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Posts posted by NewHope

  1. What a disgrace that our chairman thought it necessary to "omit" the citizens comments on Comcast. It is even a bigger disgrace to see an elected official roll his eyes, and make comment under his breath at people like a 5 year old would do. I did vote YES for the bond and still feel ok about my vote.

    However, I do believe in the long run the no vote will be better for our county and our kids. Finally the chairman will have to quit kissing up to the builders every time they speak at the board meetings and praising them for their "generous gift" or should I say their promise of the gift of $500! Wow what a sacrifice (sarcasm if you cant tell). This board makes me embarresed to be a Republican!

  2. Some incumbants do a great job! Find out the problems and remove them. It is moranic to say replace all incumbants!

    I say let's see what the BOC and the BOE can come up with. Our suggestions will not go very far right now. I will suggest that we ALWAYS replace incumbents at any cost.


    All we have done is said no to the bond. The ball is in their court. Let's see what they ask next.

  3. Has no man than to lay down his life for a friend...


    As a community I hope we remember this family as the one year anniversary of Tara's accident is marked. It is hard to believe a year has passed since her EOW on 9-13-05. God Bless this wonderful family and know we will be praying for each of you (BD take care of yourself up there!)

  4. You see that would be the double jou..Get rid of the rats then get rid of the cat :lol:

    Ok just joking cat lovers( ;) kind of)

    Finally! Glad to know NOTeveryone loves their RODENTS......yack!


    I've thought about a cat, but I'm afraid it would get ran over on my road :(

  5. They are a rodent! Worse than rats so just be cool and get a CAT. Man I should be a poet. :lol:

    The rat post got me thinking,


    I have a chipmunk problem. Don't say they are cute cause they are rodents. I have a familyof 5 maybe more. I want them gone!!!! My exterminator will not kill them. Someone help?????????


    I am too slow with the bb gun. Why my yard???? I have holes everywhere and they chew EVERYTHING.


    :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

  6. Yeah the Hiram game was very close!! Kicking game bit us on the behind in the end! A high school with a kicking game (like EP) will go along way. With that kicking game we would have won 16-7 because the end would have never had to happen. You learn and we will be ready for Region. Good Job Coach Dorsey and go Hornets!

  7. Yeah you are a bright one! :huh:

    Do I want to pay more taxes to support other people's loin fruit?- NO


    Will the schools go to double session? I could care less and it will regardless of my yes or no vote.

    Do I think property taxes will tank?- yes, it will be great, I'll pay less taxes


    Maybe all the people will move that have children- only if they can sell to seniors, homosexuals, or couples that don't have children


    Then maybe the roads, etc. will be less crowded property taxes will rise again and the former school sites can be returned to forest land.... :p

  8. Hey Mach they have!! Ms. Sower has been pushing to stop them for several years. However, our wonderful Chairman doesnt seem to get it.

    I believe the best line at the meeting is when good ole Jerry said " Dont ruin the good relationship that has been built between the BoC, the School Board, and our builders". HAH! What planet is he on!

    But still voting yes!

  9. Well TBAR my friend we agree!

    As a Social Studies teacher I see our kids are WAY out of touch with all aspects of Government and History. Even my AP kids struggle with it for a few months.


    I've had this discussion with some other pcommers before & they agree that maybe the US has done itself a terrible disservice.


    When Sputnik was launched, the US was bound & determined the Ruskies wouldn't beat us again. We're the best! We're #1! We're Americans & we defeated Hitler! The Ruskies can't be that bad!


    Well, we decided to make math & science the "premier" subjects in our school systems. Emphasis was palced on those areas, while other areas like Language Arts & Social Studies were relegated to second place.


    Then came the 80s & we realized that US students were lagging in reading. So we started pushing language arts anew.


    But Social Studies got left out --- economics & history & politics were treated as secondary, less important subjects.


    And now we're paying the price.


    Basic economics is all but a forgotten study pushed back deep in the periodicals. The result is that few people can handle household economics, bankruptcies are at an all time high, & people actually believe that gas companies set the prices of gasoline instead of the free market.


    Basic history is now revised & rewriten to include pop-politics that we were created as a "Christian Nation" & our laws are based on the 10 Commandments. The historical positions of the religious institutions have given way to a Domionists View of history that says the church should coerce unbelievers.


    Maybe we need to start stressing some Social Studies in our schools. Just an idea.



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