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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. Propeller Investments LLC. My link Propeller Investments had lobbied to bring up to 20 daily passenger flights to Briscoe Field. Plans included building 10 gates and extending the airport's 6,000 ft runway. The firm had enlisted the help of Aeroports de Paris, which operates Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris and two dozen other facilities worldwide to operate Briscoe. Propeller also guaranteed Gwinnett County at least half a million dollars in revenue annually. In the end, a staff review found that Propeller's proposal was lacking critical financial information and other im
  2. Why do you feel the continual need to hurl insults to the longtime citizens of PC? You want to stay on topic? Then stop with the insults of people you know nothing about.
  3. Wow. You have a vivid imagination and an opinion on everything. It's very interesting to see you unravel live on p.com. Way to go.
  4. Okay. Have it your way Pubby. It's easier to say less than aboveboard or honest. Now I know to some leaving out important details is not exactly telling a lie. Like the husband who is asked by his wife if he had a nice day. The husband says yes, I did have a nice day. He just left out the part about bending his secretary over his desk. He didn't lie, he just left out a small detail.
  5. So thanks for the "scoop". Maybe the news outlets will also report on the meeting/decision that was done minus one Commissioner. The Commissioner who's district is home to the airport. The deal that was born from a lie. Not one of you have a problem with blindly marching on to the beat of an unscrupulous drummer. Anyway, Y'all have a nice day.
  6. My link This explains a lot. No such as magic, it's just a bag of tricks....good tricks.
  7. I'll ask again. If that is the case..... what's all the blabbering and whining about? You should be a happy little camper.
  8. My link I think Douglasville Conference Center has pretty good rates. Paulding does have a larger population than Douglas County, but is it going to be enough to support a Conference Center here? I say that because Douglasville CC is struggling for now. I am more pro than con on this issue because I am all for jobs and business growth in PC. I'll reserve judgement for now and see if the numbers add up concerning the Paulding Conference Center.
  9. My link Interesting article about the Douglasville Conference Center. The proposed 2013-2014 budget shows that expenses and employment cost have only gone up three percent after the opening of the new conference center, according to Finance Director Karin Callan. The proposed FY 2013-2014 budgets for revenues and expenses are both $1,486,170. Hampton acknowledge that where the conference center is now is not sustainable. "This year for us is a year to get ours
  10. Give them a call. If you have been to Gumbeaux's before you know it's not fancy, but the food is outstanding
  11. We had our son and daughter-in-law's rehearsal dinner at Gumbeaux's in Douglasville. That is if you love cajun food. They have a banquet room upstairs and they do all the work for you. We really enjoyed the dinner and service Gumbeaux provided.
  12. I am so soory about your wife TJB. Sending good thoughts your way.
  13. Tee hee hee! Couldn't help myself.
  14. Then what's all the fussing about on your part?
  15. Glad to her she's doing better. The family is also in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the update LR.
  16. That's great news. I know a weight has been taken off of your shoulders.
  17. I've never seen anyone beat a dead horse like you keep on doing. Blah, blah blah. Same old song and dance. Talk about repetitious and convoluted. You take the cake in that department. There has never been an "attack campaign" as you say, but, it's more like citizens tired of the same old BS, fed-up and now taking action. What about the lie told about Todd by your boy Austin? You know, the lie that Todd is not trustworthy. Is that okay by your high standards? The truth really hurts. Someday, if you stop blindly following/excusing the BoC for their wrong doings you may see through to the truth
  18. Because CPR knows via a crystal ball that there never were secret meeting to begin with. It's the blind leading the blind when it comes down to it. Nothing but hot air and the mantra, Paulding ,6 who's backing you? All I see is the same old thing, over and over. The REAL question is NEVER really addressed. That question being, "Why all the secret meetings??" Good luck getting a straight answer Whitey.
  19. So glad to see you back DH!!! This ones for you! And Happy New Year to you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL0Qt7IF8Q4
  20. You exaggerate, make assumptions, attempt to insult and now you are making accusations you can't back-up. P-I-T-I-F-U-L.
  21. I love me some James Taylor!!
  22. That will be interesting to see. Austin owes everyone in Todd's district an apology too. What I don't get is how the supporters of Austin can overlook this lie, and blindly continue to support his actions. Including the "new"poster spewing it's drivel.
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