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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. I have read post after post on this site where people B*TCH about MOAN about the DRUG PROBLEM and how no one takes it seriously and that LE doesn't acknowledge that there EVEN IS ONE around these parts and yet you then sit here and MAKE JOKES when LE is doing something about it and something as serious as this happens - WHAT THE H IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?

  2. It's been talked about b4 and someone even posted the blueprint draft, you might try searching for that thread. From what I do remember, up close to the road was 2 (or maybe it was 3) retail strips/buildings, each with a large anchor store space and several smaller spaces, and then farther up was the assisted living community/condos - different bulidings and LOTS of units.


    Found the pror topic for you, from March:



  3. I just had something notarized last week: Wachovia at 61/278 does it for free if you are a customer, and I was also told that the UPS store at 61/278 does it too but I don't know how much they charge..and the Dallas Post Office does NOT do it..hope that helps somewhat.

  4. Having taken out lots of trees and putting in a pool a few years back, and therefore knowing all what is involved, if I were the neighbor you approached I'd be telling you that you have a decision to make: what's more important to you, the garage you now have, or the pool you could have if you didn't have the garage. So I'm sure you are glad I'm NOT your neighbor, good luck in whatever you do, and don't be to awfully offended if you can still hear the laughing all the way back at your house once you ask this question to the neighbor you do have. :p

  5. HI all, another thing I want to mention are yard torches (the ones used to repel bugs). We usually have them up in our yard around our pool - not this year! - it's just toooo dang dry to risk the open flame. However, I did notice that WalMart sold a bunch of those within the last month and I'm not sure that others are 'thinking' about the potential dangers of using those in this dryness. BIG RISK there so please think before you light one of those up. Me, I opted for the OFF products...refills are more expensive but they work better anyways and are WAY safer than the torches with the wide open flame and all that fuel that each torch contains.

  6. I was really surprised and impressed that the SO made the automated phone calls to everyone in the area near Pickett's Mill Park. It certainly had everyone out of their houses and looking around our neighborhood just in case he had walked the distance through the woods to our subdivision (adjacent to the park).



    " Reverse 911 uses database and geographic information systems (GIS) technology to target message recipients. The product may be used to notify residents in a given area of an emergency or to gather emergency management employees. "


    As this case proves, reverse 911 technology can be a valuable asset.

  7. Hi Tinkerbell, I'm sorry for your loss but I also want to mention that it is quite possible that he wasn't deceased for 2 weeks, that is, he may just have passed within the last day and that could be why there wasn't any smell; cats have a way of going to hide when they feel ill or out of sorts and it is entirely possible he had been hiding somewhere and just recently made his way to under the bed, and then passed on.

  8. Well, I have to side with frontporchmom on this one as I use Chlorine and never have problems with burning eyes or bleaching out colored beach towels (YIKES, that is a scarey level of chlorination even for a public pool!!). If you keep your pool balanced properly you won't even notice that you are using Chlorine, however do keep in mind, it does take more than just "Chlorine" to balance a pool but with proper care the extras are minimal. Now, if you all say the salt systems only use salt and you don't ever have to use anything else to keep it in line, then perhaps it may be the better way to go economically, I really don't know but if you are using salt then you are the expert on that. For me personally, I'm fine with the chlorine as I've never had a problem with it.


    Also, Leslies pools on Dallas Hwy in West Cobb is great (they are across from the Racetrac, which is just down the road from "The Avenue") - I think they have really good prices on their products and are very helpful in answering all sorts of questions and they have never tried to hard sell me on anything.

  9. :huh: BLEACH?!? :huh: Are you serious??? Did they actually tell you they use BLEACH, or maybe are you confusing bleach with Chlorine - and if 'they' are confusing bleach with Chlorine then they dont' know much about pools..or maybe they are telling you that to keep you out and away from it. :lol:
  10. Hey Fishnthec, thought I'd tell ya that I just passed through BG, KY last week for a night and they were a friendly bunch of folk...kudos to the Holiday Inn University Plaza staff, as well as the Applebees and Cracker Barrell..tell your family that as a traveler I appreciate the Hospitality in their town, you just don't see that many places anymore! :)

  11. Back in December one of our local radio stations here in the Atlanta area mentioned "Red Friday" as a way to show support to our troops, and I've been trying to wear red every Friday since..sure would be good to see more of it..no matter what your feelings about the war, the President, or politics, this is a small thing you can do to show your support for the troops that support us: AMERICA, UNITED WE STAND!

  12. ok, this will probably sound dumb but after the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors (which other posters have already mentioned) I thought of this..could it have been an animal on your porch, wearing one of those shock collars, do you have any neighboring dogs, or maybe even cats (I have no idea if they work on cats)? I have one of those collars for my dog and not only will it zap her if needed but it has a 'beep feature that would be pretty loud to my ear too if I used it in the middle of the night. I have never had to use the zap feature as the beep does the job..of course if I push it faster it will beep faster and if I push it slow, it beeps slow and maybe the owner/neighbor was somewhere zapping the heck out of the animal to get it home...and the 'clunk' could have been the dog falling out from the noise (ok, just kidding there), but really, he may have been standing at your door or on the porch rail and jumped down (mine makes an awful 'clunk' noise when she drops down!)...doesn't explain the missing wet footprints, but would you really have noticed dog or cat prints? Anyhow, that was just a thought I had.

  13. okay, so I'm eastbound this morning on..golly..what's the road called this week - Dallas Hwy/CharlesHardyPkwy/

    MaPaulJunction (you know, THAT road) - and I hadn't been that way in days - or maybe I just hadn't paid attention - but this time I noticed that the gas station at Macland and THAT road was burned, again, so dejavu, except I knew it had to be different because this time the station was a Texaco and the last time I think it was a Citgo. It's boarded up and burnt black in the exact same place that it was before, so how in the world can a brick building get that unlucky twice, what happened and when did it burn again?

  14. Oh my gosh, my canna's were already about 2 ft tall and now are all brown like in the fall, but they are canna's and I'm sure they will just put up new shoots (I hope!). My hydrangas however, I'm not sure they will recover. I'm not touching anything for another 2 weeks now, hopefully by the end of this month we'll finally be done with the last of the cold.

  15. Any employer has the right to tell their on duty employees to quit socializing and get to work. I don't care if it's the pope trying to talk to his son while he's stocking the baby oil. He was still on the clock. Good for Target.


    Ah yes, but the employer (the asst manger here) did not tell his EMPLOYEE to quit socializing - he went after the CUSTOMERS in this case - which happened to be two MARINES. Most retail stores welcome customers into their stores, it seems that Target has forgotten what business (and maybe what COUNTRY) they are in!

  16. I like the way you think!!! *taking notes*


    :D ..it's the smart A in me :D


    ...Sure would have liked to have seen the look on her face when they slapped those cuffs on her for impersonating an officer; wonder how red her face would have gotten then! :p

  17. Well, having witnessed this exchange, I thought mother of victim child was about to go midevil on child x's mom. She showed more restraint than I would have in same situation. Mother x was a psycho!!! By the way child x was bigger than the young girl he was hitting. She didn't have an option of working it out.


    What galled me was that Mother x had the audacity to say she was watching her child. She was sitting 30 feet away with her back to the playground. I know I thougt my mom had eyes in the back of her head, but this woman had nothing in her head!! LOL!!!


    The woman also had the gumption to say she was in law enforcement. I wanted to ask if she was a member of the Atlanta Police Swat Team that shoots innocent people!!



    She said WHAT? Um hello - my cell phone would have been dialing 911 at that comment" "Yes, hello, officer assitance is needed here at the park, there is a female here claiming to be LE, acting irrational, screaming, making threats, yes, that is her you hear (holding the phone out just a little so they can 'record' even more of her ranting!), she is terrorizing the children, I do not know if she is carrying her service weapon but I am fearful for our lives at this point, please hurry". (yeah, did you ever think of that - if she was in LE (doubtful though!) she may have had a weapon with her ?!?!?) !!


    So now, she'd be going off in cuffs if she said she was LE and she WASN'T and if she WAS then you needed to be getting a written report done on the incident as well as finding out where in LE she worked and reporting the incident because if she's a loose cannon OFF the job, then she's bound to be one ON the job too and that's never a good thing - it's a 24 hr profession, you're supposed to represent the badge both on and OFF duty too..or at the very least not be dumb enough to act like a JA and TELL people who you are! ;)

  18. I have a question about this one. What baby under the age of 2 watches tv? Most children show signs of autism by the age of 2.


    Well, I know that there are videos and shows targeted to babies and toddlers, and even if it's not one of those shows on the tv set for them, then for sure babies/toddlers are in rooms in homes where tv's are on and they do focus in on whatever is on, even though they don't know what they are watching..so as for children under the age of 2 being exposed to tv, yeah, I'd say it's pretty norm in all the houses I've ever been in with kids in them..that is..I've never known anyone to go over and turn off their tv just because their infant or toddler came into the room. But I'm not sticking up for the guy this morning, like I already said, to me his studies still sounded like they had a long way to go but who knows where they might end up.



    I found the link to the story they showed this moring on Good Morning America ( I don't know why it's dated April 5 (Thursday) as I thought I saw it this morning (Friday)..but maybe it was yesterday...all the days swim together latey):



  19. I don't know if they were cashing in on the Oprah show that just aired, but one of the morning shows (I think it was Good Morning America, should be on their website) did a segment this morning with a guy who is putting out the theory that TV may have an influence too...said something about having looked at the Amish: no electricty - no TV - and virtualy no Autism..but his theory sounded like it was still unfounded and had a long way to go to overcome any bias in studies..but anyways...it seems like there are all kinds of research and studies going on regarding the 'what if's and 'maybe's.

  20. They had the story on the news last night, several Carroll County High School students and Chaperones were on the ship, as well as a group of High Schoolers from North Carolina too..those are the only Americans I heard about..and as of last night they were saying all had gotten out safely. But how horrilble! I've been on several cruises and I can't imagine anything that bad happening.


    The worst thing that I had happen was this past January on a Carnival cruise out of Jacksonville Florida, we were supposed to be porting in the Bahamas the next morning but come that next moring, we were still in US waters just off the Miami coast as the boat had broke down in the middle of the night and we sat dead still for hours out there, somewhere, with the lights and everything going on/off/on/off..since it was middle of the night a lot of people didn't even KNOW their was a problem until the next morning when they announced the problem and the change in where we'd be porting at and the rest of us partiers that were still awake told them about what had happened. And the worst thing about it all was Carnivals attitude about the entire thing, I wasn't very pleased with the onboard team, but I sure won't be taking any old ships like the one that goes out of Jacksonville anymore.


    Now this ship here in Greece, I sure hope all the passengers paid attention to the muster drills, if that foreign line even does those..but as fast as that ship listed and took in water, it's not like anyone had anytime to go get their life jackets out of their cabins anyways, so if they weren't already in their cabins, I guess they had to do without those, and that's a bad thought right there..just how worth it ARE those muster drills anyhow because in most cases - like this one proves - it's not going to be convienient to grab your life jacket when an emergency happens anyways. *gulp* ..I would say I may have to rethink cruisin but I know I won't be able to afford one for quite some time now anyhow so I don't have to worry about it for now.

  21. I hardly think in today's society that anyone's kid is going to whittle away if they don't eat or drink something in the store - geez - I can't believe how many of you let your kids do this or that you as an adult do this yourself. No wonder we are a nation of obese people when we can't get through a grocery store trip without stuffing our mouth with food or drink. (and NO I'm not skinny but I don't graze my way through the supermarket either).

    Now babies, toddlers, or those with diabetes, yes, they may need something - but their caretakes should come prepared with what is needed for that person, and not consume it off the shelves before it's paid for. Now you all say you 'always' pay, but this has become a new social low in that people graze, they "don't pay", and then the store loses and the rest of us lose when prices increase. So I say - pay first, eat later, YMMV.

  22. I wanted to add this that I posted in a different topic as this is my opinion based on what I found doing research on the recalls, YMMV:


    It is not a MENU foods thing anymore..previously companies were zoning in on if/if not they used menu foods in their process, but it's since been discovered that it's the WHEAT that was used in the process at Menu foods (at least that's the story for now, later may bring other discoveries!) - and now ALL manufacturing companies are scrambling to find out if they too used that same Wheat supplier and in many cases are coming up with a YES to that question so the list of items being recalled just keeps growing..keep your eyes and ears open as we are likely to see more things added to the recall list coming up. (edited to add: not to say that all the things using that wheat supplier have the same issues, but I believe based on what has already occurred that all the manufacturers are trying to take every precaution that they can to ensure safety, hence, the 'voluntary' recalls on a lot of things).

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