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Posts posted by NewHope

  1. No not snobs at all! However we have enough empty "cookie cutter houses" either being built, or empty from foreclosures!. This county is in need of new leadership. Our schools are suffering from the BoC, and they dont seem to get it. Want to see it first hand drive to Hiram High, EPH, or countless other schools. At Hiram for instance dozens of trees have been just been wiped out for another subdivision. It would have required a little money to at least preserve many of the trees and have a nice community. However, EVERY tree was wiped out to get as many houses as possible stacked on top of each other. It is a shame that we cant have the leadership for smart growth. We better wake up- FAST! Gotta go now.

  2. Hey Bluebonnet I said a special prayer for ya'll today and know it was a difficult day. I heard all about the trip to D.C. and I know it was both difficult and rewarding. Sorry I didnt know about the memorial or I would have been there.

  3. Give the flag a rest guys!!!

    Now before you think I am some left wing lib I want to clarify myself. I am a right of center historian who believes we ought to remember and honor the past. However, the flag we have now is virtually the same flag that flew over the new Confederate govt. in the spring of 1861. It symbolizes all of those who struggled for southern independence and not just the battle flag of the Army of N. Va.. The battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia wasnt even used in the Army of Tennesse until mid 1864. So give it a rest and lets worry about real issues. Enough of the Boot Barnes and Sonny Lied litter around the state.

  4. As a teacher I get to see all sides of today's teenagers. Something's never change- the running late, relationship woes, and other typical teen problems. However, today's young people face things most adults never faced in today's terms. The pressures of society, the constant testing, and just living in a world much different that even I faced 18 years ago. Yes, I know there are some teenagers who simply give in to pressures and become disrespectful, dishonest, and these teenagers paint a horrible picture of todays youth. This my friend however, is only part of the story.




    As the saying goes- Now the rest of the story....

    I have the pleasure of teaching some of Paulding County's brightest and best. In 4 years at Hiram I have seen a lot of change. As things change I have watched this group of Seniors rise to the challenge of changing a school for the better. Many have faced tragic problems I never have had to face, and through them they have been an inspiration to others including me. These seniors have been there for each other, and have rallied in ways beyond their years.

    They have helped others. Countless fundraisers for charity have raised money for many groups (even though the Katrina one cost me my hair :lol: ) . Ivan and Sams cancer foundation, Tara's park, feeding the needy during holidays, and more. Whenever possible these youn people have found solutions rather than complain about the problems.

    I will miss the relationships I have made with these seniors and wish them only happiness. As teachers we sometimes lose focus on the future. We must always remember today's "kids" are tomorrows moms, dads, preachers, doctors, lawyers, and even teachers. Many in this class have decided to become educators and pass the gift of teaching down to others. Teaching requires more than books. It is preparing young adults for the world. I hope I have done this, and I will forever miss Hiram's Class of 06. May God Bless,

    J :)

  5. Tell me! What happened after some chose the light and others didnt? I had to do something and missed it.

    The show information or how I can beat up your husband>>> I don't mind either!! Just let me know!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Let me know if someone else has already sent you the show info... and if not I will. ;)

  6. Sagos are actually cycads not palms. I have a couple in the ground and they do marginal here. I have had several die in really cold winters, but they did well this winter and are actually putting off new fonds. Palms such as sabal minor, windmill, pindo, and needle do much better here in 7b. But if you like the experiment like I do give it a try.

  7. A Republican would have to be pretty sorry not to win. At 35 I had never voted for a Democrat until last year(except for good ole Zigzag Zell gotta love him) in my entire life. As a National party it is an utter disgrace. HOWEVER, I will never vote for a single BoC or the Chairman as long as they run. They have destroyed our schools. 38 trailers at HHS, and only 7 or so will leave next year. Their building without limits has strained roads, water, and the schools. As a husband of a teacher you would thing the school board could get through to him(the chairman) that our school system is in serious trouble. Didnt like the Democrat running against him)MP) but I voted for him and would do it again! Parents you better wake up! Double sessions are heading down the pike unless we make serious changes.

    Sorry I will end the vent now.

  8. PALM TREES, Banana, Hosta, Elephant Ears, Hardy Hibiscus and More for sale today! 23 Due West Trail.


    $2-15 all hardy in N. Georgia

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