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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. Or the walker that gorged on the remains. But, we really never saw the son shoot her. She could be crawling along somewhere. I really doubt it though. You have made my day. That little booger has cause so much trouble I could shoot him myself.
  2. I would say this applies to the western world in general. The world economy is walking a thin line nowadays. Stress is a part of life but, oh well.
  3. I know, right. Hubby and I have been watching all afternoon. i missed some though, have to walk the dog, do laundry and all.
  4. You have no idea how creepy you will feel. I hope you look back and remember this post and realize how ignorant you sound. Just saying.
  5. OMG my hubby looked up his address! He lives in Picketts Mill.
  6. Thanks for the link. There are some wonderful ideas to freshen up the house. I have many of the ingredients that go into the recipes and, I'm going to give some a try.
  7. I look every time I go by there. Nothing there.
  8. It is on at 9:00. He's my favorite to. Wish he would take his shirt off. Glenn is a cutie too, sooooo sweet. You got to be kidding! What part of the county? Maybe I'll run into him at Wallyworld. Loved me some T-Dog. You know he was in The Blind Side too.
  9. Well no one has seen her body yet. Sorry for the spoiler. Season three is awesome. Chalk full of surprises, twist and turns. Oh and ZOMBIES!!!
  10. I didn't want any Walking dead fans to forget the show returns Sunday night. I can't wait to see what happens this season. The last season was such a shocker with T-Dog dying and Lori dying. I saw a sneak preview of Merle and Daryl fighting to the death.
  11. Well I kind of like being a vaporizer rather than a smoker or an e-smoker. Thanks for the info.
  12. I did the same thing. Helps my nerves and I like the smoking ritual. It helps me keep from eating too.
  13. Clogged toilets. My ex husbands wife, a real life creeper.
  14. Whats wrong with pink pistols? Pretty and lethal.
  15. I just love the furniture, you have a beautiful home. congratulations!
  16. My plans are to go have a mammogram and a ultrasound. Then a nice lunch at a fancy restaurant in Midtown.
  17. My nephew is the executive chef at FishTails in Savannah. Give it a try.
  18. What is Surepip having for dinner? I'll bet it will be a special yummy valentine dinner.
  19. Paid off all my credit cards and then shredded them. Then I bought a new Jeep. The rest went into savings. The 54K was after taxes were taken out. Then I got 3k back on my taxes due to losing tickets I kept.
  20. Don't give up on the lottery. I won fifty four thousand on the fantasy five a few years ago. Keep the lotto, scratch offs too. you can claim the losing tickets on your taxes up to the amount you won.
  21. Glad to see you are doing so well. Way to go on the lifestyle change.
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