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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. Freebird:


    The rule when it comes to 'deep pocket' businesses is that if you sue them in magistrate's court for your perceived wrong, then you may talk about it here.


    This is the rule because it being an active court action imbues the site with some immunity from suit (a great danger when you deal with entities with deep pockets.)


    I just don't have a taste for being taken to court for (possible) libel because a free-bee member has a gripe.  The least they can do is file an action in small claims court (Cost <$60) and in doing so, swear to the court that they were 'wronged'.


    Otherwise, I'm left here having to depend on the allegation being the 'truth' (truth is always a defense) when I don't know the person making the charge or whether or not they are lying or not.


    File in small claims court then come a posting;  that is the rule and it has been for a while.





    save yourself that gasoline and file one online!




  2. Ah, now I see why you're bummed.  Tragedy's a part of life unfortunately.  :(


    But on the positive side, tragedy brings the best out in people.  It reminds us that despite all the sad things we see on the nightly news everyday, there are millions of people across this country and the world who are caring, loving and willing to sacrifice almost everything (including their lives) for their fellow man.


    *Edited to say I owe ya a DC, but all I have in the house is Diet Vanilla Coke and bottled water so I can't help ya yet*  :)


    thank you for that, mos.

    (and EW to the diet vanilla coke.. i'd just rather hork a little in my mouth. :p )

  3. I just met a girl here tonight at work.  A beautiful 26 year old, with 2 children from New Orleans.  She has lived in the French Quarter all her life.  She and her family left Saturday before the storm came in.  They packed their cars with what they could and she, her mom, her brother and two aunts headed for Birmingham.  She came on to Atlanta after a couple of days.  It just so happens that she works for the company that contracts our cleaning services here at my job in Midtown, so she was able to get on here in Atlanta.  The Red Cross  has already given her the allotment allowed which allowed her to rent an apartment for her and her two children.  I was so glad to meet her and see that she had managed to get out safely with her children and start over here.  Her mom and the rest are still in Birmingham, but will be coming here shortly.  They have lost everything in New Orleans as far as she knows, but they will eventually return home.  She already misses her home and the food.


    The sad part is I am the one that told her FEMA would be giving out debits cards, so now I feel like I need to find her and let her know that it will be longer than she thought before she gets some help. 


    Thanks for this information.


    I just wish that fema would get what act they have together. That's a life changing rumor for them to let leak and then go back on, ya know?


    makes me sick for so many.

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