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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. No thanks needed, Im a blood donor myself. Freebird is a donor also but I didnt see him on to give you the information.


    I've tried to donate before I had Chrons, but I was always anemic when I tried.. so they always turned it down. I dont know if I'm still anemic right this very minute but I'm on Iron supplements, so that should be taken care of... so NOW I have to worry about the other..

  2. I'll let you know. I'm watching the kids this afternoon after school gets out. I imagine I will have them for a few days.


    The sad thing is, I was on the phone with her, and I was going to tell her about the car jacking, when her phone beeped, when she clicked back over she was extremely upset, and said that her cousin was killed in a car wreck, and she would call me back. I knew it was the same person. :(


    She and her mother are on their way to her aunts house, she is supposed to call me back in a few. :(


    I'm so very sorry :(

  3. Someone was on here a while back saying there is a new board running it and they were changing all that, guess not. I am not sure if it is friend's of those running it or they just don't have the balls to step up and enforce it. Sorry for being so blunt but these people have talked a talk every year and it does not change.


    That's just unfortunate if it's true they're going to not enforce it. If I want to see flea market items, I'll to to Track Side. <_<

  4. ..snip...


    4- Lack of enforcement on selling policies. We felt they went out of their way to make sure everything was hand made by us. There were many venodrs selling cheap dollar store or novelty items, either we all can or no one can.




    That's the ONE bug I had about the festival. The application was VERY demanding that people were to only bring hand made crafts made by YOU and it states something to the effect that if you bring them or try to sell them, you would either be (i'm just remembering) either be escorted out or you wouldn't be asked back!! and yet it wasn't inforced.

    I saw just enough of the mass produced stuff to turn me off. I didn't think the craft to food vendor ratio was a bit screwy, personally.

    I had a nice time this weekend, but I won't be too sure to come out next year, unless I have my OWN booth, selling nothing BUT handcrafts, just to prove my own little point.


  5. Devin smiled his first real smile this morning ohhh I cried... He is so sweet....Can you believe that he will be 6 weeks tomorrow...



    how awesome!! I love little baby gummy smiles.. they're so heartwarming :)

    I went to a babyshower yesterday with a good friend of mine.. I have to say my ovaries are twitching at me!! uggh!!

  6. I was working an odd shift at the Casino in Cherokee, NC.. Third shift w/ The midddle of the week off.. So I was sitting in front of the tv watching Montel/Maury/some other 2nd rate talk show on the phone with my #2 Mom about when I was going to see my Mom in the hospital. She was in a medically induced coma from pneumonia... Then it happened. I saw it all on tv.

    I got two phone calls from my Dad and my Sister... They were frantic about what was going on. I watched for a while, then decided to go clear my head by going to clean my car out and see what was going on around town. The only radio station you can pick up in that part of the state is a Gatlinburg Country Station, that's still very sketchy on reception. I remember standing around hugging a bunch of strangers as they all found out too, on this station that was coming in and out.. that the pentagon was hit, and that they had tried to get D.C. It very reminded me of "independence day."


    I drove home to Georgia the next day to see my Mom in the hospital, and all I could think about was looking over my shoulder to see if "they" were going to get me.

    I'm still paranoid.

    At the hospital, my Mom had no idea what was going on. But the nurses in the ICU insisted that they keep the damn tv's on CNN the whole time, as loud as they could get them, so they could hear what was going on... It p!ssed me off because I knew my Mom could hear all that stuff, and so could all the other patients. They seemed to not care, and the one who was my mom's nurse didn't even think she'd know.. Yeah, whatever...

    When My Mom got out of the woods, and they woke her back up, one of the first things she said was "what's going on?" Even though we didn't have the tv on or showed her.

    She had DREAMED that it happened.. She said (she was on a rotating bed that spun her around in circles, basically, to keep the liquid from settling in her lungs) that she was watching tv in her dream... and that she was trying to get to the volume to turn the tv down or off, because it was too LOUD.. And it kept showing "Independence Day" over and over and over again. .. She had known something horrible had happened the entire time she was in a coma...

    When we complained to the Nurses that she DID in fact know what was going on, they dismissed us. Feh.

  7. My family and I stole a moment at High Shoals Falls today and I thought the same thing. Everything was so clear, and seemed to move in slow motion. I had to close my eyes and listen to everything around me for a moment... It made me feel more "home" than I have in a lot of years. It was just beautiful.

    I'm glad to live in Paulding :)

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