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Posts posted by NewHope

  1. Abney is a WONDEFUL school. Among the top in test scores every year and just an old fashion community school. A great staff and SUPER teachers!

    It seems such a shame that after 3 weeks you are already making judgements!

    I have to say, I am an Abney lover. Talk about a dedicated, loving, caring staff and principal. Abney is a family and it is too bad you don't feel that! That school cares about those kids more than any school I have encountered. I think it is unfortunate that you feel the way you do, and with your attitude, you will miss out on all of the WONDERFUL things Abney has to offer. Too bad!

  2. I will not try to tell anyone how to vote. I will say that if this does not pass double sessions will happen. So, if you have kids and dont mind a double session that is your choice. Even though I am a Reagan Conserv. who HATES taxes I will vote yes. While doing so I will remember the true villians-THE BOC and its chairman!

  3. Hey our schools and teachers here in Paulding County work hard and do a good job in educating the kids of Paulding County. I am a teacher and work hard to make history fun and an awesome experience. We are over crowded to the point it is harder to get the job done-but we do it. So if you want to bash public schools do it somewhere else! If 30 mobile units to try and fit all of the students into our schools is wasting "your" money", then all I can say is sorry. Spend a day in a teacher's shoes before you bash public education!quote name='miamidolphinfan' date='Aug 10 2006, 07:10 PM' post='856926']

    No what you are talking about before yelling VOTE NO for a tax increase.

  4. OK GOING BACK TO DIRECT TV TODAY> In talking with customer no service I was told it was MY fault that I didnt make sure it was working when he left. SO thursday was my only choice. Give me a break!



    Now let me say I was a technician at Comcast for 6 years. I know things get behind sometimes. However, I can tell you that when Comcast was ran out of the Dallas office we made sure installs were done right, and if need be me or another on-call tech would get the problem fixed. Comcast has truly lost out on winning back a customer...

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