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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. somebody's meth lab blow up?



    We could only hope..that would be one down and a few million more to go! <_<



    ...hey, I just looked outside again and it's raining out now over here...it's a long time from 10:15 but maybe it was thunder over here that the dog heard back then...or sometimes he senses rain when it's still in Birmingham so maybe he just knew it was coming and he was getting ready for it :D ..I'm sure on my end of town it wasn't anything the same as on your end, but just strange the events happened at the same time! :)

  2. ok, SOMETHING happened because I'm way over in EAST PAULDING, not even close to you, and my dog had just gone outside and suddently he D near pushed the door down trying to get back in, scratching and jumping on it like I don't know what, then when I finally opened the door he was low tail and ran in like a streak and hid in the bedroom..like he does when it's thundering out..but we had our surround sound going inside so we didn't hear anything but we checked the yard and didn't see anything either so we thought he was just nuts but it was something cause he stayed freaked for about an hour - AND - it happened at this exact same time..so...now is that wierd or what - we are like miles and miles from you!

  3. My vent: life is so rushed and everyone is in such a hurry!



    "...I'm in a hurry to get things done

    Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun

    All I really gotta do is live and die

    But I'm in a hurry and don't know why..."


    ~I'm in a hurry, by Alabama ~

  4. Hi, some people I know are thinking of having a new house built in a subd that is just off of Scoggins and 61 (I won't say which and that way no harm/no foul to the builders or selling agents! <_< ) They've done a lot of research, but what better place to get the community pulse but here, so I thought I'd ask this for them. What's your opinion of that area, would you buy a new house in that area, do you like it over there, anything else someone should know about that area? Looking for any yeahs or nays, tell me what you think. (for what it's worth, I told them I thought it was a pretty nice area and it looked like a nice subd, but heck, I'm over here in the East Paulding area so I got to thinking, what do I really know about that area and I figured you all would be the experts). Thanks for the help!

  5. yeah, it sure is cold out there today, but it's nice and warm in my - gas - heated - house - and all day long all I hear is the wind and the echos of CHA-CHING, CHA-CHING, CHA-CHING as my money burns to keep me warm...I bet the gas company is dancing in the aisle at this cold weather.

  6. Oh my gosh, someone told a Jersery girl to go to Stevie B's for good pizza!?!?! Wow, ROFLMA on that one - that's like telling a Chef from Italy that if he want's good pasta to open a can of spagettios! Thanks for the good laugh!!! (Nothing wrong with Stevie B's, I east there too, but to someone from Jersey, it's not even going to be close to being pizza!).

  7. Um, sorry, missed the original on this I guess...where is this and what do we need to bring if we come...and what's this talk about a "sister site" Wow, I am always so lost! :blink:

  8. I think the most expensive thing I ever bought was 3 years ago and it was my dress for my daughters wedding, one of those Davids Bridal mother things that came in just under $300 - that was more than I spent on MY wedding dress, but in all fairness, I did get married over 30 years ago and prices then weren't what they are now that's for sure! ;) This was a great dress for her wedding and I'm glad I bought it; I even planned on wearing it again..but I gained 20 pounds right after that wedding (I think most of it was from the alcohol that night!) so I've never worn it again!! Other than that, I break out in cold sweat when I just see a price ticket on an item that is $50, the hyperventilating starts at $75, and my eyes sting at $100...anything more than $100 - yeah, I better get out of there 'cause at those prices, it's not where I belong!! :D

  9. Congrats! My grandson is 13 months and started walking a few months ago..now I've got the sticky cushy tape things on the corners of everything so he don't run his head into them when he come over, and the pillows and blankets on the brick fireplace so he don't knock a tooth out if he hits it, but he is great at manuevering around it all and he keeps taking everything off, like he knows it's not supposed to be there and he's insulted or something that I put it up - what - like I don't trust him to be smart enough to not hurt himself, what sort of Grandma am I huh! :D But it is really so cute when they start walking, and it sure is great excercise too - chasing them everywhere!! :p Oh, and all moms feel that way when their babies start to grow up..but don't worry, there are a lot of 'firsts' ahead yet! Enjoy!!

  10. well I got a question, I understand all that I'm reading here about what can be/should be/isn't being done, but, if this picture is, uh, the intimate art that it is desbribed as - would that not classify it as 'pornography', and if so, aren't there laws prohibiting pornographic displays of art regardless of if the display is on public or private property? Or is anyone in this county, or specifically in the city of Dallas, allowed to display pornographic art anywhere and in any manner they choose?

  11. Ok, you have hit a nerve with me: It is an illegal drug, they had a report, they have to uphold the law , they did their job! No one says a Police Officer LIKES what they have to do 100% of the time, but they do have to do their job! They don't LIKE arresting a dad in a low poverty area who just beat the S out of his wife as they know the wife and kids have no means to pay the rent or eat with the dad in jail, but they HAVE to do it - they don't LIKE taking a child to the hospital after a sex crime and having to be nice to the perp because they'd rather be beating the S out of the perp but they can't do that but they do HAVE to take the scared, crying child to the hospital, and they certainly don't LIKE going to a door and telling a parent that their child died in a car accident but they HAVE to do it! These are just some of the things they do as part of their job, just as busting someone that is using and growning pot. So don't judge the officers for DOING THEIR JOB! Instead, get active and get the law changed so that they don't have to do this in the future.

  12. oh wow, FOCUS folks, these are two children MISSING...their names may be different than what you may be used to but plenty of names are different these days...think diversity...it makes the world go round and what a boring place this would be if we were all named Sue..and besides, then everyone would have to sing that song about a "boy named Sue", and you can only listen to that song so many times...so focus - channel you energy and thoughts on them being found safe and sound!



    Edited to add: YEAH! I just read the post above about them being found in Ohio! Alive and well!! YEAH!!!

  13. Ok, which one of you smarties taught my dogs to read P.com?!?! Huh, come on, fess up now ?!?! :angry: I think it was better when they was e-litter-ate because now they are just too dang smart for their paws! See...I made the doggie bed out of those old pillows and old towels like I posted earlier and my big guy, he loved it - he went right to it and sprawled his 72 pounds out on it night after night..I had to keep chasing the little guy off it cause suddenly he didn't like his store bought bed anymore - he wanted the big guys bed! So here I was, feeling pretty good about myself..yeah, so I had a few sore fingers from the sewing (I don't have a machine so I did it the old way - with a needle and thread!) but it was blood shed in LOVE (you can hardly see the red spots on the towels) and wow, I saved money and he liked it and life was GOOD! Real good...but then...this thread came up with all the talk about the dust mites - ewww - I'm itching all over again....and now NEITHER of my dogs will lie on that bed - I swear to you - they've been reading P.com and I want to know who taught them to read?!?! Well anyhow, now that MY dogs know about the dust mites they'll tell YOUR dogs (word gets around you know, all that barking and howling they do, like a doggie gang out there!) so you might want to ignore my advice about the homemade doggie beds, and keep them away from P.com too... :wacko: :lol: :wacko:

  14. HI, so I voted YES but I probably should have voted 'maybe' ..I'll try to make it if I can - please post the details once decided:


    How often? (someone said once every 2 weeks, that sounds like a good idea)


    What day of the week?


    What time of day?


    Where? (i don't have any young uns either, but my thought would be maybe a restaurant (mcyd's or whatever), or the library, or if someone has a church fellowship room they can donate for a few hours..that would probably be better than someone's house - this way it won't put the rest of someone's family out and..well..security wise it doesn't put anyone in harms way, this is the internet you know - be careful who you invite over sight unseen..okay, so now I've probably made you all scared of me, didn't mean to, it's not me you have to worry about).


    Do we have to have the coupons organized or just loose, and if organized, how - I mean, like do they have to be in food, cleaning, pet, baby order, stuff like that...mine are just all thrown together but I can *try* to get some sort of organzation by the time we meet - oh wow - an evening project!

  15. OMG - you all are really skeering me! :o The one I got just b4 Christmas was $195.00 and that was $80 more than last year! I chalked it up to higher prices, lots of cooking with Thanksgiving and all (gas stove), and MIL visit (of course I had to run the heat really high for her). Now, I'm not sure I can pay a $300 or $400 bill - and I dang sure know for certain I couldn't pay a $500 bill!! But looking on the bright side, getting that high a bill would probably kill me and my life insurance is paid so while I certainly wouldn't have to worry about it, no one else would either! :blink: Ah, there's a silver lining to everything I guess! :D :p :D ..

    ....but I still hope my next one ain't near those amounts!

  16. Unless there have been revisions to it that took effect January 1, this isn't something new as it has been a law in effect since JULY 1, 2003! I knew about it as it was all over the radio at the time..just sad that so many don't know about it and law or no law, that so many don't move over - it's unreal to see what takes place out there! The Police handling the emergencies have their hands full, I just wish the Police Departments had enough man power to have extras at the events so that tickets can be given, and I wish the revenue it would generate could be used for useful things, like new vests, new weapons, or even to offest the cost of salaries! - ah, one can dream, can't blame me for that! Meanwhile, keep paying attention, keep slowing down, and keep moving over. :)

  17. HI, I posted almost the exact same topic as this one when I got MY gas bill right b4 Christmas in December...my next one won't come out until around the 23rd of this month but yeah, the one I got just b4 Christmas was a lot higher than last year and I'm expecting this next one - the next several - to be bad too...just Thank God for 60 degree days like the one we have today! :)

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