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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. A warning shot over their heads doesn't hurt anything, just makes them run a little faster.
  2. I bet playing cowboys and Indians is a capital offense. We use to play war when I was a kid. Our neighbors let us use their old Army stuff, backpacks, helmets, and even a silk parachute. It was us vs the gooks, krauts, or any monsters that may be roaming the neighborhood that day.
  3. As of a Southern gal and and of Armenian descent ME LOVE LAMB!!!! YUMMY! Dolma, stuffed grape leaves with onion, rice, parsley and ground lamb are a family favorite. We use a lot of lamb in my household. BTW if you know of anyone who has grape vines, I would love to come pick some leaves to brine.
  4. We gave one too my dad a year ago, he loves his. I bought one for our household a few months ago. I stopped drinking sodas along time ago but, I missed the carbonation in my drinks. SS comes with many flavors, natural water flavors and crystal light. I like the plain carbonated water. The CO2 carbonator when used up can be exchanged at Walmart or Staples for $14-15. The CO2 carbonators last along time and you control what goes into your soda. We love ours.
  5. At least ZC is always looking up. Just remember to look down if it starts raining, or you may drown.
  6. . I am sorry for the loss of a mother and wife in such a tragic way. I hope your friend makes a complete speedy recovery. My prayers and thoughts are with your friends and you.
  7. Sharia in America? So could Sharia courts come to America? The idea sounds far-fetched to some. According to the Center for Security Policy in Washington, there have been some 50 court cases in at least 23 states that have seen conflicts between Sharia law and American state law. And four states have adopted legislation, called "American Laws for American Courts," that would protect U.S. citizens from the use of any type of foreign law, like Sharia, in the courtroom. In East London, Craig said the fight against Sharia is much more than a religious or legal issue. "
  8. Your story touched me so much. God gave the miracles and no one can take that from you. God Bless you, your son and your family.
  9. Is this what the future holds for the Scouts?
  10. How did you all like Alicia Keys rendition of the National Anthem? Too slow and soft for me.
  11. One glass down and party on. Even though its just me, hubby and my dog. Be safe everyone!
  12. Yeah. Things are different now. Now you can be killed over silly sh$t. Teachers who are bullies are the worse. Thank God when I got to middle school I had some great teachers and role models.
  13. I will cross the road to avoid a conflict. I was pushed into a corner and HAD to defend myself. All the teachers saw what was going on and did nothing to help me. My teacher was abusive to me himself as well as the principal. I was never called by my name the whole time I attended the school. I was known as the little new girl. I was the new girl with the funny name everyone thought they could pick on. Up until that time I was never ever involved in school violence. I never had any trouble at any school i attended and was always a good student. I never told my parents about being locked in a
  14. That's the reason I have so many bird feeders. They love the mosquito's and I love the birdies. We have a squirrel proof Droll Yankee spinner. It's so much fun to watch the rodents spin and be hurled off the feeder. The old guys just give up and go away.
  15. Who are you rooting for? I am going for the Ravens. And have those parties started yet? I can't wait to see the drunk postings that will be on here later. I am having my first glass of Habersham Chalet white at 5:00, Going to order pizza later on. Let's party P.com style.
  16. The voice said it to me in my left ear. I must admit I was scared and wondered if I really did hear it But the feeling of total peace washed over me. I still was not sure if she was going to live until she came out of her induced coma and the Dr said she was stable. This was also a time when I was questioning my faith. I had just started reading the Bible a few months before this happened. Many strange/ miracles happened that night for my family.
  17. I am so sorry for your loss.
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