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its mr sarcastic to you

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Everything posted by its mr sarcastic to you

  1. I completely agree... It's sad that I can tell my kid how to get the answer but they can't use it, they have to do it the other way. Then simple basic things that kids desperately need are not being taught or breezed over due to time constraints. I think the purpose of a lot of these new methods were meant to incorporate complex thinking but it's missing the mark and the kids are getting short changed because of it...
  2. Homeowners usually only have control of the HOA by board seats, most have an outside management company handle the day to day operations/fines/maintenance, etc. If your HOA has a board and things are not being taken care of then your beef is with them, not the management company. The management company does what the board approves them to do. If the builder is still in control of your community then you would still need to go to the board and ask them at what point the contract states that the HOA is turned over to the community.
  3. Do you mind telling me who told you that? Feel free to PM it if you prefer. So you don't regret choosing the above ground route? We are going to give the BBB method a shot, people rave about it and say the water is so much better than using the standard pool store chlorine method.
  4. That is what I am looking for, not piecing it... I will check it out. Thanks.
  5. Correctamundo, longer than I wanted but thankfully I didn't commit to a year lease like some wacko's were suggesting... that wudda been stupit!
  6. yeah, a lotta hoity's don't like above grounds.. we get that but we're getting it for us not everyone else...
  7. Thanks to the monsoon season from hell it took about 7 months, but it felt like 7 years! LOL Kids and building a house will do that to ya! I am not sure what Gainesborough is, a subdivision? If so, no, we are in East Paulding. Yeah, I had the million dollar home general contractor and liked REALLY nice things... Drove us
  8. If it was approved then I would go to them and discuss it... Then if they push it I would ask an attorney, doesn't sound like something they can do, but they can find other ways to make sure you wished you had like nitpicking the hell out of you...
  9. If the fence wasn't approved originally I believe they can. Are they saying replace it because it's in bad shape or doesn't meet design standards? If the previous owner had it approved then I am not sure there is much they can do but make your life not so happy...
  10. We are so glad to be in! Yeah, when I say custom cabinets I mean like $32k+ to do the kitchen, island and all the bathrooms custom and about a quarter of that to do the kitchen and all six bathroom vanities with this version... I about fell over and we ended up with these which I believe are classified as semi custom. We found that we still got the nicer doors, slow close everything and all real wood, no mdf so we just couldn't justify the price difference.
  11. Thanks, we were concerned because it was smaller than we used to have but it's highly functional... We are so glad we didn't follow everyone's advice and go with ultra expensive custom cabinets, we spent a quarter of the cost of custom and still have the highest quality.
  12. Well FINALLY as promised here are a few pics of the somewhat completed house.. Still lots of work to do but as of January we were finally in! (Hope these pics aren't as huge as they appear when posted!)
  13. Based off my quote experience plan on adding $15k to the $25k for a good reality ending price... It's crazy...
  14. No septic so we are good there.... The property line is at least twenty feet from the pool on all sides so good there as well.... We do plan on putting a privacy fence all the way around the area and have budgeted that as well, I don't think I could ever feel comfortable with just a 4 ft barrier.... Thanks for the info I will get a list and pm you anything I can think of... Oval is our primary choice right now with one end being slightly deeper than the normal depth. Thanks, our kids are fish, no kidding, they love the water. So the enjoyment factor for them is a no brainer.
  15. Ok, so we are in our new house and we have been googling, asking, quoting, you name it. We have pretty much decided that we are going to go the above ground route rather than the inground. Our kids will probably use a pool regularly for the next seven or so years and since we plan on this being our forever home we don't want to have an inground to deal with after that, we would probably just have a hot tub for us... We plan on really investing in it with a good quality and a nice deck. Here are some questions I would like a little input from those who have had or currently have one.... 1.
  16. Ok, sparky, keep on goin' then... but I bet your "side" wishes your internet provider would have a blackout in your area indefinitely... I know I'm rooting for it.
  17. Ya know, I used to read your posts when you first started posting to get try to get all sides but you really need to grasp the fact that you just need to shut up sometimes because you are about the lowest on this board credibility wise and that is saying a LOT. So my advice would be, less is more....
  18. Exactly,zero tolerance has stopped all usage of vital brain functions... How in the hell can the amount of hair a person has be n a dress code unless its a military school?!?!?
  19. Anyone seeing flurries may need to invest in some dandruff shampoo..
  20. I haven't had any done but I do know that most any landscaping company can handle this for you... I have used Kelly Landscape with good results, but not for a wall.
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