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Posts posted by katcol

  1. Are you holding auditions for the talent show? How would someone with a talent participate? Is there an entry fee?


    More info please. :)


    No entry fee for contestants. Just call Deb or email her. They have 2-3 spots left. No fee for vendor table. If you want to advertize in the program, that cost is $25 for a 4x5 add.


    This is not a contest this year. This is a showcase for local talent.

  2. How many will be participating in the talent show? Are they local or traveling in? What is the age group and or avg. age of the contestents? Where will it be held?


    Villa Rica Civic Center on Hwy 61. All local talent. For now we have mostly adults.

  3. I heard on the radio that a woman in cobb county has been arrested and is being charged with lying about her address on 16 counts (5 year max sentence per count) Her children are honor roll students and she lied about her address (actually she gave her mother in laws address) so her kids could go to better schools. She could serve up to 80 years, yes eighty years all because she wants the best for her children. what are yalls thoughts on the matter?


    We need to riot!

  4. Heads Up! Please share this with all of your friends!


    Please let your families and friends know about our talent show (on Saturday, June 9) and that we will have several vendor stations set up for shopping, advertising local business and services, concessions, etc.


    Folks can come early (not before 5 PM) and shop for dance shoes, jewelry, clothing, etc. There will also be time for shopping during the intermission.


    If anyone is interested in being a vendor or placing an ad in our program they need to get in touch with us right away as space is running out fast. (see attached application) Vendors must be set by 4:30!


    Thanks for your help in promoting this event (our first annual talent show) on June 9 starting at 6 PM. There will be a variety of talents for your viewing pleasure.


    For more info contact us at this email address debra@cleckler.com or phone us at 770-456-6244. Ask for Deb or Jim


    Admission is $5 at the door, $3 in advance.


    Sponsered by U-CAN DANCE!

  5. An adult cat could be perfect. That wouldn't be as much of a "replacement" pet as another pup. It would be aweful if she got a senior cat that passed away too soon, though. Cats can live a pretty long time, though so who knows. Hey, if she is a cat person maybe she could save two together. They are social animals and love having another cat around in most cases. Maybe save an adult and a senior.


    Bless her heart. We feel for her. That is SO hard.

  6. You mentioned that the dogs are sometimes left for days at a time. Have the dogs ever .... say... gotten loose while they were on one of their little getaways? ;)


    Maybe if the dogs got "loose" every time they were neglected it would become too much of an expense replacing their "business materials". Maybe they would give up, eventually.


    Sorry but that just chaps my behind beyond reason.


    You should call the animal shelter daily, if necessary. Get someone to do it for you. That way you can say that you honestly do not know what's going on. This summer may kill the pups before they have a chance to make their d#mn money! I'd rather see them all put to sleep before watching them suffer heat strokes and long, drawn out dehydration. Man, I'm in a bad mood. I'll stop while I'm already exposed.


    Thanks for stepping up. I know it's hard but try to follow through. We're here for you!

  7. How Precious!! She looks like she is very well taken care of now. Might want to invest in a fence so that she can run some of her energy off. Mine does the same to me when she gets out front. It's a BIG deal for her. She turns into a spaz.


    Just realized you may have a fence and the kids may be letting her out front. LOL.

  8. I can never get into the paid or unpaid Got the Goods section...so I'm posting this in the internet cafe...


    Helena has some 3-6 month summer clothes that she grew out of before she could wear this summer,a few she wore once or twice.


    A very cute dress and hat that has embroidered flowers and butterflies on them-$3



    Purple and white checkered one pc. with Jack and Jill bunnies...on the back it says " to fetch a pail of water"-$2



    Cute sunsuit that was never worn!-$2



    1 pc sunsuit-$2



    2pc capri/bodysuit set...never worn!-$3



    Winnie the Pooh dress from the Disney Store-$2



    A pair of newborn crib shoes (i think they fit to 6 months) Never worn and still in the box.Adorable!-$5



    Infantino Snug Rider baby carrier-used total of 5 times-$5



    My sister wants several of the clothes. What area are you located in?

  9. If you have a hard headed dog the fence will not work. People need to understand that in most cases these fences may keep your dog in while they have their collars on but, they will not keep other people's dogs out of your yard. I have a friend who had her poodle attacked by a large lab while it was in it's own yard. Even a good dog if they see a squirrel or cat will take the shock to get to chase them. :wacko:


    So true. I saw a poor little put that had been mauled by coyotes in the vet's office. It was aweful. I'm thinking a chihuahua would be snapped up rather quickly!

  10. Usually they have to be spayed or neutered to be out there and get along with other dogs. I'm not sure if he is neutered or not. I guess you're referring to Oreo, the black and white Cattle dog mix? He is so happy to see people. :(


    Lucky, the brown and white dog is a yard dog, but could use a home of his own.


    Yes, Oreo is who I was referring to. He is SO friendly!

  11. Nemie,


    We're not far from you.


    Plan on running to Sam's and possible some grocery store in the morning. Please call me if there is anything we can bring you. You have my numbers. PM me if you don't. I'll check it before we head out.


    Praying for speedy healing and lots of peaceful rest for you both.

  12. We LOVE, LOVE our tempurpedic. I am the hottest person on earth so if I can sleep on it, anyone can. We hate to go out of town and have to sleep on other mattresses now. It's so great to come home to the tempurpedic. Can't say enough about it.

  13. She is such a sweetheart. I had to give her a little luvin'. Then I scrubbed like mad to make sure not to spread anything. When will she receive treatment? Surely it will be soon so that it's not spread to the others. You know folks go through there and pet on her and then pet on others.


    Also, it's so unfair to her if everyone is scared to touch her. She'll be in a bad way if she's never touched. Anyone know how it goes on tests and treatment?

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