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Everything posted by katt_138

  1. some of the prices are good... just watch what you get... compare prices... and check out the meats real good... we have been saving $ here, i make a lot of things we use... i make our laundry soap, dish washer soap, bread and tonight me and the kids made butter..i know big woo, but it works for us
  2. lol no fun is when you are covered head to toe in mud
  3. meatloaf and mashed taters corn and what ever else i fix
  4. darn no truck here... i love to play in the mud
  5. as do you! i'm going to try to remember to call you tomorrow if that is ok. well i have been on here this many years so far and have not gotten either til now... so i guess i am doing alright oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS or as we used to say when i was a kid happy ho ho to you and every one on p-com
  6. you took my mayberry virginity
  7. :lol: it is so sad that i have been on here for so long and have never even seen one of these it is almost like the k-mart that dont exist in athens ga.... hold on that is a different story...LMAO! (ask me about that next time you see me )
  8. still sitting here try'n to figure out what those things are.. never seen one no clue what they are
  9. i still have a few to buy for then i'm done
  10. we'll keep you in our thoughts... LMAO! i wish it worked that way
  11. still try'n to figure out exactly what that one is too.... kinda have an idea but the way my mind wonders i could be wrong define naughty & nice
  12. only reason i can think of them not doing all that in dallas is b/c they do it in hiram.. not sure tho...i would think it would be better to do it where the courthouse is IMO
  13. darn.. i must be loosing mymind... i thought i had gotten that thing back from you... maybe that is why i cant find the darn thing...been looking every where for it lol :ph34r: i'll pm you about getting the kids together... i know a great place to take them. oh yeah.. i believe i should get a mayberry just for not knowing what one is... but how would i know i have one? if i have never seen one WOOHOO! I'M A VIRGIN AGAIN!!!! :yahoo: hold on is that possible???
  14. that was a joke.. well kinda.. where do they get the $ to get new fancy things for hiram? what was wrong w/ the old lights?
  15. not sure exactly what a mayberry is but i can bring you some blackberries oh yeah and a back pack i have been meaning to get to you for some time now :lol:
  16. they had to use the $ for all the hiram christmas lights??? :ninja:
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