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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. I just want to mention this because it always surprises me that so many folks don't know this, the other day, someone was in line by me saying how great the 10/10 sale was but at the same time complaining about having to buy 10 of the thing, then having to store it, yadayadayada..I bit my tongue cause telling the stranger face to face would have been like slapping her in the face and I just couldn't do that..hopefully she'll wise up soon! SO...on the 20/10 or 10/10...you don't have to buy 20 or 10 of the things to get the sale price, even if you buy just 1 you get it for the sale (on 20/10 that's 50cent for one, on 10/10 that one dollar for one). I don't know what ad guru thought up the 10/10 thing, but I guess it must have sounded better than a 'dollar sale'! So anyhow, just spreading the word in case you didn't already know! :)

  2. I don't get out of the house much these days, didn't even go to a Mall for Holiday shopping, but then I went to Arbor Place Mall a few days after Christmas with my grown daughter and my head was swimming...the crowds..the noise...and then my daughter told me that it wasn't even crowded that day, what did I know, go figure! :wacko:

  3. Hello, I am sorry you lost two family members recently and in looking at your previous posts I can see that you have been through more than the loss of two family members this month, as you posted that your husbands father was in Tanner on Jan 10 due to a heart attack, and then you lost your husbands mother on Jan 12, and you also lost Josh on that same day, Jan 12. That is a lot of stress and grief. Please know that there are stages of grief that most go through when they lose a loved one, most commonly experienced in this order but the order can be different: shock or depression/ anger/ denial/ bargaining/ acceptance/ transcendence. Most likey you are experiencing one or more of these stages. One way to help ovecome your grief is to seek out caring supportive people, and that is what you have here on this site and in the community. Please know and realize that just because people do not post replies to your topic does not mean they do not care. Sometimes, caring is silent!


    My best wishes to you in this hard time, peace and God be with you!

  4. Ahem..Christmas is over and Santa went home for a rest, so could it be the EASTER BUNNY had to go get in shape for his turn coming up soon? Sorry, not meaning to make light of the situation, but a big blue bunny...Easter a few months away, I couldn't resist! Hpe you find your rascly rabbit soon. :)

  5. She is an Olde English Bulldogge!


    That's a beautiful dog but definetley one that needs and will benefit from training, yyou will probably be surprised at the turn around! There is lots of info out on the web about them that you can research, or here's a site that has a message board so maybe other owners of that same breed can give you some valuable tips and information:




    Good luck!

  6. What do you mean the Hiram one isn't closing? I heard that the county bought ALL that corner up and all around it too for miles and miles....yep that's right...they gonna put the airport right dang smack in that corner now instead of way down the other end of 278...then they's gonna buy up the Kmart plaza too and all around that corner...putting the main mono-rail depot thing on that side...and the Kmart and the Kroger, they is moving over here to the EAST side...movin on up..to the EAST side...East Paulding Drive that is..yep..that's the ways I heard it... :ninja:

  7. You say it does listen when it is in the house, only outdoors that it doesn't listen? You didn't say what breed it is? Some breeds are good at being off leash dogs outside, others, they are runners or chasers and will do so at every chance. So obedience classes are a good start, but do keep in mind that they still may not make this dog an off leash stick to your side animal.

  8. oH YEAH!! That is good news, and only 1/4 mile away - that's amazing as they usually run and roam quite a distance. Mine could be quite an escape artist, I've chased mine more than 2 miles only to find him sitting on my porch awhile later all tuckered out as it looked like he chased ME home - but he's getting old and not quite so fast anymore , and I've gotten smarter, so I usually get him b4 he gets away now..thank goodness for that! Anhow, glad it worked out...now if only the white husky can find his way home too...

  9. So you say you are opening next Friday morning, Jan 27, huh? Thanks for the warning as traffic is sure gonna S on both EP and Charles Hardy Pkwy (Dallas hwy) that day and weekend then - anyone else going to Cobb or coming back from Cobb via Charles Hardy Pkwy (Dallas Hwy) that Friday or weekend, plan ahead!

  10. You men need to stay away and have the sisters meet in a mutual location. Since they are in NY, you are Texas - have them meet somewhere in the middle for both - set the time for how often (suggestions: every 4 months or maybe twice a year??) - maybe once they meet alone (Girls time away!), next they meet and both bring the kids (but no men!) - getting away on their own will be good for them, no one needs someone controlling them 24/7/365.

  11. OK all, I just read this topic today (it's a little b4 2Pm) so I just tried the ladies # about the white husky, no answer and no answering machine - since that post was from Oct 04 I don't even know if the # is correct anymore. Someone may want to try it again later.


    Oh, too bad about the other husky - I luv huskies and wish I could take him - but I have 2 dogs and while I'd have a zoo if I could there is this person living with me called a hubby that doesn't quite take to animals the same as I do. :(


    I hope both these huskies find good 4ever homes.

  12. It's common practice when seeking a rezoning (PRD, etc) that they also ask at the same time or some commercial property zoning at the road frontage for usually small businesses like a day care center or gas station. It's all approved at the same time.


    Besides, that whole area is in Paulding County's Planned Use Map for commercial developement. Just food for thought.



    HI DDawg, when you say 'that whole area', what exact area are you talking about - the dragstrip property or EP drive in general? Is that planned use map somewhere on the net for public review? I'm down behind EP between CH pkwy and 92 so just wondering if it's all of EP you speak of, can you give anymore info?

  13. Even being 'employed' - who the heck could pay 600K in taxes - I doubt that anyone making that much money in a year are entering contests to win things! The real lesson here is that if you are going to enter a contest to win things - WIN CASH! THat way you can pay the taxes on it and then do what you want with the rest!

  14. First, glad he was chipped, hope the owners can be contacted and go pick him up.


    Second, MIZCUE, it was a long time ago but there were posters everywhere about a missing whilte husky - Okay, this is the post I was thnking about, and the # is at the end..but it's older than I thought - Oct 2004 I think it says..probably not the same dog - oh well, just something I remembered...



  15. yeah, I'm glad he's home! I saw your other post and now his picture - I used to have a cat a few years back that looked exactly like him, and mine was missing part of his ear too - must be some sort of initiation hazing for those types (like in the snow dog movie -'ya gotta bite the tip of their ear off' ! :D Glad he's home!

  16. Oh my gosh, you missed your opportuinity! You were out on the side of your car in the mud, in the dark, and he calls you over to his truck and asks "you got problems"? Was that not a HERE"S YOUR SIGN opportunity or what!! :D :p :D


    Most Hero people I've come across were really nice and helpful, but I'm sure there is always one...sorry you ran into him! Also sorry about your luck, yucky day for it this morning!

  17. ....take a cold day (like today), turn your thermostat down to 63 (like I did, or even lower if you dare :o ), put on not one, not two, but THREE pairs of socks and then - s-q-uuueeeee- z-e your tootsies into those new shoes you have been wanting to break in and then wear them around the house all day - oh - I guarantee you won't feel the cold temps, your feet will hurt so much you won't know it's cold - take my word for it! :wacko: ...yeah, been one of those sort of days for me so I thought I'd share my insanity tips with you! :p

  18. Nah, probably not enough coffee yet! :p ...but I just finished my cheerios so I should be CHEER-E-O in a bit! :D


    Hey- MELW - I luv the idea of using your own canvas bags, now THAT is a great idea...do you make your own or where do you get them?

  19. Wow, you all complain on here about YOUR increase in cost in this and that, but did you ever stop to think of things YOU do that increases the costs to others - or things you can do to help keep costs down at a store and thus savings are passed on to everyone?


    GemMan is entirely right - paper costs a store more that plastic - no matter which store chain it is - lots more, so do keep that in mind when you demand paper and please don't come here and vent next when you see the prices going up in the store or you see longer lines and less cashiers; a store has to cover their costs one way or another, and that will mean higer prices AND/OR less labor!


    So when you choose paper, we ALL pay!


    So from my pocketbook, thank you very much! :angry:

  20. My thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of the two boys that died, as well as for the two boys that are in critical condition and for the two people in the other car who will no doubt suffer nightmares and other issues from being in this incident, and also the rescue personel on scene and the people working the hospitals - we often times forget how many people an incident like this touches - may God rest a hand on ALL their shoulders!

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