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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. How does this latest [modified] disclaimer connect with what you quoted?


    I simply gave you a brief example of what I believe. Try that you might, there's plenty of depths below what people see on this screen that will never be known about what goes in and out of my noggin, and I plan on keeping it that way. lol

    Go ahead and pick me apart if you find it neccesary, but it won't ever get my hackles up. :D


    have a great day :)

  2. One person's discussion is another person's fireworks I suppose.


    Also, one of the things I've learned after leaving home and establishing my own life: In an environment of genuine debate, not to be confused with "debates" on the new shows, it ain't easy being a leftist--the whole world isn't againt the leftists, just the real world.  Reference: "I don't say much publicly because I wasn't raised that way. "

    I was thinking that maybe you realize your leftist ideas are so extremely difficult to defend that there is no point in making the effort to try.  I stand corrected.


      …Not in the real world b. 

    If you're interested in the real world, know that political Conservatives do "need to feel validated in [our] opinions [and] feel the need to have to defend [our] thoughts."

    OK...standard disclaimer of the closet Liberal is duely noted. 

    What "IS?"  ...Katrina or Bush?

    you still fail to know anything that I stand for. How can you lump me into a catagory? If it lets you sleep at night thinking that I'm a liberal or a conservative then go ahead. I'll never need to tell you exactly what I think. :blink:



  3. You'd still think it's funny if, especially a foreign news service, had purposefully "dis-edited" the headline so as to insult this country?  Do you really mean it? 


    In case the "oh, now it's not funny since it's a Republican's ox being gored" defense hasn't yet been offered (I haven't read all the threads.) : I vote with conservatives (not to be confused with the usual profession "I vote for conservatives) and I think Clinton is a dirtbag.  If the headline were directed toward Clinton during his administration, I would think it funny too.  However, if I knew it was done on purpose, I would not think it's funny.  Such are the reactionary demands of a strong sense of patriotism I suppose. 


    Of course I asked the question as a test for America-guilt-ism.


    yes, I would definately think its funny.

    Simply because I agree with them, and unlike the majority of these who speak their political minds to reflect the opposite on this site, it would mean that someone else in the grand scheme of things agrees with little ol' me, in Dallas, Georgia.

    There are two things I have always adhered to from what my family has taught me in life.. Don't talk about religion or politics to anyone outside your family.

    This place (pcom) is just steeped in it and it sets off all kinds of fireworks.. I don't say much publicly because I wasn't raised that way.


    I don't put up my belief system, my political stance on this board because it's truly only my business, and only my opinion that counts. I don't need to feel validated in my opinions or feel the need to have to defend my thoughts.


    But in this case, I'll answer you, since you're so interested.


    That being said, Just because I dont like Bush does not lump me into ANY catagory of the political arena. I think that is very shortsighted to assume that of me. I believe they all SUCK at different levels.


    I stay out of politics and do what I need to do to protect myself.

    I am not a dem, I'm not a rep. I am a person who investigates ALL people who are running for offices before I make a Knowledgable and Honest Decision of who I think will do the best job that I need for he/she them to do. I dont care what label they've given themselves. If I dont find one that I consider who is fit for the job, I DONT VOTE.


    OK, to answer your question in its entirety,


    F YEAH, I'd laugh my arse off.

    In my honest opinion, IS the worst disaster that's happened to the US.



  4. How auspicious!!!  (Keep us posted on that job interview! ;)  )


    Here's some info I dug up for you:


    They have symoblized good luck, fortune, protection, and it's considered bad luck to kill one.  It is believed in Europe that the number of spots on certain lady beetle species can predict the coming harvest: fewer spots is good, too many spots is bad.  Also some folklore suggests if you catch a Ladybug in your home, count the number of spots and that's how many dollars you'll soon find. In Norway, if a man and a woman spot a Ladybug at the same time, there will be a romance between them. Also according to a Norse legend, the Ladybug came to earth riding on a bolt of lightning. In the 1800's, some doctors used Ladybugs to treat measles!  They also believed that if you mashed ladybugs (ewww!) and put them into a cavity, the insects would stop a toothache! In France, if a Ladybug landed on you, whatever ailment you had would fly away with the Ladybug. If a Ladybug is held in the hand while making a wish, the direction that it flies away to shows where your luck will come from. 


    And here's a weird little tid-bit -- know how they got their common name of "ladybug?"  In Europe, during the Middle Ages, insects were destroying the crops, so the Catholic farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary for help. Soon the Ladybugs came, ate the plant-destroying pests and saved the crops! The farmers began calling the ladybugs "The Beetles of Our Lady", and they eventually became known as "Lady Beetles"! The red wings represented the Virgin's cloak and the black spots represented her joys and sorrows. They didn't differentiate between males and females.

    thanks for the info! :D I knew they stood for good luck for me anyway! lol

  5. For the past three days, I've been stalked around the house by a ladybug.

    I've been very suprised to see her/him everytime. Today she was on the toaster. I had to save her from immenent death, for I just had made a waffle and it was still hot..

    Last night she was on my crochet bag.. then she was on my tea glass...

    When I see them, they usually mean good luck.

    Then it just made me stop to think about how lucky I am in general. (minus all the spider run ins of late :D)



  6. Let 'em laugh now.  They'll need us someday....maybe sooner than later.  They're just as much in the terrorists bullseye as we are.



    they all aren't laughing. One person's account is not the only account.

    if you're interested in seeing other people's views from around the world, check out



    this guy has been in a space in NOLA since it happened and he averages about 400 responses internationally for each post he makes. All around the world the idea is different.

    They all dont feel that way.

    Just like some of them shouldn't be lumping us all into a spoiled brat catagory, we shouldn't follow their lead.


    just my .02

  7. I was driving down the road and my grandmother and kids was with me. I kept feeling something crawl up my leg. I kept slapping my leg, finally looked down, this big spider was on my leg! I started screaming, my grandmother was yelling for me to pull over, I was stopping at a red light at the time. When I stopped, I opened the car door jumped out was slapping myself and screaming. I bet the people around me thought I was having a fit. BTW My kids was laughing very hard at me.



    lolol omg... I'd probably do the same if I felt it crawling up my leg..

  8. Ok have you ever been riding down the road in your car, glance over at a movement on the dashboard only to catch a glimpse of a large spider drop to the floorboard?

    I pulled over but couldn't find it but my mind decided it would be fun to mess with me so I kept feeling something crawl up my leg, I never found that sucker, it's been a couple weeks and now tomorrow I will go through the trauma again, now that I remember he's in there somewhere, Thanks Guys  :o  :unsure:

    The spider -  :ninja:  :lol:  I know he has to be sitting there thinking maybe if I crawl over here she'll freak, yea, that would be fun.



    LOLOL YESSS I hate it when that happens too... You feel all paranoid for days afterwards...


  9. BJ's are against the law and I think somebodys UPTIGHT PRUDISH WIFE made that law! :angry:  :angry:



    actualllllllyyyyyy. that law was irradicated back in 1999, or made SO difficult to inforce no one can anymore unless its in a case of violence.

    .. so, you're free to move about the cabin. ;)

  10. I would say the answer to the question was..

    Nothing is wrong with these animals.



    I also wanted to ask: I heard that you needed volunteers at the shelter. What times and for what do you need volunteers for (other than the digi-cam dealie, I heard about that on the radio show the other night.)

    I am and have another set of hands who are very interested in helping out soon.





  11. I had a fear of people doing this too over the last weekend. It's inevitable, but as Lesley said, we can't let that deter us from doing what needs to be done.

    Maybe in some way, the people who are taking advantage need something as well, and they just dont know how to go about it.

    I'm sorry you're heartbroken.. I hope that it will get better.



  12. if their internet is as sketchy as their satelite during rainy weather, I would end up foaming at the mouth once a month as my internet crashed. lol

    (but that's just my opinion.)

    What about cable modem?

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