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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. Well guess what? I know someone that went into the mens up front bathroom at 11Am this morning and they said it was a MESS - said they had paper all over the floor and one toilet out of order - they've been open 2 days folks - haven't even had their grand opening yet - and they already are not taking care of it! So sad for them to have spent all that money building a new place to let it get trashed so soon! Yep, it's a WM!!

  2. Remember that the time on this board is off from the real time so these are two different incidents, differnt times : I passed the first one earlier today, they were in the parking lot of the old Hero's (not sure what the new name of that place is). The other one happened just a bit ago (I want to say around 5ish but not sure of that time) as I heard all the sirens and my dog was a howling with them ( I'm just off EPD) and I knew they stopped close but didn't know exactly where or what happened - I came here then to see and nothing was posted until your post, thanks for the update! :) I hope everyone is okay!! :o (it is now 6:03Pm real time as I'm posting this)

  3. Hey I've seen the mention of PCSO but don't go jumping to conclusions here - as I said yesterday, there is NO TELLING what county this person works for - almost all uniforms LOOK alike, especially the shirts. My thought - if the car had Paulding plates and she was heading OUT of Paulding, in uniform, and she was in her own PV, than likely she resides here but doesn't WORK here...could be Cobb, Dekalb, Douglas, Fulton, etc etc - - so - who does he report this to? He'll have to do some more investigation to figure that one out! How many counties do we have in Ga? Good luck! <_<

  4. Are you sure it was a sheriff uniform and not a rentawannabee one, sometimes the uniforms look similar? She could work for any county - passing through here - did you happen to see the county/dept patch on her uniform? Or how about her plate on the car? If you can tell what county she was with you need to call that in to the main office of that county so they can handle her - she don't need to be acting that way/doing those things - in or out of uniform...heads will roll if the brass knows theres a picture out there too...wow I would not want to be her! mmm..mmm..mmm... to be a fly on the wall when that conversation takes place..mmm..mmm...mmm!

  5. Since I was one of the ones complaining in December when I got my Gas heating bill, I figured it only fair to say "I'M DOING THE HAPPY DANCE" this month!! I just looked at my bill (it goes from mid Dec to mid Jan) and it's not only lower than last month, it's lower than last year at this time - I used less therms this month (mid Dec to mid Jan) than last (mid Nov to mid Dec) and lots less than last year for this month!! So that freezing your arsp off - some call it conservation - really works I guess...and the 2 weeks of nice weather in January couldn't have hurt any either!! Well I hope the next 2 months are equally good, we'll see. Good luck on your next bill, maybe you'll be dancing with me!

  6. Is it true that they have a sign saying,


    "Welcome HIRAM Walmart shoppers, to your New Walmart"?  :blink:



    Ok, I went earlier, looks like all the other WM's, but it smells good! I did not see any such welcome sign, BUT, I did see the permanent sign above the door on the way out that says: "Thanks for shoping your Dallas/HIRAM Walmart" ...maybe someone should tell WM execs that this store IS NOT IN HIRAM..unless of course...they really are planning on closing the other HIRAM store and then this really WILL BE the Dallas/Hiram store! Boy did they goof on that huh, what a dead giveaway! :o

  7. Through her Angel network, she's helped to raise a ton of money - $7,000,000 from just one show for AIDS-infected and poverty-stricken children in Africa.  The grand total to date is roughly $27,000,000 for underprivileged kids.  In addition, she personally pays all the administrative costs to operate her Angel network...so 100% of the funds raised go to charity programs.


    On a trip to South Africa she and her crew handed out christmas presents to 50,000 children, dolls for the girls and soccer balls for the boys. Each child was also given a backpack full of school supplies and received two sets of school uniforms for their gender, two sets of socks, two sets of underwear, and a pair of shoes


    Recently, through segments aired on her show, several pedophiles have been arrested and taken off the streets.


    Yeah, she's just a talking head :rolleyes: ....but she's done a heck of a lot more than most of us have to improve the lives of others.





    So why is it always about Africa?

  8. Is the gift by any chance green watermelon sugar free jello???  If so, absolutely no strings.....   I am having the dam#est time finding that crap! :angry:



    Hmm...so you are looking for green jello are you? We are going to have to keep a close eye on you and those close to you! :ninja: ( public figures - green jello - black widow - not sure if you'll get it, maybe I'm the only one that thinks of her and those cases when I hear Green Jello!) :ninja:

  9. A gift is a gift and if not a gift then it wouldn't be a gift, would it. :blink: I also think this topic has been done enough, the horse is dead, done been buried, and the ground frozen over, why keep digging the bones up.

  10. NOW what is going on, I'm going to have to go check out the other topics later just to see. I tell you, a person has to live on this board 24/7 to keep up, something I'm not able to do, so obviously I don't keep up! It sure is sunny but not to fool you, it's windy and that makes it cold - my dogs keep wanting to go play in the sun and one minute later they are begging to come back in, then out, then in - they are worse than little children some days. As for what I'm doing, I'm just trying to keep employed and keep that paycheck coming in, something that seems to be a rarity more and more lately in this economy and times of everything closing down..in a few more hours I can say I made it one more day. Then I'm watching my grandson later for a few hours, he's 14 months now so he is such a joy, if only they could stay little 4ever! sigh, back to work I guess...

  11. HI Suz, sounds great, can you tell me more:

    *Is there a limit to the # of items a seller can sell?

    *Does the seller set the price of the items?

    *Do the items need to be marked/priced b4 drop off, and if so, what method of marking is required?

    *What date and time is drop off?

    *What happens with unsold items?

    *How soon are checks distrubuted to the seller?

    *Is there a presale date/time for a seller?

    *Do you have a website where I can find all the answers to all those questions?




    Edited to say, never mind...found the website, great info here! Thanks again!!



  12. sorry, never owned a Taurus or Sable - just owned a Grenada (remember those, that was a long time ago), escort, probe, F150, ranger, crown vic, mustang, explorer, expedition..and probably a few more that I don't remember..I guess I kept someone in Ford in Business somewhere, even if it wasn't here.

  13. Steel prices went up last year, so do keep in mind that upped the price considerably from what anyone paid in the past. If you haven't already then I also recommend you call Brown's for a quote, they won't try to 'sell' you, they just give you the facts. ..and if you are going to do it, get started now so you can have it ready to enjoy in the warm months because it is not an overnight project! :)


    Oh one more thing, we keep ours open year round, very little maintenace is needed during the off season and we are able to swim in it much sooner than most! Of course, we do have a heater...gas...so with gas prices what they are these days I'm not so certain we'll be firing that thing up this spring, we'll see! <_<

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