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Posts posted by NewHope

  1. Wow you must go with a pro who can show you the best! We've been going for over 10 years and we love it! Everything from intense coasters, broadway shows, to awesome family themed rides! It rocks, although it is expensive...

    Seaworld over Disney...You must have tried to spend a day rushing through just the Magic Kingdom....Disney is 4 great parks and blows Sea World out of the water.. :D

    Nope, didn't stay up late, not narcoleptic, I did fall asleep, it didn't live up to the hype. My brother and sister also think it's deathly boring.
  2. Sorry to say discount tickets to the theme parks are not available. If your heart is not set on Disney, you could do Universal which is $85 each (adult) and good for up to 7 days of use to both Universal and Islands of Adventure. Disney will set you back about $60 a day unless you buy park hoppers. The 2 year would be free. Doing disney is a blast, but on a budget it is hard to do.

  3. Love em both. Jimmy Stewart is awesome. Not only an awesome actor but an American hero as well. WWII vet and retired Air Force General. Man if we had celebs like that today. Instead of the Stewarts, Gables, Joe Louis, Ted Williams, and the thousands who served in WWII, we have the horse crap like Charlie Sheen, Rosie, Sarandons, and others who hate EVERYTHING about America except their pay checks..

    Truly the Greatest Generation.

  4. If this is a used car and was as is, you have zero legal rights. A dealer is not required to do anything by law. Just a very sad and tough lesson. Always pay the 100 or so bucks and have it inspected by a mechanic sperated from the dealership

  5. Just reading a news report out of Florida stating how speces are moving north. Now before Al Gore reads this and tells us I told you so, this is something that happens in cycles throughout history. Back before the Little Ice Age of the later Middle Ages, Wine Grapes, Palm Tres, and olives could be found in Northern Europe and England, and they are coming back. As a matter of fact there are many growing palms in Norway, Bulgaria, and Sweden today.

    As far as us here in Paulding County, we are seeing increasing numbers of armidillos in the county (as a matter of fact saw one crushed in Hiram last week). Scientist also believe there is a growing belief alligators are not far behind and are moving to stay. North of Anniston in Ball Play Swamp there are alligators, as well as EXTREME North Alabama on the Tennessee River. In the 1970's they were brought in to kill Beavers gone amuck. The belief was the winter would do them in. Today on the Tennesse their is an estimated population of 60 or so alligators who didnt get the memo. If Alligators continue to move north, then it wont be as easy to just move them back south.

    Along with them Palm trees are also doing well both planted by people, and reintroduced into the wild. Palms can be found growing native from Ball Play Swamp in Alabama, to confirmed colonies 50 miles NORTH of Macon. There is also a lot of speculation palms might be thriving near Rome in remote samps... Just a little food for thought.

    (I also have found out I am pissy today so I thought I would change my attitude :) )

  6. You can call the AJC and get credit for the weekend. They told me, back when I did get the Urinal and Constipation, that often they ran out of coupons in the delivery papers.... Sounds bright

  7. Hiram's class to finish was the largest in the county. We had 391 Seniors to march. A lot of it was due to the fact the split with South left Seniors for one more year. I believe we will be down in the low 300's next year. You are correct about EPHS being the the largest. However, most of their populaton is Fresman and Sophomores while Hiram's is upperclassman.

    They may a have had 300. EPHS is the largest school in the county and they only had 371 and their standards are the highest in the county.


    Well they tried to build a nice place on land next to the new board a few years back. However, it was defeated.

    That we have 4 High Schools in this county and no place big enough to hold a graduation service without filling the streets with cars! This is just dangerous to have this many cars on the side of the road with people walking - no sidewalks, elderly and babies - it is just dangerous!
  8. Soarin Rocks! My 3 year old loved it. Make sure to get fast pass very early because they get gone fast. Also, the new nemo "ride" down to the aquarium is supposed to be nice.

    Also something we like when we go is the Figment Ride next to Honey I Shrunk the Kids. It is slow, and never has a line...but thats nice to cool off and relax sometimes. The mini taste of coke is free and you can taste several cokes including Beverly..YUMMY :D If you've had it you get it..lol

  9. All of my palm trees are still ok. Citrus trees look good as well. Banana turned brown, but will rebound aok. Myrtles a little brown, and blueberries took a hit. All in all though the tropics look good.. :)


    All of my palm trees are still ok. Citrus trees look good as well. Banana turned brown, but will rebound aok. Myrtles a little brown, and blueberries took a hit. All in all though the tropics look good.. :) Oh yeah Philodenrum and elephant ears a little brown as well..


    All of my palm trees are still ok. Citrus trees look good as well. Banana turned brown, but will rebound aok. Myrtles a little brown, and blueberries took a hit. All in all though the tropics look good.. :) Oh yeah Philodenrum and elephant ears a little brown as well..


    All of my palm trees are still ok. Citrus trees look good as well. Banana turned brown, but will rebound aok. Myrtles a little brown, and blueberries took a hit. All in all though the tropics look good.. :) Oh yeah Philodenrum and elephant ears a little brown as well..

  10. Wouldnt bother me if they did search it. It is a good idea. Whay does the fun in if they have to breath into a machine! Get real ! Kudos

    WOW!!!!!! :o I thought prom was supposed to be fun.. did they search purses and pockets too?

    I am not saying I agree with the drinking but the hassle of getting in must have put a damper on things..

    are the other schools doing this too????

  11. I have live here all of my life too. What is wrong is when you have BoC who seem to not care about this county!!!


    I am a proud Reagan Conser. who will never vote for one of these guys again. I am 36 and never voted for a non-Republican but I can assure you I WILL NEVER vote for one of these guys again. I voted yes for the school tax, but it was in no way a vote for the BoC. I think they are a disgrace and I would love to see some quality Republican in the primary....

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