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its mr sarcastic to you

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Everything posted by its mr sarcastic to you

  1. I agree, if the Dad says no go respect it and try to work out an acceptable comprimise, no idea what that would be but even if it is just a few weeks of the year over there it is some exposure. If the Dad is actively involved in his life then asking him to give a year up in the life of his kid is not fair. If he is a dead beat then that is a totally different story. Hopefully you can work out an acceptable comprimise should he not be on board!
  2. Dunno, who? And he is that powerful that he could get the City of Dallas to run a business out of the square based off him being mad? If so, DANG! If I ever need a lawyer I am going to have to look him up, he is some kind of powerful if he can control a city!
  3. Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't that make the City of Dallas responsible for Bandito's closing and him responsible for doing a job he was hired to do?
  4. Wow your investigative skills are amazing, however did you figure out my old screen name... ETA- And you once again assumed I lumped myself into the Yahoo category you were babbling about. I don't have any ill will towards Ms. Jessie and roll down the windows as my wife and kids say Hey Ms. Jessie because they like to hear her yell back, me not so much....
  5. 1. Favorite "comfortable" clothes? 2. Favorite Music Genre? 3. Favorite Movie Genre? 4. Coke or Pepsi? 5. Catfish...Fried or Grilled? 6. Apples or Oranges? 7. Favorite Pizza Toppings? 8. Favorite Pie? 9. Car, SUV or Truck? 10. Sunrise or Sunset? 1. Shorts and a T Shirt 2. Country 3. Comedy 4. Coke 5. Fried, EVERYTHING SHOULD BE FRIED 6. Oranges 7. Hamburger, Onion, Bacon 8. Key Lime 9. SUV or Truck, No Car 10. Sunset
  6. First of all, I don't recall you using the term bigoted, and I assume (you know what they say about that) that you were referring to me. Just in case you didn't know it, here is the definition of bigoted: big·ot·ed/ˈbigətid/Adjective1. Obstinately convinced of the superiority or correctness of one's own opinions and prejudiced against those who hold different opinions.2. Expressing or characterized by prejudice and intolerance. See #1. Would you like a mirror?
  7. Mirror dude, FIND A MIRROR and see if there is an epiphany to find! (This would of course require the head out of the sand factor to be put into play...)
  8. Going to a fast food place and they hand you the cup with the drink running down the sides from where it over flowed without at least scraping some of it off the sides much less actually picking up a napkin to wipe it off!
  9. Ignorance is also putting your head in the sand sometimes when a loved one is putting themselves in harms way. I have seen her smack cars with her hand WHILE they are moving which is so insanely dangerous for her and that distracted driver that I can't even begin to comprehend how that is ignored. NOW THAT IS IGNORANCE...
  10. Duh, Christmas Day since Christmas Day was moved to the 4th last year.... Ya .
  11. Ok, here is my .02 for whatever it is worth. I don't care who it is, whether it be a family member or dear friend as some of you have expressed you feel about Ms. Jessie, I would do everything in my power to help them and keep them safe. If I knew a relative had a tendancy to not be able to keep their emotions in check I would do all I could to make sure that either they got help, or do my very best to make sure they limited their contact with the public without someone who loves them being with them. Why, because there are a lot of NUT JOBS with no self control out there that don't give a
  12. I will tell you that our vinyl sided house that was 1000 sq ft smaller had the same utility bills as this larger house with the concrete siding, it made a huge difference.
  13. I have no clue about that subdivision, but our house is that large and with a five person family, I would say our power averages between $125 and $150 in the winter and $250-$300 in the hottest part of the summer. I believe if we were on average billing it would be $200 a month. The gas bill stays low, probably around $50, in the warm/hot months. In the cold months it has gotten up to $250, i would guess on avarage billing it would be $100 a month.
  14. I don't consider myself a particularly religious person, but I have to say, if this being on your tag insults you then I think you need to find a hobby to unwind that VERY tightly wound clock.... Bigger things to worry about in life... My vote is keep the freakin tags we have now and save the money of replacing all those tags they JUST replaced because everyone dropped their vanity tags. If they were redesigning the tags why not enact the additional vanity charge in a year when they would have to replace the tags anyway. What idiots..... Relax Nelly, they always have options for
  15. Probably, the police got there pretty quick and some of his friends, he seemed better after his friends got there but I hope he got checked out at least....
  16. Yesterday, when coming home there was a truck that lost control and I thought we were going to crash into each other but he missed me and ended up in a ditch and into a telephone pole. I asked a few times if he was ok, but he would just walk in circles and say he was sorry. I know he is kicking himself over it, but mainly I just want to make sure he is ok, hopefully he was only shook up....
  17. Coke is my morning beverage!
  18. Ok, I don't have the sound on, but did the video explain how this was all conveniently caught on video? And I say both of them are stupid.....
  19. That isn't true, you don't pay sales tax when buying from and individual in a private sale. If the car is titled in a companies name or you bought from a dealer you will have to pay the sales tax, so be sure to ask how it is titled before committing to buy.
  20. I appreciate the recognition! (And thanks for the info...) As far as the $10 a month, again that is not the issue, it's the services I am interested in. And I don't really care about the HD, we only have one HD tv and converted it to the HD receiver on a special, but the non HD didn't bother me a bit. I did speak to them and they said it is available. don't get me wrong, if I am not 100% comfortable with the switch, I won't do it, Comcast taught me that lesson! I just finished a box of 10, but could use more!
  21. Huh... I see where it will be about $10 cheaper for us, plus you get back around $200 or so in rebates so it's a good deal it seems. Even at the increase point it would be an ok deal, slightly higher but not too bad. And we may not change, Directv has been pretty good for us. Like I said, it's more about the few features like stopping a program and going to start it in another room, VERY helpful with small kids and not wanting to watch their shows! LOL
  22. We currently have Directv, and really have no issues with it at all but UVerse just came to our area and there are a few features that Directv doesn't have that are features that would be great for us. I am interested in hearing from you how you like the service, did the price change much once you were out of the initial special and if so, could you get the rate lowered back down? And for those of you who are going to suggest Comcast, don't... I would rather have an old antenna and stand on my roof in a lightning storm before I ever have to experience their customer service again!
  23. I'll remember that when you are looking for a ride to the beach next week...
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