or even a smaller # count thread, an 18 is about as small as I am going to go, anything smaller than that and you go blind.  It sounds confusing but I think the number "14" means there is that many squares in an inch, so if you go to an "11" count thread that means the squares get larger, if you go to a "22" count thread that means there are 22 squares in an inch area, or something to that effect.  You can go to Michael's and there are little small projects you can start with, some are even called "starter kits".  They have the material, the thread, the needle, the hoop (sometimes) and the complete instructions.  This is what I started with years ago, I still try to keep my projects somewhat simple.  Try bookmark patterns on an 11 count thread material, use 2 strands, and a medium size needle.  Hope this helps a little bit, good luck!!!



    thank you!!!


    The group I'm talking about is brand spankin' new..

    It's for the gals who have projects collecting dust or the want -to-know-how for yarncraft,needlecraft,scrapbooking crafts we've got no time to do.

    I was asking last month or June, if there was a "stitch and b!tch" in the area, and there was a ton of interest, but alas, no meeting.


    SO< our first Monthly Meeting is

    August 30th (tuesday)

    at the Paulding Library

    from 5-7:45pm.

    Adults only please, (even immature adults, but no kids) and No snacks, but you can bring a bottled drink with a lid. (I'm assuming non alcoholic, and not a two liter! lol)

    If you're eating candy out of your purse, I'm not going to say anything, but we can't have bags or tables of stuff.


    What I plan to do is let everyone come in, grab a chair, and do what they want, really! If you have something to do then bring it! I just wanted us girls to have a place to go and be able to do something uninterrupted!


    I'm limiting it to clean/neat projects at first because paints and clay would be really scary and nerve wracking. The Library is so nice to let us use the room for free, so I'd like to make them happy!


    I"ll be reposting this information soon to remind everyone who missed this thread :D

  4. I'm planning to be there. I was originally going to bring my knitting, but I may bring a cross-stitch that needs to be worked on.


    If my husband gets home in time, I'm coming and will be glad to help you out. Now, I'm a very amatuer cross-stitcher, but it is pretty straight forward.


    awesome! all help will be appreciated! :) :D

    and it does look pretty straight forward, but I have a way of thinking things are way easier than they really are.


  5. LOL


    You can have cross stitch patterns as easy or as difficult as you want.  I put my cross stitch aside when I went back to school and then I got pg w/ my daughter immediately after graduating, so I never pulled it back out.  My favorite patterns required dozens of colors of floss, metallic threads, specialty fibers, beads, and linens I could only find in a cross-stitch specialty store.  :p  I'm just not willing to commit all the time required to work through one of the patterns right now.  I know I'll pull it all back out with my daughter is much older and I can have blocks of concentration time.  My favorite designers are here:





    Anyway, you already have the basics down from crocheting - you already have a feel for how stitches should look and you can read a pattern (wait, I don't know that, but I'm guessing you do).  I'm sure you can pick up cross stitch pretty quickly and be pleased with your results.


    Well it *looks* pretty straightforward... but I know looks can be decieving. I can't read a crochet pattern if my life depended on it. I"m strictly a "look here, its done like this" girl. I have a huge book on all the stitches I could ever want, and it's almost like looking at a computer programing manual written in Greek. Just ain't happening. That's the main reason I asked if anyone could show me what I was doing. lol. hey, even if someone could teach me how to read a crochet pattern, I'd be unstoppable! I've been doing this since I was around 6, so it's more of a "hmm, wonder what would happen if I did *THIS!*" kind of thing :D


    OH, and a mini hijack, I didn't forget about the stove, we ended up having more bills this paycheck than expected (thank you direct tv) so we didn't have the extra cash. If you need to get rid of it immediately, please don't wait for us! We'll try again next pay day (NEXT friday, not this one. argh.)


  6. OK, If I dont have a baby blanket to work on (erin take note!) I'm going to TRY a new craft, and was wondering if any of the crafty gals who were going to attend the first monthly meeting would know how to crosstitch and would be able to show me what I'm doing? Or laugh at me if need be? I may go blind doing this, I know. I just saw one that was really cute and thought it would be nice to know how to do, but I'm skeeerrd to do it alooone.





    OH, reminder,

    Our meeting will be from 5-7:45 at the Paulding County Library off Memorial Drive in Dallas, off Dallas /Acworth Highway on Tuesday August 31st.

    Yes, I will be repeating myself later on in the month... :D

  7. "I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down"


    Ring a bell? They're the group that did that song.

    "pi$$ing the niiiiiight awaaaayyyyy.. pi$$ing the niiiiiight awaaaayyyyyy"


    lolol I love that song.

    they played it constantly when I was in Scotland.

    ah, good times, good times.



  8. Top Ten Most Polite Ways to Say, "Your Zipper Is Down"

    by David Letterman



    10. The cucumber has left the salad.


    9. Quasimodo needs to go back in the tower and tend to his bells.


    8. You need to bring your tray table to the upright and locked position.


    7. Paging Mr. Johnson... Paging Mr. Johnson...


    6. Elvis is leaving the building.


    5. The Buick is not all the way in the garage.


    4. Our next guest is someone who needs no introduction.


    3. You've got a security breach at Los Pantalones.


    2. Men may be From Mars.....but I can see something that rhymes with Venus.



    And the #1 way to tell someone his zipper is unzipped.....



    1. I always knew you were crazy, but now I can see your nuts.




  9. Parents who would let a teeny tiny baby scream and scream and scream and scream

    and scream and scream and scream (this went on for almost 40 minutes) :angry2:

    While I am attempting to enjoy my meal in a very nice restaurant.



    sounds like it was time to get the manager involved.

    even though I have children , I would be pi$$ed too.

    Not all parents are bad in public.

  10. ok so its' sorta related.

    I had my first day of back to work since Molly was born today. (22 months.)

    I am watching the kids in the day time shift at the new Yoga center..

    It was a little hairy at first, but as soon as I thought I would cry, the mommies came to save me and it was over! lol

    Now I'm wishing I took a nap with Molly while I had the chance. I'm tired, and there's too much to do!


    hope everyone had good first days.



  11. I could use this thread everyday, for my pet peeves change on a daily basis.


    the Peeve DuJour is:

    those who make snide and snarky comments about other peoples' children and how THEY would handle the situation or how THEY wouldn't or would do such and such even though they dont have children. AAAANNNDDD those who act so snobbishly to those who DO have children when we're having a meltdown or not, and they are inconvenienced by it. They act as if they want the world to revolve around DINKs!! (double income no kids.) and not for the kids everrrrr... as if kids should be seen and not heard, or left at home at all times!!




  12. A story from today's AJC...


    Seems some Sandy Springs residents banded together

    to fight the planned expansion of an existing Ronald McDoald House

    charity home for the families of burn patients and critically ill & injured kids...


    The charity wanted to expand from 11 beds to 50, because they had

    to turn away 281 families requesting assistance last year...


    One resident was quoted as calling the expansion an "invasion into our very stable

    single family neighborhood."


    In 1992 many of the same people opposed the original facility...


    In the end the county commission approved the expansion of only 20 more beds...


    From the pictures in the paper, this looks like every other huge house on the block.

    Well kept with a very small tasteful wooden sign "Ronald Mcdonald House."

    The home is located very close to Scottish Rite, St. Joseph's & Northside hospitals,

    so weary parents can be close to their children...


    I personally do not see why this is opposed, :blink: 

    I would welcome them to my neighborhood! :) 

    I also know a family who survived a terrible tragedy,

    they were helped and supported by this charity for well over a year...


    Any opinions on this ??? Post away !  B)


    I dont know what their reasoning is either. I think its quite selfish of them. It's not like they want to expand into being another huge hospital, they're just expanding to a few more beds. That doesn't hurt the already abismal Sandy Springs traffic. I guess I just dont understand how that would directly effect them.



  13. Do what I did to get my prenatal.

    Fly out to Las Vegas 7 months pregnant in 105 degree heat and have an hour massage with Canyon Ranch.. DREAAAAAAMY. lol


    a friend of mine does prenatal massage, she is licensed and will make house calls (unless you want to get OUT of the house.) her name is LP and you can reach her at

    body_n_hand @ yahoo.com



    tell her I sent ya :)



  14. poor thing... (you and baby!)

    My girl was always fussy, cranky and running hot for about 24 hours after a vaccine. I dont think she got that high of a fever, but she did get up to 101 once..that lasted until I got some tylenol in her and it didn't spike up again, thankfully.

    I know that its normal for them to be cranky for a while, but I'm not sure about the fever. I'd keep an eye out on it and keep close contact with the doctor.

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