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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. <br /><br /><br /> You're so smart. Thank you LR.
  2. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I follow Gary on FB! He's is hilarious there too! Congrats on the new job NC!!!
  3. Dadgumit!! I can't use any of the tools. The icons don't drop down when I click on them. I have a great song to post too.
  4. <br /><br /><br /> If you don't like the topic, you can always ignore. This is a very important topic, sorry you feel as if it's not.
  5. <br /><br /><br /> Does this affect the Rodney's in Hiram? I know the Hiram location does great a business. I guess my question is can we use the Hiram location for the "Donation Dinner" or is it going to be in Dallas only?
  6. There was one red light when I moved here and that was in front of the old courthouse. Great times forever gone.
  7. Me too!! Bring back the 70's and take down all the red lights except the one in front of the old court house.
  8. Prayers said for your son and father. May God bless you and your family.
  9. Thanks for the update LPPT. I am so sorry this accident happened to your daughter and I hope everything goes well for a complete recovery. You have and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
  10. Top Employers Company # of Employees 1. Paulding County Board of Education 3808 2 Paulding County Government 777 3 Wal-mart Associates Inc. 715 4. Kroger 671 5. WellStar Health System Inc 469 6. Publix Super Markets 175 7. J.C. Penny's 165 8. Metromont Prestress Company 162 9. Target Corporation 160 10. Home Depot 150
  11. I just feels sooooooo gooooooood!!!!! And what works for one, may not work for another.
  12. The same reason they put a movie studio in Hiram. Money for them, taxes for us.
  13. You're right. This is much more like (Larry Reinhart) Allegedly. Pulte Homes me thinks. Edited to protect the innocent.
  14. Ever hear the old saying, as the crow flies? That should answer your question.
  15. You see no connection at all do you? Please don't blow a gasket on this, but its has to do with the same people making stupid decisions on behalf of the County. But then you must....... your masters.
  16. I saw pubbys two cents worth and his critique of her situation. Tundra did not make any comment as to the video. Yes?
  17. I believe it was Larr. LOL!! I don't even care who you are. You postings are so similar in the language and the way you express your opinion, you two sound just alike.
  18. I got a news flash for you Larry CPR. There is one commissioner who made millions in the "overbuilding of residential lots" as you say. He supplied the materials with his business. He had a huge hand in the housing mess. Now he sits on the commission making decisions for the people. He was also in on the movie studio fiasco. If you attended the meeting then you know NOTHING is going on in regards to the studio. Just more money sunk into it for outdoor lighting. Like Blake said," it's lit up like a Christmas tree now." I feel so much better knowing that taxpayer money went into the lighting o
  19. Performance??? You have no heart Pubby. Why you chose to show this video of Kerstin I can't understand. This was after the meeting and she has a good right to be upset. I hope you feel better about yourself now.
  20. Good seeing you there Larr CPR.
  21. One important note on the reporting. There is no way the airport will be ready for commercial flights by spring 2014. Another lie less than honest statement by County leaders.
  22. Thanks for the link. As for the reporting on the airport opening in spring 2014 for commercial flights. There is no way that is going to happen. Another less than honest statement from County leaders.
  23. You are sooooo funny!!! Why don't you attend a meeting and find out for yourself? Since when is it "obnoxious" to clap in support of a cause? Or maybe you could demonstrate how to properly clap.
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